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Posts posted by icantfeelmyarms



    ... what if the usual form of sacrificial offering was to burn an item in a campfire? By making campfires (and possibly temple fires) into a form of container, an item could be deposited as a sacrifice, and a script could either remove it, or transform it, with possibly an attendant increase in an associated attribute.


    *Cough* Dark Souls *Cough* /offer humanity


    This would be awesome though... I wish religion played a bigger role in TES... There are all these churches and interesting religions, but they often don't have too amazing content. It'd be nice to have to level up a religion you can join by sacrificing and all that...

  2. I know custom birthsign mods are iffy when making your own. It's often hit or miss from what I read. The files are touchy and often don't work...


    I searched around for a while trying to figure out my problem, but the two "fixes" I've found didn't help. My birthsign is listed in the list, but once selected, I can't continue. Also, the birthsign image in-game shows the last birthsign image I hovered my mouse over instead of my custom image, which I know the birthsign DSS images are also really finicky and don't work a lot...


    I also read there's supposed to be a location in the Textures folder located at Textures/menus/birthsigns where DSS files are supposed to go, but I have no such folder. My copy of Oblivion is the physical GOTY Edition (not the complete GOTY that contains the horse armor, spell tomes and fancy player housing expansions), but not sure if that has anything to do with it... but I keep reading there's supposed to be a birthsign folder, yet there was none since installing... however, all my stock birthsigns show up fine despite not having the folder apparently...

  3. I don't like be restricted to a single class per character, but I also don't want to just use one of those mods that allow you to change your class but keep all your progress (and especially don't want to use console commands and wipe all my progress...).


    I was thinking kind of like how Final Fantasy does it (not asking for a Final Fantasy mod, mind you) where you can pick a job (class) and switch it at will, but start at level 1 with your new class. So if you're a level 10 black mage and switch to a white mage, you start at level 1 again, but keep all the progress you made in black mage in case you switch back to it.


    Can there be some way to save the memory/progress of being in one class in Oblivion, but switch to another and start over? I'd like to be able to make my own classes and switch back and forth.


    Thanks guys :P

  4. Im having the same problem. this is my first attempt at modding..i followed the correct procedure and downloaded about 20 mods...load ordered them with BOSS then launched with SKSE and either crash after bethesda logo or the next screen.

    That could be a whole slew of things. When most people start modding anything they'll come across a lot of crashes. Could be that the files require something else, or are conflicting with other mods. It's not a good practice to download 20 mods at once, install them and then play. I'd suggest installing one mod at a time, test the game, instsall another one, repeat.

  5. I've modded a lot, so I'm not shocked when there are crashes. But for some reason, Skyrim CTDs as soon as the Imperial symbol appears on the main screen. BOSS doesn't show any conflicts either. Everything's green. So I uninstalled every single recently-installed mod and it still CTDs on me. What should I do? I don't really want to uninstall Skyrim completely and then have to not only reainstall it, but every single mod I have... some of which I don't remember how to configure correctly anymore.


    Thanks :c

  6. I know the modding community is starting to thin out for Oblivion (it's been a loooong while since it came out, after all, and everybody would rather work with Skyrim), but I'm still playing Oblivion due to the fact my desktop is back home and I'm playing Oblivion on my laptop while I'm at school.


    I was wondering if anybody would be willing to make Gaius Van Baelsar's gunblade from Final Fantasy XIV.







    I think his gunblades would be the easiest to make for Oblivion, opposed to the other FFXIV antagonists' gunblades, which are a gun-halberd, gun-hammer and like, these gun-arm-knife-things (really sick looking actually. The halberd is also extremely tight).


    If it's made for Skyrim too, that'd be awesome... but I hope somebody can make an Oblivion version of Gaius' gunblade (and of course, it doesn't have to shoot anything. I don't care about that haha). In the past people have made Squall's and Seifer's gunblades from FFVIII, but they're not quite what I'm looking for in my game. I'm playing the game as a Miqo'te from FFXIV with the FFXI Eisen armor, and would love another FF Online-type addition to the game haha.


