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About Zaayl

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    United States
  1. Obligatory comment because I like free stuff.
  2. Im looking for more options with non-armored gloves to enchant for my mage, or at least a mod to make gloves no longer clip robes like this one did for Oldrim https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66489/? which sadly never got ported to SE. Anyone know any? Only mods I can find is the one to add a copy of the mystic tuning gloves (iirc that one clips badly too with many robes, since it has the same model as the other gloves) and some that just add enchanted variants of pre-existing gloves to the game, I feel like I always wind up using Thalmor gloves half the time just to avoid clipping. Pretty much anything that's considered clothing and goes in the hand slot is all I want, thanks.
  3. It drives me nuts when all im doing is spamming my right-handed attack over and over and its faster than alternating weapon attacks with each hand. Every mod I can find is just for adding blocking, or changing the idle animations, cant find a single mod that makes it so you aren't just spamming with one hand. The only time I ever use my offhand weapon is for the power attack. Is there any mod out there that actually fixes this, and makes alternating your weapons faster? (And perhaps make your right hand slightly slower, to balance it back out)
  4. In response to post #54660448. #54660493, #54661078, #54661098, #54662668, #54662753, #54662853, #54663293, #54663353, #54663538 are all replies on the same post. This thread about sums it all up, everything is ginormous, linked videos are 4 times the size than they are in the standard youtube browser, every individual element takes up the entire screen, elements that could be placed at the bottom of the page (or off to the sides with a non-mobile layout in mind) as more or less "additional information" are taking up massive chunks of space right at the top. The text boxes are too wide, it feels weird to read (Its like I'm reading from both pages of a encyclopedia at the same time.) And my monitor is relatively small compared to many. This definitely seems like a mobile design, for a site that has no practical reason to be browsed mobile. (I mean, maybe some people look up mods on mobile to download when they get home, but the site shouldn't be catered to that.) Also as a side note, with the new designs for buttons, the fallout 4 bright green with white text inside them, is really hard on the eyes to read.
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25484/? Its not very elegant, but it should do the job. The problem with the health item idea, one big hit and its over. And apparently while provisioners cant "die" if they do lose their health between stops, it triggers another bug that resets their inventory and all upgrades, reverting them to a base protectron, health items wont really help if they eat a mininuke toting suicider on the road, while standing next to two cars. I stuck with my original idea, giving them absurdly high health, with a item that can still be removed should you want your robot to act as a follower, and be capable of being "downed"
  6. This one has been really bugging me, it makes me never want to use custom robots for the risk of losing them. Sure, they are hard to kill, but with difficulty enhancing mods, a large enough wave of high level gunners/raiders could certainly do the trick. Ive been doing research on how to solve the problem, and came up with dead ends, far as I can tell only the supply line and companion scripts make them essential, and when they arent one of those two things, they are killable. So, my idea is this: Im thinking of creating a new robot workbench mod for the special mod slot that would give the robot extreme amounts of health, damage resistance, etc. to make them essentially unkillable without considerable time/effort. Obviously this would be a little cheaty, but its the best solution I can think of, and you could also unequip it when the robot is in-use as a follower, and re-equip it before they are dismissed. Im too tired to work on it tonight, Ill be loading up the CK and seeing what I can do in the morning, but I was hoping for some feedback, maybe other ideas I could try, existing mods that already solve the problem, or whether or not you like this idea.
  7. I figured it was one of those things that never gets bothered with? Honestly every single post I've ever seen about this bug in the excessive amount of time I've spent trying to troubleshoot it the only answer anyone ever gets back is "Oh its a engine issue" Which has ranged from the discussion topics for pretty much every lighting mod there is, to reddit, steam, gamefaq boards. So it kinda gave the impression that these were known issues.
  8. The flickering that almost every single mod that changes Skyrim's lighting seems to cause whenever you carry a light source is driving me absolutely insane. At this point I'll settle for a mod that's almost identical to vanilla lighting, if it doesn't trigger this bug (the trade-off isn't worth it imo) I do not have multiple lighting mods at any given time, or even any weather mods. The flickering is also not present at all if I revert to vanilla lighting. So the main thing I want in a lighting mod, is for it to remove lights that have no source, where the floor is just emanating a mysterious light (Dwemer ruins are especially bad about this) because that 1) annoys me almost as much. 2) Almost entirely eliminates the point of having torches and light spells in the game. I don't need something giving each individual candle its own distinct light, because I think we have proven the engine cant handle that properly. I have tried pretty much every fix on the internet, I have been trying to fix this problem for around two years now, and had hopes SSE's lighting improvements would eliminate it and not just be exactly the same. Any recommendations? For SSE I have tried RLO (It triggered it the least often, but when it happened it looks abysmal.) and Relighting Skyrim (Triggered it with less intensity, but more frequency.)
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9054/? The mod in question. I like this mod a good bit but the problem I have with it is the lack of navmesh make it useless in a populated settlement (It looks cool right up until every caravan driver is standing outside of it because they wont even walk under it.) I know SSEX and Homemaker have some of these parts (No clue if they are navmeshed, but most of my SSEX stuff is, so probably) but both versions lack the wall piece, and dont have as many "snap" points. Ive searched up and down, has anyone made a newer version of this? Much appreciated. Alternatively, anyone know some neat mods for perimeter walls in general other than the covenant walls?
  10. From what I read in a post by arthmoor over on another site, supposedly the CK will have a utility for porting animations over to the new format.
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