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About tehx3n

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  1. Thanks for the help, I've already tried setting it as their only item, going to different places at various levels is worth a try. Could you explain what this "wait indoors trick" is though?
  2. This isn't going to be terribly in depth, but I've been having a problem with leveled lists. My mod adds some custom Armour sets to various leveled lists, but they don't seem to show up on anyone they're added to. I put a large group of the same npc (all with the items in their leveled lists) in a test cell, but the ones that would have had them show up naked. If i try making a new list with only the items in question in, and setting it as their only list they all show up naked. however it randomly seems to work, I don't know why, and if I try making a new esp file in exactly the same way they show up naked again. Is there some amount of time that needs to pass before items in leveled lists start working properly or something?
  3. I'm not completely sure what you mean, but i went into the nif and changed the body part index to 34, I made the most progress so far, in that it sort of loaded it. it seems to have no texture and dosent animate with the player. (I added the spikes in the Armour, its a mock up i did just to try and get something to work)
  4. I've followed this tutorial this tutorial but the mesh always turns up invisible in game, I made it entirely in blender 2.49 and the only place I differ from the tutorial is that the deleting the scene root node step seems to already have been completed, I'm not sure why this is, or whether it's whats causing the issue but any help will be greatly appreciated.
  5. I guess my best advice is try and find something in the game that you think should be better, and fix it.
  6. when wearing some armour and clothing your wrists become invisible. I'm not sure if it's been happening all along, but im pretty sure it isn't being caused by a mod.
  7. Is it possible to to, for example: make all arrows do double damage, or half all dragons health, without changing each individual items stats. possibly in such a way that any such items added by mods have the same affects. Thanks in advance for any replys
  8. umm well no the frost troll on the way to high hrothgar isnt LvlAnimalMountainSnowCustomIceWraithFrostTroll Its enctrollfrost which is the one I edited, and since Its the base for the lvl version it should affect that too. and even if it didnt that dosent explain why only one of three versions of the same npc has the changes I made, or why they have the inventory items but not stat changes. also i think you mean esp not esm theyre different things.
  9. I Had a plan for a mod that edited some creatures stats, i started off by creating a cell and placing one of each creature I planned to edit in it so I could easily test them without having to go out and find one. I placed two frost trolls, but i discovered that the changes only affected one of themm so I went out and found the one on the path to High Hrothgar. It wasnt affected either. to be completely sure I turned the frost trolls health down to 1 and added a few weapons to its inventory, but when I tested them I found that only the first troll had on health. however the rest of them had the weapons in their inventory. I found the same was true for the troll on the path to High Hrothgar. I went into the CK and dropped a few more trolls down in my test room to see if they would be affected. To my suprise not only were they not effected but the first troll now had normal health. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or just a mistake on my part, but I would greatly appriciate any insight you can offer.
  10. thanks for the help, but i already have wrye bash I just forgot all about patches.
  11. Does this mean you also don't have the latest patch? Many mods require this. Thanks, that fixed my problem, I completely forgot about patches.
  12. Hello, I have recently been working on a big quest mod for oblivion. I have done all the work on my stationary so far, but I installed obvlivion on my laptop to try and test the mod there, it didnt work. I tried all my previous mods on the laptop only to find that they didnt work either, I have obse, both the official expansion packs, and many smaller mods on my stationary, however my laptop is completely bare with no mods or expansions whatsoever, I can only assume that since i made the mod on the stationary it requires one of the mods there, but i'm sure i didn't accidentally check an the wrong esp in the cs. I tried tried unchecking all esp's and running it without obse active on the stationary, and the mod worked fine, but i cant find any way to get it to work on my laptop, since it worked without obse, im guessing its one of the expansion packs, but i didn't accidentally check thier esp's in the cs, and if i put something from one of them in game wouldnt it just show a missing mesh error rather than the whole mod not working. So my question is, is it possible for a mod to require another mod, just because it was made on a pc with that mod installed?
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