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Posts posted by Phnx

  1. Hi again. Could someone more skilled than me please combine these two textures? "Torso_F_NRM" and "Torso_M_NRM" found in the editor at "XComGame\Content\XCOM_2\Packages\Characters\Humans\HumanShared\Textures

  2. Thanks again for your help! "Smoothness" definitely made an impact on how clearly the reflections are displayed on the visor. But I still can't get them to show up like in your mod. They are still too dark and lack colour.


    I got it! The visor colour was too dark. I'm using your setting "0.1" for XYZ. :smile:


    I also learned that there is zero difference between "Reflectance" "1" and "0.001". May just be a switch, X=1/0 - on/off.


    There is also a max "Smoothness" value. I guess it's somewhere between "1" and "2". Anything more than "2" doesn't seem to make any difference.


    Most values range from "0" to "1", such as "Opacity".

  3. Telling people they don't need/shouldn't want a particular mod goes against the entire spirit of modding, which is to enable players to play the game the way they'd like.

    I'm sorry. Essentially I just wanted to give advice. In the future I'll refrain from doing that.

  4. I'd like to use a mod that re-balance the prices of the sellers.

    I can't see that the selling price is one sixth of the purchasing price.


    Not meaning to be rude, but that's unnecessary. You make tons of money later in the game, especially with the right AVP investments. ;)

  5. Hi. I know we are in the early stages of MEA modding, but maybe someone has tinkered with this already?! I know how to lower the opacity, which is one thing I like to do/have already done. I'd like to combine this with increasing the reflectance of the Hyperguardian, Andromeda and Pathfinder helmets' visors. The problem is there are no shader values for that (Heleus has those), but maybe there is a work-around? If anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it! :)

  6. I'd love a mod that fixes those ridiculous armoured dancers in the club on Kadara.


    I don't know if the game files have a stripper outfit or anything like that, but it's a sleezy pirate club so I suppose just having them dance fully nude would be fine.

    There's also a turian/salarian there too so the mod could A) Remove and replace them or B) Just put them in casual clothing. Anything is better than f***ing ARMOUR.

    Agreed. I guess when the mod tools are a bit more advanced and/or the understanding of modding MEA is greater we may see a mod like that. :)

  7. I would love to use the ME3 default female Shepard hair on a custom Ryder :smile:

    Are you modders able to give us that? Pretty please with sugar on top.

    Wait for the next Frosty update. It's going to have a mesh preview.

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