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About ryanwh

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  1. Does Skyrim have cape physics? I don't recall seeing anyone with a cape on in the game really. That could pose some issues later so I'd consider nixing it to avoid a bunch of collision issues later. But that's just me, I wouldn't want the headache. Looks great though.
  2. If the CC mods (which will be far more robust than the simple replacer mods being done now) only works via the Steam Workshop, that will be where people go for mods. Other than pirates and porn lovers.
  3. KaPoTun shouldn't be difficult, its just catpeople who can sometimes turn into dragons. Though I think Atmora would be a more interesting choice over Yokuda. Since almost nothing is known, you could kind of do whatever you want. Frost Troll villages, giant bears, forgotten Daedra, etc. Akavir would require a lot of work because most of the races there are unlike anything in Skyrim, so you have no basis to build off of. You kind of have to start from scratch.
  4. Your sarcasm detector needs a tuneup. I couldn't have been more unsubtle.
  5. Yes it looks awkward and will move is more weirdly but its fantasy so its okay. Any critiques you have, "its fantasy, they're not dinosaurs, so its okay". Nice feedback thread. Dragon mythology is directly linked to ancient people discovering dinosaur bones, so the structure of a dinosaur is worth observing when designing a dragon.
  6. Its completely baffling how Obsidian can take a huge step forward with the companion wheel and Bethesda can completely ignore that for an identical concept in Skyrim. The ideal companion command setup exists already in FNV, it just has to be translated to Skyrim.
  7. I think it should be tied to stealth and/or speech. I don't think you should be able to kill a random Imperial guard and suddenly be one of them (they should be savvy enough to tell) without some associated perk. But I like the base concept, it opens a ton of possibilities. Like a mission where you disguise yourself as faction x to frame them for a crime, or something like that.
  8. I've never heard of wyverns as "wingless dragons" either so lets not get caught up on "official lore" when wyvern is clearly a blanket term used for many things to refer to a "lesser dragon". Anyhow, copying the hind legs and foreshortening them to almost vestigial arms (like a t rex) seems like the best option so you don't have to worry about rigging up large 4 legged creature which could be buggy. So that's the way I'd go, vestigial arms as opposed to forelegs. At that point you may have something close to a reimagined Daedroth.
  9. You could probably adjust how leveling works and how a dungeon works to create something that feels a bit like Dark Souls. As for ripping monsters, there are about 5 illegal things you're doing to even get the mesh and texture on your PC and a couple more when you put them in a public mod.
  10. Are you replacing dungeons are adding new waypoints on the map to make new ones? But yeah, I never stumbled on anything resembling a "Falmer city". In theory there should be some major epicenter for them somewhere but it doesn't exist. Same for spiders. Same for ancient dragon worshippers and vampires. And, for certain, trolls, which were generally underutilized. A couple places felt appropriately epic in the Dwemer caves and a lost city inhabited by Foresworn, but it was few and far between.
  11. Cosigned. Building your own golem out of Dwemer parts makes so much sense I almost expect the first official expansion to cover it. But in the meantime...
  12. I think you could make a case for importing the materials but the wall itself I would ton the color down a bit and add some crack decals or other things to make it look used and worn a bit. It should stand out a little, its a vastly different culture, but that doesn't mean it'll "break immersion". If done right, it should look like something that could exist in the same world but didn't originate from Skyrim.
  13. I wouldn't object to this, but if the mesh was made I'd want to use it for a new race. Maybe a KaPoTun invasion from the east, since they presumably can turn into dragons but are supposed to be catlike.
  14. Nexus should have something to recognize co-authoring mods so endorsements are shared among every person who made part of a mod, not just the person amalgamating the various things together.
  15. As for populating the city, something could be done in the way of various prisoners being escorted around Skyrim. Imperials escorted by Thalmor, Stormcloaks escorted by Imperials, etc. As far as I know freeing them at the moment just sends them off where they're never seen again. You could populate Helgen with various faction buildings based on how much you've done for a faction. So once you've joined the Companions, you can make a building. Once you choose either Imperial or Stormcloak, you can make a building. Then the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Bards College, Mage College, etc. Building a faction in the town would autopopulate your town with allies of the cause. So build a mage college building, now apprentice mages are walking around, etc. along those lines. Which in turn could act as a conduit for user made quests based on the various factions out of Helgen or general quests like defending it from trolls or hagravens, etc. which are both nearby.
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