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  1. I think I've managed to find a good fix. I played around more with the player.kill command and play tested for about 7 hours spread across 3 days and have not run into the problem at all. I entered in the command each time I loaded in and went about playing the game to eventually just not run into the problem. I believe it has been fixed, I would really be interested into understand this particular problem though. May update the thread with more info about it if I can find anything valuable about it at all. Thank you all again though for helping me with this issue! It was really frustrating and now I can get back to enjoying my game.
  2. Had some time today to test around a bit. Some older threads were saying they had varying success with entering the player.kill command and during the session I launched the game and entered the command I was able to save. After this I exited my session and relaunched the game to run into the problem again. This has my hopes up pretty high, it appears there is some fix as odd as it is. I wouldn't mind entering in player.kill every session to have a working game personally but I can't say for sure how long that would be effective for and looking at the bigger picture I'm sure it would be really useful to see what the real issue would be here is. Going to wait 31 ingame days indoors w/o any items in my inventory to reset the world cells and see how that goes. Will try to keep this thread updated with the progress!
  3. Hi! thank you for so many replies everyone, I got back after vacation a while ago and was able to sit down and take a look at my issue and play around with it. I still have and intend to hopefully use the saves from my mentioned playthrough but over this time I had created another playthrough to replicate the issue and managed to do so after about 15-30 hours of gameplay. This is the new load order ect ; https://pastebin.com/Afnc7FEV I mostly got rid of smaller stuff and some things such as Civil War Overhaul and my race mod to lighten things up. My saves in comparison produced somewhat smaller filesizes thankfully. This playthrough was incredibly stable and I was under the impression that it may have even fixed itself, also note I had not uninstalled or installed anything at all during this playthrough and what you see in that pastebin is what I have been using the entire time. However I eventually ran into the problem once more, so far I've only played around with it for all of 15 minutes but assuming its a similar issue there are similar issues with undefined elements and threads. There are also no orphan scripts ect. I plan on working on it a bit more tomorrow or the weekend, and once again thank you for the replies, they are much appreciated!
  4. I looked into my loadorder a bit more thoroughly and noticed I have no BSAs for files that should probably have them as well? I've read that MO can unpack BSAs and have the loose files be handled by the ESPs for their respective mods, would this cause any problems? It seems really odd to me and I'm bewildered that I didn't even notice this before. I'm going to assume it really isn't a problem but nonetheless I am worried and just looking for anything to save my playthrough at this point. Also starting to just be open to restarting a whole new game at this point haha.
  5. Also wanted to say this, wouldn't removing those mods (Differently Ebony, UFO, and the brawl bug patches) regardless of them being unnecessary cause more CTDs? So far all the 'fixes' I've tried were cleaning the save, and then fixing my load order like you suggested. The explanation that makes the most sense for far is that I have added / removed too many mods in my load order and the game can't handle it. (This is according to the analysis / survey section of save game scalpel)
  6. I did everything you had said with the exception of removing UFO, (going to start that now b/c I initially did not want to remove the mod) but I have a feeling it may possibly be something else I'm missing? My loadorder was pretty messing from the start with all those inconsistencies but I feel like it's either bloating (unlikely since its just whenever I save there isn't any ingame freezing or lag) or I'm just not cleaning my game correctly.
  7. Going to get on that right away. I do have the SKSE memory patch, ENBoost and Crash Fixes but I was not aware of Bug Fixes use along with USLEEP. As for those inconsistencies in my load order I believe I haphazardly enabled mods I previously downloaded either for SE or a previous playthrough with my MO. Thank you so much for the fast reply but what exactly are those undefined elements and the undefined thread? I haven't tested your above post yet / spiffied up my load order to see if thats really the issue but if possible I'd still like to understand what those are.
