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Everything posted by FearlessFelix
I think you must be using FWE then, as in genero FO3 carry weight calculates as 150 lbs + (STR * 10) lbs + an additional 50 pounds if you have the Strong Back perk. Even with a Strength of 10, you cap at 300, though from an FWE user's persepective, I'm "cheating" by not having my ammo weigh anything (which I can understand even as I completely abuse it). Of course, I very rarely see people complaining about all the players in Skyrim that cart around hundreds of arrows that are absolutely weightless, but whatevs. ;) Mm. I don't plan on using companions most times, as I have a certain level of fear in my use of Fallout 3's companions at start, based on really old experiences with them. Stealth is also a bit of a b&@*$ with Dog Meat, unless I"m constantly ordering him to stay here, etc. I follow you with the repairing, as that's also how I prefer to maximize the old Weight-Value-Ratio deal. A high repair with a gradually rising Barter is a wonderful way to ensure an utterly ridiculous amount of caps. (Not as ridiculous as in Fallout New Vegas, but still) Thanks for your replies, guys, and my apologies for not getting back sooner (RL)
That sounds more likely to me. Try verifying your files, see if anything pops up screwy. I may not have made this clear in the OP. When using DYNAVISION specifically, a number of characters / creatures / actors (whatever) will not be visible all of the time, maybe dependent on area. I think it's due to the Fallout 3 engine and issues with depth of field, or soft focus, or some other related aspect. Because Gopher compares DYNAVISION to ENB's at one point (exact extent I don't have the knowledge to say), I was concerned that the invisibility might also be shared. This is something I have experienced - and Gopher himself has experienced - as can be seen in his video series for "Let's Play Fallout 3 (modded) - Chapters 1 & 2." I still appreciate the bit of troubleshooting as a sort of "in advance" knowledge, just in case, so thank you. :) From YouTube: Perfect example: "Let's Play Fallout 3 (modded) - Part 21" Dr. Preston at 8:26 and for a little while after. Happens at various other points throughout the series as well, including Gopher being attacked by a *truly* ninja wild boar from MMM.
Bit of a background: The last time I ran Fallout 3 with mods, I was taking Gopher's lead and using The IMAGINATOR, DYNAVISION, CINEMATECH, and the Director's Chair. Overall, these mods had a noticeable effect on the visual side and really impressed me, though perhaps not so much as I've seen with some of the screenshots of ENB's in use. However, I did run into a rather large problem: there were multiple instances, particularly in Rivet City, where NPC's and creatures would simply not have their character model visible. They would be there, even have a shadow and be interactable, but you couldn't see them. For that reason I took the whole group out of my lineup. Now, I'm considering very strongly moving to an ENB - either Midharastic or Samsara probably - but I'm concerned that the invisibility might carry over, as that suite of mods Gopher and MyGoodEye created drew on or used similar features to improve the scene: things like soft focus and Depth of Field. I'm not sure that it just isn't with the way they were applied, however, so I figured I'd check with the community? Any bit of help's appreciated, especially from those that have used these ENB's or others. I'll be a bit sorry to only be using the 'Advanced Recon' series for the Rebreather Gopher happily included (unless nightvision works but *thermal* nightvision doesn't?), but the visual feast is what I'm really after most.
Issues with making Caravan's Essential?
FearlessFelix replied to FearlessFelix's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Good deal, thanks Majic7! Yeah, I might use Project Beauty eventually, but I still have a bit of an attachment to the default skins/faces, though there were some characters that I thought were nicely done with their changes. I'll make a note of those mods you mentioned, too, haven't considered them previously. -
Firstly, let me say I am aware of Alo Bautist's UF3P - Exotic Caravans mod and I am considering using it*. However, my first instinct is to create a Batch file of my own devising to swap out weapons and armor for the caravan guards, improve the quality of such for everyone, and make the full Caravan essential. Before I do that, however, I want to know if there's any issue with making the Caravans - either in full or just the merchants - essential? Are there known issues or bugs associated with or that arise from this? I believe Kelmych recommends - in his Fallout 3 STEP guide - to *not* use the essential version of the Exotic Caravans mod, and I'm curious if problems have come from that that anyone's aware of? Also, a secondary question: When working with a modded setup (I'm going to keep mine fairly light, considering) is there any particular reason to use a mod vs batch files? I'm mostly wondering about performance, stability, things like that. Thanks in advance to anyone that can chip in, either with pure certainty or just a knowledgeable guess. I'm very much looking forward to re-entering the Capitol Wasteland before the end of this week. :) *The only things I have against the mod are the auto included Project Beauty "fixes," and the predetermined weapons and armor aren't what I would have chosen in all cases. So, it's basically minor stuff. Otherwise, I'm really glad to see it separate from FWE.
