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Posts posted by mikeynexus

  1. Hi,


    I've just switched from a Radeon 7970 to a GTX1080 and my game looks wildly different when using Tetrachromatic ENB now.


    With Vanilla lighting, no problem; looks exactly the same as on the old card, but with ENB everything is much too dark (torches in daytime!) and very green. Also, the shadows remain Vanilla shadows, not the beautiful smooth ENB shadows.


    I have started investigating potential causes, but what I would like to get from someone else are the application specific graphics settings you use in the nVidea control panel for Skyrim, especially if your ENB shadows are working properly.


    Thanks for any help or suggestions,


  2. So...it looks like Renthal made good on his threat and has removed all of his mods from Skyrim and SSE.


    Sadly, this means that some of the greatest textures and meshes ever made are no longer available, just as SSE appears to make it possible to use them reliably.


    I don't know if he left because he didn't get the endorsements he wanted or because someone was mean to him, but if anybody knows if he is putting his work up somewhere else, can you please let me know here?




  3. *** SOLVED *** for me - how about you?


    After some experimentation I found a cause/solution:


    My mod was using textures with an unusual aspect ratio: 1.23:1 (630:512).

    When I changed the size of the textures to use a simple 1:1 aspect ratio all my problems disappeared: I can view/handle my mod elements in the game, and I no longer get the warning message or crash in the CK.


    Let me know if it works for you, because there might be other causes I haven't found yet.

  4. Same here. CK opens the mod and saves it no problem, but as soon as I try to open any cell "Textures should have been converted offline" and crash.


    It is definitely a texture problem:


    1) activate my mod in SSE and play. CTD on load.

    2) hide my mod's textures folder, play: no CTD but of course all my mod elements are purple. Can walk around Riverwood and go into stores no problem.

    3) hide all normal maps, play: loads ok, can walk around Riverwood ok and several of my mod elements are visible. Go into Riverwood Trader - CTD after load screen.

    4) hide all glow and normal maps, play: loads ok, can walk around Riverwood ok and several of my mod elements are visible. Go into Riverwood Trader - CTD after load screen.


    Let's share info and try to solve this: I haven't found anything anywhere that suggests a cause or solution.

  5. Hi. Just like the title says, I am looking for help with some C# code that is currently beyond my abilities.


    I need a function (or set of functions) that takes a Skyrim savegame and spits out a List<string> of FormID values (including plugin prefix) in hex byte representation, of the player-character's inventory. Specifically, I'm looking for ingredients, but would prefer everything currently carried by the player.


    I have found similar functions in Java and C++ but trying to interpret them is - literally - like trying to read a different language.


    I understand the concept of the FormID array and the whole changed Form table thingy, but have been unable to grasp the required routines by myself.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  6. I didn't think much of this method, as I've been using it for a long time and thought that everyone must know it, but I've since had a few comments in my mod forums suggesting it might be useful to others. If a better post covering this exists, let me know and I'll close this thread.


    Background: My current game build has now hit over 1000 mods, with ~650 plugins (ESMs/ESPs - right hand pane in ModOrganiser) active, including some biggies like Frostfall, ETaC, dyndoLOD, RND, IJ. Naturally, these plugins are merged using Mator's awesome software, down to about 180 plugins. One MergedPlugin has over 240 mods in it. Yes, this build is for playing, not just testing. And yes, it crashes, sometimes a lot, sometimes only once every few hours.


    Anyway, the point of this post is to explain how I reload a saved game that would normally be impossible to load. I started getting unloadable savegames around the 400 mods mark so here is my workaround:


    1) Establish a PureVanilla profile in MO with no mods loaded except the official DLCs and SKSE. Not even the unofficial patches should be there (tbh; I haven't rigorously tested that requirement).


    2) Start a NEW game. Play through the intro until you exit from Helgen Caverns whereupon you will be met by that Imperial dude or that Stormcloak guy.


    3) Save the game as "PureVanilla" or some such and NEVER delete or replace it. It must never be re-saved or modified.


    4) Exit. Go back to MO and load up your normal gaming profile with all your mods.


    5) Launch the game and Load your PureVanilla savegame. Once it has loaded, if you want to be extra cautious you can wait until all the notification messages in the top-left have been and gone, but this is not usually necessary.


    6) Return to the main menu and Load your unloadable game.


