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  1. Thanks for the Speedy reply. =) I noticed when I was looking in DAModder that I already have 2 installs going. 1) The Winter Forge-Awakening V0.5.2b and 2)The Winterforge V0.5.2b I'm thinking I should remove both of those, (un-install) force a save w/out the mod, then reinstall Mod. (?) That won't mess up my imported character and her items will it? thanks in advance GG
  2. Nobody ever said that. The cheatcodes provide the reagents & scrolls, and that's it. The relevant skill checks still apply. Anyway, if you're going to cheat because you can't bother with the enchantment you should use the override mode instead of putting up with 168741 cheat popups and console commands. Which is pretty much what I told you on the TWF forum. The cheatcodes are designed for occasional use, they are (voluntarily) a pain when used to enchant every piece of equipment several times. Heya all, This is an old post but popped up with the recent reply. I am having issues with the mod in Vigils Keep. The mod added a roaming PC that won't have dialogue with me. Also looks like the only enchants I can apply are associated with sets. I used to really like the interface that allowed me to add Dex, or melee crit or a whole host of other attribs. I probably have something checked wrong in the config settings. cheers GG
  3. Doesn't the site admin even notify you if a post is deleted or moved? I posted a question about Awakenings in spoilers and its just gone. Would be nice if I was noted that it was moved and or deleted. :wacko:
  4. If you download this mod Da Modder it manages and helps install to the correct place just about every Mod I have wanted to try. cheers Gamegurl
  5. Cool, I see now that I am only solo when inside the Estate. cheers :ninja:
  6. nod, ok thanks I have a second question SPOILERS BELOW!!! I went to Redcliffe and traveled with Eamon to his Estates, after the confrontation with Loghain my party is gone. ?? Where'd they go and when will I be able top get them back? I see "X"'s about the estate for Wynne, Lele, Shale and Oghren. I'm confused
  7. Heyas, I just finished the 4th part of Gathering my troops and am debating what party to take to meet the Arl. I read a little bit of the walkthrough and it looks like Alistar will be required in the party once I get to Landsmeet but for the phase before then I am not sure what party to take. I have really enjoyed, me warrior, Morrigan, spells, Wynne heals and Lele Ranged but while I did the dwarf area I had 2 warriors and it really did alot of damage. What do you guys think? It's kind of boring to think of two sword and board warriors, at this late state I wish I had made my warrior Dual wield. What party did you use? The walkthrough for Cauthrien suggested having a ranged attacker in the party. thanks in advance
  8. Hey all, I had to save my reply to useless warrior specializations until after I filled a full string . This is my 1st play through the game and I'm about halfway into it. I disagree that Champion is a useless type of skill. After filling all the slots I find that War Cry is quite useful. After adding Motivate and Superiority I find that my war cry knocks down almost all enemies and stuns them. I keep Rally running almost all the time and it does add a fairly significant amount of defense to my team members. With motivate added into the mix and being a passive talent like Superiority it also adds to their attack power. I haven't tried any of the others yet but have Oghren the Berserker in my party now and will jot down some numbers as to how effective his Berserk talents are. I am working at filling in my second specialization and it is to be Templar. Can't wait to see how this one helps out. I'm nervous that the Cleanse area skill is also going to remove magic buff my team has on them. From the description it sounds like it's going to remove all magic affects. Yes, Champion doesn't buff my main character that much but the buffs to the party are quite good imho. Happy Hunting Gamegurl
  9. Vehement head nod.Preacher granny is right. She's a constant reminder of how little I think of the chantry and all their bigoted views. I love tye interchanges beteeen her and Morrigan. Morrigan is like put a cork in it old woman, we don't need to be preached at. I admire Wynne for her dedication to the cause and all she has contributed to the donwfall of the Blight but she can be a bit of a broken record. Here Wynne, take some of Oghens ale and a chill pill. Bwhahaha :ninja:
  10. We'll let you slide this once :teehee: evil grin Thanks all, i'm good to go and now that I am in Deep Roads with drunky boy I'm glad that he's in the party. We are one shotting most things Bwhahaha
  11. Awesome Chibievil! I will search the net for that program and ty very much!! Cheers GG
  12. I did find the Lock Bash file and downloaded it but my computer isn't recognizing the 7z file extension. I will post this in mod help. GG mrrphhhh The board isn't letting me post so soon. I found some programs for recognizing the file but am nervous about using the Reg_work and the FileExtensionfinder. The last time I used a program like that it messed me up when I uninstalled it.' My search also suggested a program called Bitzipper. What do you guys think? I'm guessing the reason is that the mod was created on the Windows 7 OS, I am still running XP. I'm contemplating just leaving Wynne behind. meh decisions decisions
  13. He is not necessary until the last part where you meet Branka. However, there are a lot of conversation parts at each Caridin's Cross and the Ortan Thaig that if he is not there you will miss out on. Plus he has some very good insight when you talk to Ruck in the Ortan Thaig. mmk,thanks I am guessing unless I backtrack all the way out of Orzammer I can't change my party midstream. sigh Now I have to find the mod so my warrior can pick locks since I will probably swap out my rouge. Maybe I'll leave Wynne behind, I hardly ever need her for heals. Tough choice cheers
  14. I am getting ready to head into the Deep Roads to find Branka. Do I have to have Oghren in my team?? I like the team I have and don't really need another warrior so if I don't have to take him I'd rather not. Do the quests require him or can I just carry on as is? thanks in advance PS: It's to bad I can't put him in the extra dog slot. :tongue: he's a sodding colorful character but obviously I can only take 4 Cheers, GG
  15. I'm glad I read part of this thread. Having started playing the game so late I patched up to 1.03 right away. I will limit my mods and had planned to not use many anyways. I haven't had any issues so far and the DLC that I have is fine. I have only used The Stone warrior(?) the Slate one , the one that gives dragon armor, the lucky ring one and the Mages amulet one. Without having to go thru this whole 3 page thread should I be concerned about possibly buying the DLC for the guy that is in the camp and maybe return to ostager? cheers GG edited: Make that 8 pages. :ermm: I don't really want to read it all if I don't have to
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