    Thanks :'D

  7. I was going through the mods looking for some more HD graphics mods and came across a texture mod that placed scars on the body of your character. Like, how you can pick scars on your face during character creation, this one put like slash scars or puncture scars on your character. I can't remember the title of the mod for the life of me, and at the time it wasn't at all what I was looking for, so I ignored it... but after thinking about it I thought it was pretty tight. I can't even find it in my history for some reason... The sample pictures had like female characters in skimpy armor with scars on their bodies, and it looks hella sick. If anybody can help me find the mod, that'd be awesome.

  8. I absolutely hate the look of the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, but I love its properties :/ Not just the enchantments, but I like being able to be "anonymous" while doing crimes... However, it makes my character look extremely dorky while it's equipped (and I play in 3rd person 90% of the time, so I see it a lot)


    This is what my character looks like:


    The mask looks like Squidward's face or something...


    So yea, I wanna know if it's possible to like, move over the properties the mask has (when it's put on, you get the enchantments and people notice you're the Gray Fox) to a different mask I have in a mod...


    I really know nothing about making mods, so I wanna know if this is possible (I have no experience either, besides once fiddling with the GECK and rage quitting because it was so confusing). If it is, I'd look into doing it... but if it's like, really difficult.. Probably not... :/

  9. While 'Update my Statue' is a good mod, you have to be able to get into Bruma first.

    This sounds like the old Bruma custom race change bug that happens when you change your race/sex/face after the statue is placed.


    Here is a fix that removes the statue - it allows you back in, but the statue will be gone permanently.



    Here is another one that may allow you to keep the statue. But I haven't used it myself. One user says to activate it, go into the city and see if the statue is the way you want it - then leave the city and deactivate it. Supposedly the statue will stay that way.




    Thanks a lot man :'D I used that last one that changes the statue. Totally works now with no crash. It's weird, because I changed my race only after the crash had started being a problem (changed it as in fixed my messed up face).


    This mod was cool though... My statue looked retarded, because it showed some mod sword I had in my inventory (that wasn't even equipped at the time...) and my wrists were gone for some reason... So I'm glad I was able to change it :P

    Although... after I changed it, deactivated the mod and went to look at it, my statue showed that I was wearing the Gray Fox's mask, even though I didn't have it equipped (but it was in my inventory). Then, I changed it again after removed the mask from my inventory, and now I'm holding my sword as usual, but I'm also holding a torch and it's going through my sword :/

    I'll figure it out though... Thanks for the link!


    Also, Nephenee, I'll use that mod you linked! That seems awesome, and a lot less trouble than exiting, deactivating and re-loading Oblivion... Thanks ;D

  10. On my main save, whenever I enter Bruma, whether fast-travel or walking through the front gates, it crashes. I tried it on other characters and it's no problem. I have the companion mod (or had the companion mod), and I think that's what's the issue. I left a companion in my house because I find companions worthless. That was last night. I haven't been to Bruma since, either, so now whenever I enter it, my game crashes during loading.

    I removed the mod completely, though, and even tried messing with all the mods I've added since last night (only a few). I can't seem to do anything to get Bruma to load... Again, this is only on my main file. All my secondary characters get into Bruma just fine.


    Is there any way to like, revert Bruma back to what it was? Like, purge anything that isn't supposed to be there? :/


    I'll keep messing with my files and try to find the problem... Thanks :'D


    [EDIT] Okay, I didn't find out the problem, but I fixed it with "Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System" and my game's working the same again :'D

  11. I know there are a lot of mods that change how characters walk, but I don't really mind that. I find it odd how every character stands the same, though. The females stand there like a male character does, and it looks funny (ungraceful, unfeminine).


    I can really care less if it's sexy, cute or anything like that (if it is, that's fine too); I just don't like the default look when females are standing idle.


    Thanks :'D

  12. You'll run into all sorts of problems if you don't learn how to install your mods manually. NMM is only good for so much then you gotta get tricky with it. I recommend you Google "Gophers modders tutorial", that might be a good place to start, he's a very respected member of the modding community.