I'll just offer my agreement on this. I do really like a lot of what they did with various gameplay mechanics to varying extents (my god did I love the way power armor and crafting worked, not to mention settlements in theory), but ... then there was the stuff I'd rather not get into, lest I start bashing. Overall, I personally am one of those people that liked Fallout 3 more than New Vegas and I think it's because I prefer a setting where people are just starting to put together the barest-bones of civilization together again, with small established communities hestitantly reaching out for trade. It's not even the frontier, it's like the birth of civilization in Sumeria or something. And the colors and sense of moisture over the suffocating orange of the Mojave, beautiful.
To the point: I'm looking for opinions on adjusting carry weight based on self imposed restrictions (no fast travel, no companions) and I wanted to know what other people thought of that. If you'd say, "yeah, sure, makes sense," where would you draw the line with modifying the base carry weight of your character? My own initial thought was to increase base carry weight to 450 pounds, so that a 10 Strength character (+100) with Strong Back (+50) could carry 600 pounds in total. I plan on starting with a 5 Strength character, and not increasing his strength until 30th level (as I've never done a "Ultimate Build" before). So, I'd be running around with 500 - 550 carry weight most of the time. The way I reasoned out that number was based on companions. You can have 1 companion and Dog meat, and i can't recall if dog meat allows you to store items on him (it would almost make sense, but not really). Companions seem to typically allow you to store an extra 150 to 200 pounds. The other amount I factored in as an imaginary bike or other traveling contraption: I'd use a mod option for this, but I'm not using FWE by pure preference, and I distrust that otherwise putting something like that in wouldn't add extra stress on load and stability. So, an extra 300 pounds (effectively 2 companions) seemed reasonable. It is fair to mention that my Ammo will *not* have any weight attached to it, which doesn't really bother me, but I know might affect others opinions on game-play balance. Overall, I'm probably going this route, but I definitely appreciate any commentary, advice, or observations people can offer. I do know that simply foceav'ing my carryweight to 5000 has never felt right. ;) Some Background on me and my play style: I'm coming back to Fallout 3 after a year or two and this time I mean to make a full run - or even more than one - out of it. So, I plan on limiting my fast travel to an absolute minimum - if I could get away with never Fast Traveling, I would, but it's my bet that that is just not going to happen. But getting rid of Fast Travel is going to really hobble my obsessive need to loot absolutely everything: I am the guy that visits Springvale Elementary and strips it bare. I usually find myself making several trips back to Megaton, completely overburdened with books and other miscellaneous crap. But Springvale is incredibly close to Megaton, and so I won't get to indulge that extreme scavenger mentality without Fast Travel most of the time otherwise. Unless other adjustments are made.
Thank you, BlackRampage. Glad to see you're still hanging around and answering questions, it saves the perpetual noobs amongst us from answering our own questions badly. Hope you're ready to punch the clock on 2017 with a grin. Or, in english, Happy Holidays :smile:
Hello and sorry if this is as stupid as it sounds, I'm more than a little muddled. I've been gone and off the Nexus and the Forums for quite a while, and I wanted to know if the "in house" Messenger was still used as a way to contact Mods, Staff, etc. if you had a subject that was best addressed more directly than a forum post? Thanks to anyone that has the time to answer, and Happy Holidays to you: with luck, closing out 2017 will be the same as any year. :smile: Edit: Also, sorry if this is in the wrong Forum, I just couldn't decide where to place it.