  8. To be brief and blunt, I got back into Skyrim for the nth time and modded the heck outta it. I've been having a ton of fun playing it and so far I am half way through the game give or take and started the Dragonborn DLC. Everything was peachy until I started the quest where you get the bloodskaal blade and then my game would start crashing instantaneously upon saving, quicksaving, or autosaving. Very frustrated with this I went to work and started trying to fix it myself and used two different save cleaners to at first take a look at what my problem may be. I used Fallrim and Skyrim Save Scapel (I used scapel to troubleshoot the CTD upon save section *I am very unfamiliar with that tool and hardly benefited from it because of my unfamiliarity* but I ended up just using Fallrim to clean my most recent save file by removing the 22 'undefined elements'). Fallrim detected 22 undefined elements and 1 undefined thread in my save (both programs did not find any orphan scripts whatsoever). Now I searched for about an hour to try and understand what this was and as you can tell I still don't. Simply put this is beyond me and I cant seem understand what my problem is after a few hours of searching and have come here to clog up the forum with another useless CTD thread. Also note I scanned way earlier saves with Fallrim to find that these undefined elements and the undefined thread were not present in earlier saves. I so far have not tested loading an earlier save where the elements and thread still exist and try to save other than say maybe 3-6 saves earlier than my most current one. I also had tested loading an earlier save where the undefined elements and undefined thread weren't present and continued my playthrough past the earlier mentioned bloodskaal blade quest but ended up with the same save problem moments after finishing it. I just hope I'm being a huge dunce here and these 'undefined elements' and the 'undefined thread' are no problem whatsoever and there is just a simple problem I am missing. From what I can deduce with my limited knowledge of how Skyrim modding works though I am most positive though that the issue lies within these undefined elements and the undefined thread. This is my loadorder, https://pastebin.com/9qpCWFMr Wrye Bash also lists all my saves as purple and TES5Edit if I recall loads no errors with my loadorder to speak of. I almost forgot as well, I'm under the impression that my save game is not bloated as well, according to save game scapel a 'healthy' 600 hour save file is about 25mb whereas mine is approaching 30mb. I feel like it may be teetering on the edge of being bloated but I can't say for sure since there were absolutely zero problems before this in my game.
  9. Learning how to make fallout 4 mods
  10. Ok Sorry for the really late response ; I forgot about the post, I did as instructed on the STEP guide and when checking to see if said plugin is now clean LOOT still indicates it as dirty and I have still been crashing. I think the problem is either with my hard drive at this point or just some other problem I user caused. To be more specific though when I do the normal cleaning process on update.esm, it disappears from the plugin list from MO and the Skyrim Data Directory thus meaning it falls under the first case of my hard drive being slow, so I put the backup update.esm from before cleaning into the Skyrim Data directory. Proceed to open the Overwrite created in MO and delete the TES5Edit folder in it, change it into a mod in MO, name it "Cleaned Update ESM" and enable it. At this point Update.esm is back in the plugins list in MO and it as I said earlier is still unclean. Lately I've been completely out of time to try to fix this and read up on it and have to apologize for that continuing what is technically a dead post at this point.
  11. Hopefully that will work. Thanks for the fast response. A bit complicated for me but really do appreciate it. Also, is that just on the STEP forums or is there an updated video on it? I should be able to try this sometime this week when I'm free again.
  12. Recently I had gotten back into Skyrim modding after a long break where one of my personal saves started to break down and I gave up on it. So about a day or two ago I had started to mod again wanting to playthrough some new quest mods. I use Mod Manager to mod and updated it, along with TES5Edit, LOOT, Wrye Bash, and SKSE ect. I tried to update all of my mods that I wanted to use since it was about a 3-4 month break or so. And when I finished my mod list for the new playthrough I launched LOOT, sorted all of my plugins mods ect and fortunately all the mods were clean except for the vanilla game's esm files. I did what I remember doing everytime to clean a plugin. I launched TES5Edit, deselected all plugins, selected the one I wanted to clean. When the program finished loading I clicked 'Apply filter for cleaning' , 'remove identical to master records' and then 'undelete and disable references'. To note before I had started I watched a guide on cleaning plugins to double check I was doing the correct thing. (Gopher's tutorial). I prompted to close the program and I got the usual window explaining to backup the plugin and apply changes to the esm. I had both the backup and save changes boxes enabled and finished. I noticed something in my MO plugins menu when I finished. The actual plugin for the cleaned version was gone. However the overwrite version of the plugin was there and I enabled it. I assumed that it might have been a new feature or something but when I started to clean Dawnguard MO labled the file as a "backup" and I couldnt enabled it like a mod through the mod list part of MO. I was VERY confused seeing as I was able to do so with the previous esm and even though the backup lable thing was technically correct the plugin still wasn't shown in the plugins section of MO. I had no idea how to get the plugins back so I reinstalled Skyrim again. Tried it once more and got the same problems. So AGAIN I reinstalled the game and tried to clean it but didnt enable the 'Backup' part of that window which pops up after the cleaning in TES5Edit. I saw the plugin actually was there now, loaded LOOT to see if it was clean. And much to my luck it was. I did so with the other esm *once again it's the vanilla game esms* and was able to start the game. I created my character. Named him. And when I finished. Instant CTD when I was ingame. I tried to isolate the problem assuming it was a mod. So that ENTIRE day I spent it enabling and disabling around 100 mods. Finally I removed all mods except my ENB. Still crashes upon start the game. Well to more specific It crashed after a second or two of being in the actual game engine ect. But that doesnt matter im getting the the point. I thought it was ENB at this point and removed that. Still same problem. Then it came to me. It was the plugins. I reinstalled the game. Did EVERYTHING over again adding mods ect but this time I didn't clean the vanilla game plugins. Started the game. Made the character. named him again. Perfectly fine. I knew having those plugins uncleaned will be a problem, but I tried to see how much it would crash and damn did it crash a lot. And thats why I'm here posting this. I am completely out of ideas on fixing this. Rewatched and read cleaning guides. I wanted to recreated what happened first with the initial cleaning but enabling the actual plugins as cleaned mods however seeing what happened to the Dawnguard ESM I didnt want to risk what was already 2-3 hours of work only to get info that might not even help in the process of reinstalling the game and every program I use for MO. I hope theres a simple solution to this. I didnt research as much as I probably could have but as you can probably tell I'm limited by my time and the long process it took me to retry everything. Once more I gotta apologize for not looking around as much as I could. Seeing that the forums are clean and the topics section is pretty clean I feel a bit guilty for dirtying it.
  13. You might remember me asking in chat if anyone could help me with my CTD problems. I had no idea what the problems were until you linked me this guide. I really am grateful for that. However I still have a problem, I'm not asking for you to help solve it though since have an idea what the problem actually is. I read through the Advanced and Intermediate guides for modding the game and both guides ; especially yours genuinely helped me with fixing my constant CTDs, but I still crash from time to time. There isn't some set interval where I crash but I have noticed I do crash after every 5-15 minutes and its very random too. The problem I mentioned I believe I know of earlier was that when I launch Wrye Bash and look in the saves tab my most recent saves have purple text next to them. I read up on this a little bit and came to the conclusion that it means a plugin or mod was merged with something that is shouldn't be. For the past 2-4 (maybe 3 I'm forgetful) days I have been trying to find out what mod or plugins were merged and can't seem to find out what it is. I tried reinstalling various mods that had been known to cause problems, rebuilt my Wyre Bash patch, disabled my Wrye Bash patch and with each trial and error I still got that purple text. However as odd as it is (to me atleast) the previous saves that had mods or patches originally had green text beside them (to my knowledge that means they are fine). But when I loaded that save and then saved again to see if it was fixed a the purple text would show up. I could be very mistaken about this since I had read some guides that were somewhat outdated but in any case thanks a lot for helping me. I'm sure I might be able to solve this myself but I wouldn't have even gotten to this point without your guides help :)
  14. I have this same exact problem but with a different load order, I cleaned all my plugins, have a stable loadorder, can launch the game, and as you said I CTD within a few minutes of gameplay. I hope this helps but some of the plugins I see you have I have as well, Apachii Skyhair (on NPCs as well), Immersive Patrols, all Unofficial Patches, SkyRe, Realistic Lighting Overhaul (I know you dont have this however the mod is extremely similar to ELFX) , Reproccer, Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Blood, Run for your Lives, Cloaks, Wet and Cold + Ashes, Falskaar, and Wyrmstooth. UPDATE: Okay I fixed my problem using this guide. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2235394-beginners-guide-to-modding/ The part "Appendix 1 -" in particular helped me. Never used Wyre Bash and now I absolutely love it. Be sure to say thanks to Gromulos though. Hes the creator of the guide.
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