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About romeoalpha42

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  1. i didnt read all of these cuz they seem repeatitive but what i got outta bows was long bows are nice. bonemold long bow works good especially cuz it has more enchant value, tho im yet to get daedric bow if anyone knows where it is thatd be great. but you just have to adjust for it, if it goes to the bottom left, move it up and right. simple. i use chitin arrows at like level 10, cuz they're cheap and i bought them by the 500's. but they miss alot, which im used to cuz i just move away from the target and i hit them, surprise. but if anyone never used a bow, they sure come in handy if you want to get a few hits off early, and levitating adds to fun.
  2. heck why not ill 'splain my guy. he's a Nord with a custom clas i called Hero cuz adventurer is.. too default. anyhew his skills are MAJOR Spear Short Blade Medium Armor Athletics Mercantile MINOR Axe Acrobatics Enchant Speechcraft Destruction now for me that works. i like head on attacks cuz i dont wanna worry about where the arrow is ending up or anything like that. i picked the tower sign cuz though theres plenty of spells and scrolls and items like the tower key that opens 50 once a day, theres also the beggar's nose which is in my top 10 spells. i detects enemies, keys and enchantments 200 ft for a minute. whereas i used to have a robe that would only do enemy's 25 ft and by then your already killing them. if you have to run liek from ricklings whom i hate, it helps but also for finding keys and knowing which enemys are more worth killing cuz of their enchantments. also medium armor i think looks the best. and my orcish armor makes me out to be a samurai. spears are good for longer range so ya dont get hurt as much and you can run backwards while hitting and short blade is fast so you dont spend too much time getting hurt.
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