Hi i have a problem , i have buy the amelioration of broom before it was accessible with the quest . ands now i have the quest " fly over the competition " who ask me to buy it . But it was not visible anymore to buy , how to fix that ? i try with Db browser to find something to reverse the stock of vendorr , to rebuy it . but my bad i don't know how. if someone can help , my broom is very slow ^^ because i buy amelioration before with no réel changement. The mod ALOMORA was FAULTY ^^ xD. >Thanks i give you my save. https://mega.nz/file/rjwRVSzS#47mJETlY0cvXJj8pHoljlBqpsTs7O6UEYl1tZFNKAE0 and sorry for my bad english