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Posts posted by ElDoomMoose

  1. Forgive me if this has already been created or suggested, I looked around for about ~30 minutes today and couldn't find anything.


    In vanilla FNV, Cass will get mad at you for being evil. Which is fine, but the way it works is extremely awkward- as far as I can tell, she gets mad at you if your karma is under a certain level and asks you to "change." However, if you talk to her again, it doesn't matter if you "changed" because she just seems to do another karma check for an arbitrary morality. So, in effect, if you're playing a kind of evil character, you can talk to her 3 times before she leaves regardless of whether or not you tried to change for the better. So after I hear her first speech I can go and help as many people as I want, and gain a ton of karma, but if it's still in the evil zone your progress doesn't matter and she's going to call you a jerk anyway.

    So I want one of these two things to happen instead:


    1.) Cass gives one of her speeches each time she sees you commit a crime immediately. This is probably the best option as it seems to be fairest and most immersive. I just can't think of any way to do it eloquently, since it seems like you would have to have a script constantly looping to check if you just lost karma. If you could edit the method that lowers karma, you could just have it check something like this:



    if( [Cass in Party] ){ Cass.giveSpeech(); }
    //Where "Give Speech" is a method that makes her get mad at you, and [Cass in Party] checks the contents of the party for Cass and returns a Boolean.

    But I didn't think you could edit something contained in the base engine that easily.

    2.) Cass performs a check whenever you talk to her to see if you've gained karma or lost it since the last time you talked to her. Not as good/immersive but it seems pretty easy and would get the job done.

  2. you also need to locate and download some tutorials on how to use said programs. They ain't easy to learn.

    3dsmax is the best, however, it's also extremely expensive. Talkin a pricetag of about 3 grand.


    max and blender are both free to use. Max is available at the same site as 3dsmax, and blender you can dl from blender.org

    the tutorials, I'm afraid that you're on your own for those, I havent really researched any good ones.

    You'll also need to DL and install compatibility scripts for these programs in order for them to handle the .msh format that dao uses. you can just go to dragonagenexus.com and type in a search for 3dsmax or blender.


    Good luck!

    Wouls Maya work?

    That's all I have (Although it is one of the nicest 3d softwares out there...)

  3. BioWare were a respectable game developer. Then they got bought by EA. Now they're sell outs like the rest of them. Sad really.


    Having said that I'll climb off my high-horse and say I watched the Dead Space "anime" (see: terrible art/animation) and actually enjoyed it. Never played the game as I really dislike horror FPS games, but the anime was interesting enough. I just hope they don't go for that terrible long, thin and gangly art direction like they did in the Dead Space one.


    What do you mean that they are sell outs?

    He means they're trying to profit off of dragon age, squeezing every last drop of revenue off of it.

  4. The genderring is a mod that gives you a ring that can make a character's body one of the opposite sex, not the face though.

    I think its made for having gay/lesbian relationships with straight companions.

  5. I did it, for anyone who wants to use it do this...

    1. create or download a facemorph you want to use.

    2. extract the .mor file to the override file.

    3. Make sure it is named hm_genfl_Alistair.mor (replace alistair with specified male character. For elfs use em_genfl_(malecharacter)

    4. load up the game and the selected character should have a male body w/ a female face.

    5. Use the genderring and have fun with your newly sexier male...

  6. Due to my laziness, I refuse to work on succesfully installing the toolbox. I tried, and failed.

    So I need someone to help me with a facemorph...

    I was thinking, if possible, to make alistair into a female.

    I think it would be a pretty good idea.

    Yes, I know the voice acting would sound weird. I usually play with it muted anyway.

    If it turns out you can change the head to female but not the body, it's fine, cus' I have the gender ring installed.

    Anyone know if it's possible?


    It's possible but woould look extremely weird because the head will not line up right. Since the female is shorter, I am guessing the head would have no neck, or look very thin on the shoulders. I have seen a mod on the Bioware Social Network where someone has replaced Zevran with a female completely short of the voice. It was called Zevrann. I think it would take some scripting work to change the gender for Alistair, so I would suggest looking up the author of that mod and see what they can do for you.

    Found that, no one actually made it, they just attempted to by using the gender ring then making a facemorph for a female elf read zevran.

    Tried it on my leliana morph, didn't work, maybe cus I already have it on leliana...

  7. Due to my laziness, I refuse to work on succesfully installing the toolbox. I tried, and failed.

    So I need someone to help me with a facemorph...

    I was thinking, if possible, to make alistair into a female.

    I think it would be a pretty good idea.

    Yes, I know the voice acting would sound weird. I usually play with it muted anyway.

    If it turns out you can change the head to female but not the body, it's fine, cus' I have the gender ring installed.

    Anyone know if it's possible?

  8. First one i cannot help you with but the other two mods are here in Nexus you just gota do a bit of work and go through all the mod sections.


    You want a mod right ? not someone holding your hand i hope :)

    I've seen quite a few mods to even out classes, but all of them nerf arcane warriors.

    I don't really want someone to hold my hand, I just want to figure out what program people use for face morphs. I googled it and couldn't find it, and i'm lazy. lol.


    Also, does anyone know if there is a mod that allows you to use the forms from the mage tower fade quest outside of the fade?

  9. I have a few requests, if anyone would help me with them...

    The first one is to allow the creation of a golem as your main character.

    Second is to, if possible, make all classes equal without nerfing arcane warriors.

    Seems to be pretty simple (although I don't actually know that, I haven't made any mods myself...)

    Also, if anyone could link me to the program used for companion face morphs?

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