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Everything posted by frostsmith

  1. In response to post #28661979. #28662279 is also a reply to the same post. I think those points are the best to bring up in this subject. I know plenty of people will just say, "Well, they are getting paid, so they will work harder and longer on said mod." Yet, something inside me tells me that won't really be the case. In fact, the more you make, the more lazier you can be. If anything, likes should be counted towards a system where modders can turn in likes for prizes or whatever.
  2. Meh. I saw both sides rip into each other. So I don't care for anyone, really. The community got ripped apart from any sign of cash. The modders that left are still alright in my book, since you know, people treated them like s#*!. But why did they listen to a bunch of idiots in the first place? I mean, it's the friggin internet! But whatever, if they want to use that as their excuse, so be it. I hope they have a good job, since all that cash from paid mods is gone and now they can't make a living like they once did ....
  3. In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079, #24753134, #24753249, #24755354, #24755649, #24755674, #24755734, #24755859, #24756679 are all replies on the same post. Valve took the mods off. If it was making a ton of money, wouldn't you think that they would've kept it going? It seems to me that calling your users entitled babies is a bad idea, as now they won't buy your mods even if they accepted it.
  4. Such a senseless battle. It's too late to even go back to what we were. Money popped it's head in and now the community is largely divided. Entitlement. Greedy. Whatever. Both sides acted like children, grabbing the pants of Valve and Bethesda and asking for them to listen to their side. The majority was heard and now the side that agreed with paid mods are even more pissed. Yet, that side will still download free mods and the ones that were free(if put back online). Just like the side against paid mods will continue to say modders should get paid a bigger cut, but still not donate. Both sides are acting like entitled, greedy, babies. Modders should know that the community makes their mods popular, which in hand was big enough to catch the eye of a company like Bethesda and Valve ... also a thanks to Nexus. Users should know that it's the mods that keep your game alive. Bethesda quit patching, but the modders kept working and bringing in bugfixes. What am I getting at? I don't know. A part of me still believe mods should be free, but that's because it's ingrained into my brain for being free for so long. I've moved myself to the middle and also believe modders should get money in one way or another. It's just crappy to see on Steam, since it's just a big company that it looks like we are selling our souls for extra content Bethesda didn't even work on. Of course, they did create the game and tools for said modders to even get themselves off the ground. So I guess they should get a percentage? Oh well, Valve got rid of it. Yet, the modders are not pissed at them when they could've easily kept going with paid mods. Ugh. I don't know. It's such an ugly situation that it put some cracks into the modding community.
  5. I use to wait til they went out and unwrap the game, take the disc out and re-wrap it. Of course, I had two other brothers. So, my parents would be too busy looking around to notice the game's seal was already cut open.
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