PLEASE, be aware that this is somewhat triggering as the idea is based on real life and so for anyone that ... connects more viscerally with the attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, I may need to adjust my language. Just let me know. I was watching Gopher's Let's Play of Fallout 4 and as I'm watching him lay waste with the various energy weapons, it occurred to me that while I've seen enemies get turned into Ash Piles & piles of plasma "goo," there's otherwise a shortage of death-animations-on-crit, isn't there? Like, you can shatter the enemies in a sense with the bloody mess perk, dismembering them beyond belief, but what about a new animation? It's been noted that in the two nuclear strikes against civilian populations, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, there were instances where human shadows were left behind. To quote Wikipedia (reference external link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boy & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_nuclear_explosions#Thermal_radiation), "One famous, anonymous Hiroshima victim, sitting on stone steps 260 metres (850 ft) from the hypocenter, left only a shadow, having absorbed the fireball heat that permanently bleached the surrounding stone." I was fairly certain there were other instances as well, where there might have been a man and woman sitting on a park bench or leaning against a wall or something and a burnt ashen shadow would be left behind from the blast. I was just thinking that a mod where on a death critical with the Fat Man or other Radiation-centric weaons, the victims were left as semi-permanent (darker?) shadows on the landscape (probably subject to the same object / animation fade as other effects after cell loading or whatnot), that might be pretty interesting. Very reminiscent also of the Metro series in some regards, but probably without the eerie haunting sounds, voices, and other (supernatural) phenomena of that series. Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out there.
Will this be a 'Nexus 7' site? :D
Porting Dynavision v3 from NV to FO3: Doable?
FearlessFelix posted a topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Hi there Nexus Forumites, been a while since I stepped in, been playing a lot of the Mass Effect Series. I've been looking at re-entering Fallout 3, and I've been doing a fair bit of reading up on the STEP Project's Clear & Present Danger guide, as well as it's branching guides. One mod I had noticed was not included was Dynavision by Gopher (and MyGoodEye?), and I wonder if that might be due to the fact that there was just a real lack of support by Gopher for Fallout 3 with many of his mods (well, maybe not support but continued investment?). Lots of things he'd been planning on updating and such never came through as he moved more fully into NV and continued with Skyrim. But I noticed that Dynavision 3 - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51577/? - for New Vegas is working fantastically, no issues for many, and so I wondered if that mod can be ported over to Fallout 3, and if anyone had any idea of the difficulties involved? As a little bit of clarification, I'm not asking for the full 'How to' guide for such a thing, more for, "Yes / No, it can / can't be done," and if it can be done, "Here's some thing's you should be aware you'd need to know how to do for this to be accomplished." Basically, looking for not for directions so much as direction, if you know what I mean. :) Feel free to PM me as well, of course. Hope everyone that's still playing Fallout 3 is getting what they want out of it while looking forward to the next chapter of the Fallout universe. -
So, I'm a little unsure of the Activation Order and it's importance. From my understanding of things, when it comes to the activation of any mod, it's important to activate it among other mods in the order of it's Load Order sequencing (or however you want to describe it). Now, as I follow, you really can't get the appropriate load order without first having activated the mod and than using BOSS & prior knowledge. BOSS may work with mods already activated, but not for mods that have simply been downloaded. Or am I confused, and there is a 3 part process where you download a mod, it's not activated (but perhaps it's installed?) , and than you can activate it? I had a little issue with a Fallout 3 run I just attempted, and while I'm prepared to cut out some of the mods, I'm trying to just re-set up the Modded Build. Does anyone have a good working knowledge of this and I'm kinda right with the whole 3 part process? or do you need to do the 2 part process, rinse (meaning uninstall/deactivate your mods), and than activate in the correct order. Sorry, the process is something that always leaves me with the feeling I've left something out, or forgotten something. :)
Fixing an esp. Assistance Appreciated
FearlessFelix replied to FearlessFelix's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Assistance has been received through another channel, thanks to those that took a look! -
The only difficulty I'm running into currently is with a single .esp belonging to Gopher's Advanced Recon series, in this case, the Advanced Recon Gear.esp, which is coming mostly from his Thermal Nightvision Mod + the Mister Burke's Key attachment. When I had initially set everything up with a load order I will list below, I received some errors in FO3Edit that looked like this: Quote When I ran this by this very board, some members suggested this was due to items being referenced for placement that were not there, or perhaps mislabled, or something. One friend was extremely helpful in arranging to fix the .esp for me, which removed that error from the background load, and the game ran fine, no issues. In the game however, Mister Burke is supposed to be carrying for both pickpocket & drop-on-death a key to his Megaton house. where several of the mark I nightvision items are located. With the fixed .esp, the key was no longer there. I do show in the original drop down for the Advanced Recon Gear.esp that there was a section for Non-Player Character, where Mister Burke was stashed and on whose person the key was located. Not being a mod maker or even much of a tweaker, I'm not sure how to go about using FO3Edit - assuming FO3Edit is the right program to go about resolving this, and I was wondering if there was anyone here who had some suggestions in that regard? Obviously I really don't know how much effort of explanation would be involved, so I'm probably just going to play the game & console-hack the door in the meantime. It runs too beautifullly for me to just let it sit. Greatly appreciate any help or assistance that can be offered, even if it's just a bit of a direction on where I can begin looking for the solution myself with a little better map & compass than I currently have. It should be mentioned I PM'd gopher a few days ago, but considering things, I felt it was best to set out more than one fishing line for the experienced. my load order: Where it matter's I'm making use of NMC Maximum (naturally) + the UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.