    I'd recommend some mods but they'd be a bit tricky for you to install.


    Try searching up NVEC, WMX and EVE - that's New Vegas content enhanced (a massive mod compilation + bug fixes), Weapon Mods Expanded and Energy Visuals Enhanced. All great mods that i'd say are ESSENTIAL, to me at least :)


    Oh thanks man, I already know how to add mods manually and everything though. I was just wondering if this new "download with mod manager" thing was good to use or not, because I still use the old Fallout Mod Manager for FO3 (I've been modding FO3 for a while now, and before that, Morrowind). Still, thanks though ;D


    I'll check these mods out, too! Thanks!

  13. Willow

    NVB I and II


    Other great companions are Niner and Andrea


    Spice up your Wasteland


    I consider this absolutely essential.


    Interestingly unusual quest mod ahoy




    If you plan to make interesting and creative screenshots, you will require:


    This, this, this, probably this, and I highly recommend this as well.


    I adore my Readius


    Thanks a lot Bro!! This is awesome :'D



    Do you recommend using the "download with mod manager" option, btw? I've been using it, but it seems a lot of the mods aren't updated through that way.

  14. Of course I've already played NV a whole bunch on console, but I finally got around to buying it for PC (being that I got a newer laptop that can actually run it now). I have some mods already, but I'm just wondering if there are any mods that I absolutely need. Mods that will make the game super tight (or... more tight) or something.


    I don't need any HD mods and whatnot, though. I can't run it on good graphics (it looks fine, I think... better than what I was used to with FO3 on my old laptop). I already got Type-3 bodies (you just have to when playing FO, right? ;P), but are there any really good face mods? For both male and female.


    Thanks :'D

  15. Thanks a lot, bethjunkie! You rock!!


    And... OMG, elvinkun... xDDDDDD That's a way to twist a guy's words around xDDDDD I agree that they are ugly TT-TT And, with my dude characters (usually I'm using the shojo mod, but I'm sick of running around as a little girl currently <.<;), I like wearing cowboy hats and aviators, and being able to see their face... And yea, I always had a beard on my guy because of his face looking so stupid xDDD



    Did you use a mod to get that face? It doesn't look like the preloaded ones, so you either used a mod or messed around with the face sliders! If you used the sliders, I have to give you props, because I could NEVER use them correctly... My guy's face would always come out contorted and weird looking TT-TT


    Anywho, thanks everybody!

  16. I'm sick of how every male character looks like he's 30-60 years old... You start the game as a 19-year-old, but the kid looks like he's freakin' grown up, has a steady job, a wife and two kids already...

    I know there's a buttload of mods to make females look sexy (awww yeee ;D), but what are some mods to make male characters look better? I just wanna make my guy look cool, rather than an over-the-hill guy with a lazy-hawk and a mustache...

    I looked around the site for a LONG time and really didn't find anything... There was one that fixed some things with the males, but it made hats not fit on their heads... AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT NAKED MODS... I don't wanna see a dude's weewee, alright? I just want him to look like a bad-ass/younger guy.



  17. [EDIT] EVERYTHING IS WORKING GREAT!!!!!!! ^o^ It's running smoother than it ever has!!!!!!! The only problem is shooting... Sometimes, when I shoot, it seems to get locked up and doesn't fire... This is easily solved by just going into VATS |D


    Thanks a lot, everybody!

  18. Well, the game ran decently on the lowest settings... Everything was completely low as possible.

    Then my computer crashed (long story... downloaded some PS3 Duel-Shock 3 6-Axis controller drivers from some Chinese website... completely ruined the insides of my PC... That's the short story. It's besides the point, though...). After I fixed it all up, it just doesn't run the same. Now it's even MORE laggy, and I ended up uninstalling it. However, I'm dying to get back to playing Fallout 3... I don't want to play on the console version, because all I care about it mods now...


    So, is there any mod or some sort of thing to make it run faster? I mean, it's all on LOWEST EVERYTHING... Even like, the optional pretty-things are turned completely off... So, please don't say, "Have you turned down the graphics?" On every other site, people just say that... But, I have it at lowest... