Hello, I have recently been working on a big quest mod for oblivion. I have done all the work on my stationary so far, but I installed obvlivion on my laptop to try and test the mod there, it didnt work. I tried all my previous mods on the laptop only to find that they didnt work either, I have obse, both the official expansion packs, and many smaller mods on my stationary, however my laptop is completely bare with no mods or expansions whatsoever, I can only assume that since i made the mod on the stationary it requires one of the mods there, but i'm sure i didn't accidentally check an the wrong esp in the cs. I tried tried unchecking all esp's and running it without obse active on the stationary, and the mod worked fine, but i cant find any way to get it to work on my laptop, since it worked without obse, im guessing its one of the expansion packs, but i didn't accidentally check thier esp's in the cs, and if i put something from one of them in game wouldnt it just show a missing mesh error rather than the whole mod not working. So my question is, is it possible for a mod to require another mod, just because it was made on a pc with that mod installed?