    7) If it fails, go to the overwrite folder in MO, empty it, run, load PureVanilla savegame and then load your real savegame again. As a last resort, try loading PureVanilla twice before loading your real game. I have also had some success by emptying the overwrite folder, loading PureVanilla, loading savegame, [CTD], leave the stuff in the overwrite folder that is now there, launch, load PV, load savegame.


    I don't know why, but for me this has almost always worked (2 failures in 2000 savegames; then I gave up and loaded an earlier save). I don't mind it being an inscrutable black box, as long as it works.


    The only reason that I know of that a game may still fail to load is if you have more than 2^32 strings in your savegame which has caused the string counter to reset to 0 or 1. If that happens, nothing can save you except finding a previous save that still works and then removing some string-heavy mods (which is always inherently dangerous anyway) before continuing. At the moment my game has ~51k strings, so I may be in trouble in another 100hrs.


    Anyway, I hope this helps somebody out there to save their 100+ hrs savegame. If you think this is all amateurish crap, just let me know because I'd love to hear from an expert as to why this works (or shouldn't work...but does).


  7. Are you sure this is about texture editing and not mesh editing? If those objects are separate elements of a mesh then they need to be removed in the mesh. If they are in the texture then removing them would mean erasing those areas and redrawing them without the "offending" items. A texture is just like a drawing; if you want to remove a part then you need to redraw it, else there will be a big hole in the drawing.

  8. When in game, open the console, type player.showinventory use page up/down to go through the list and find the offending item. Make notes of the ID number(s) listed. First two digits represent the hexadecimal load order position (most mod managers show this value). Use that value to determine which mod it comes from.


    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately when I do that it tells me that the item ID begins with "FF" and I don't have 255 plugins in my load order. :( Must be something deeper than I thought.

  9. Anyone else having this problem?


    Somewhere, somehow, something I'm using has changed the name of the "Grand Soul Gem" to "Gran Soul Gem" which means it is not being recognised by Acquisitive Soul Gems and my Grand gems keep getting smaller souls dumped in them.


    Really annoying. Yes, I have gone through all the obvious mods that might be doing it, to no avail. If anyone else has the same problem I thought we might compare modlists.




  10. Blimey, I'd forgotten about this thread. Got pulled away from my modding endeavors not long after writing... I'll have to have a poke around again and see whats new.

    Yes please! There are so many "tutorials" about this process that just say "...after doing this [obscure unexplained process] you will need to [even more obscure unexplained process]". All I want to do is make a simple static object; I feel sorry for the people trying to do really hard things in Blender.

  11. I've been using MO, TES5edit and Wrye Bash together with no problems for a long time now, and have suddenly hit a nasty problem; maybe I've always been doing something wrong and now it's having an effect.

    Normally, I create my TES5edit merged patch, remove any levelled lists from it, then build a bashed patch because it apparently does a better job with levelled lists; this has been working for a long time.

    Now, suddenly, I create the merged patch, remove the levelled lists, and when I open Wrye Bash in MO there is NO bashed patch listed so I can't do the usual right-click-rebuild patch. When I try right-click-File-"new bashed patch" I get this error:


    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bash\basher\mods_links.pyo", line 222, in Execute
    File "bash\balt.pyo", line 2125, in SelectItem
    File "bash\balt.pyo", line 2239, in GetIndex
    File "bash\balt.pyo", line 1774, in FindIndexOf
    KeyError: bolt.Path(u'Bashed Patch, 0.esp')



    I have no idea what this means, so any help would be appreciated.


    Note that:

    1) if I do not create a TES5merge patch I can create a Bashed patch normally

    2) if I disable the TES5merge patch or even completely delete it I still cannot create a bashed patch


    The only thing I've started doing differently recently is using the standalone version of mator's MergePlugins. That might be a clue, but if it is, I haven't figured out how yet.

  12. If you 've got a way to change the time the sun rises and sets, I've got code (written in C#) that takes your location in Skyrim and the day of the year and calculates sunrise/sunset times and dawn/dusk durations.


    I wrote it because I thought that the [TIMEOFDAY] settings in ENB actually changed the time the sun would rise and set, but they don't. :(


    It wouldn't be too hard to add code to calculate the sun's height above the horizon and position in the sky too, based on location and day, but I can only do stuff in C#; I've never even seen Papyrus code. :(

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