Issues with Downloading some older files
FearlessFelix replied to FearlessFelix's topic in Site Support
Must have been a temporary site error or something, issue resolved! -
Hey all, hope I'm in the right area, previously posted in FO3 Mod troubleshooting and was recommended here, I guess because this may not be isolated to just me or the section's I've been looking at. I've been trying to download some files which are giving me error messages for their downloading in NMM. In each case the files make three attempts, all through CDN Fileserver prior to erroring out. I have been unable to download Bornagain fo3 t45d power armor by CABAL; Bornagain Outcast T-45d Power Armor by Cabal120 uploaded by EmeraldReign; Bornagain FO3 T51b by CaBaL; as well as the base Bornagain Combat Armor by EmeraldReign and Cabal120 4096, and the Anchorage version. The files in particular are: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admittedly, the Winterized T51b Fix for Bornagains T51b Retexture is not itself by Bornagain, so yeah, but the rest are. Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery....4696/Winterized T51b Fix for BornAgains T51b Retexture-20042-1-0.zip?ttl=1412294490&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=646b4f730126a9741412602207bcf3c3 Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery....dde553fb2baee9a Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery....33337bf8be9adb9 Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery....6a13271f4a35c48 Error trying to get the file: http://filedelivery....33cf3ec99c268fe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I tried a restart of my computer after doing a little clean up of this or that (anti-virus, unnecessary files like caches, anti-malware). Have tried signing out, restarting & ensuring browser (Mozilla Firefox) is up to date, signing back in; attempted manual downloads and there was no attempt to even start the download, it just launched the advisory sign ("Your file is being prepared for download from the content delivery network...") and than went nowhere. Retried with UAC off, Firewall & Antivirus off, and Malware Bytes disabled. No go. (Re-enabled and PC was clean as a whistle, my apologies for that in the first place). I was successfully able to download the base BornAgain Combat Armor huge (4096) + the Anchorage version; those + a large number of other files. Obviously I do believe there are other remodels/textures available, but I'm hoping there's a solution to this set as I've used it in the past and liked it quite a bit. Any advice, or suggestions? Is this something other's have been having trouble with?
On choosing your server, you might have been able to once, but it seems to automatically default right now, and regardless I'm not even able to get to the point where that option typically arose (no dl starting with manual for some (the listed) files. Is this something to trouble the staff with, or maybe give it a week? Again, I just do not know as I'm clueless. PS, thanks for the help.
Well, still no luck. Where it matters, on an attempted manual download the little advisory wind pops up in regards http redirects and keeping java up to date (both good I believe) and after that, nothing. I'm gonna run a quick malware & anti-virus scan (this from android), come back, and go through my extended list of mods to see if there are any others that give me issues. Currently downloaded the three NMC texture packs from Performance to Maximum, all the other BornAgain texturea as mentioned, Millenias full retexture project for FO3, and a few others. Because I just don't know and you are something of a fixture here, are your downloads going through the premium servers M48A5? And, if this persists for more than today, is it possible to enlist further troubleshooting support or advice from yourself, whoever? I've never had this problem before and won't be able to go premium till Sunday, and than only for a month or three till next term rolls around.
Tried again, this time for a manual download and no luck. Attempted update of Mozilla Firefox, it's up to date. Doesn't appear to be a firewall issue as I attempted a download again of the main file on the Combat Armor page as manual and it again gave no issues with downloading. I'm going to try again with anti-virus etc. disabled for the brief period of the download but this is looking weird.