I used the CMD already, but there are too many parameters kicking in to find my failure, so first a precise description and then my questions: Goal: When I hit my opponent I want immediatly to stop the attack animation and start using the package (either self-defined if necessary, otherwise use-magic) and if possible accelerate the packages casting-animation if possible. Ways i have heard of but never was able to verify (by far too many parameters and a lack of knowledge of CK): 1) Quests 2) Scenes 3) Stand-Alone Packages which are "started" by 'evaluatepackage' Questions: Generally, is it better to use AI-Packages for my Goal or shall I emulate the whole manacost-casting-system by hand? How to make the Package run on the player? What CMD's in which context do i have to use (e.g. disable player controls? using scenes?)? What route to take, quests, stand-alone packages? I recognized at the beginning of a scene that the player sheathes his weapons. As said in "Goals", sth like this sheathing shouldnt happen. I used "disableplayercontrols" and "setplayeraidriven" and started the corresponding quest and scene, still the package didn't run. FG109: If you have time, I would be extremly happy if you could help me via (voice) chat since I am searching now for weeks for a package-experienced modder. You can find me also as Moorleiche2k in Steam. This problem simply drives me nuts..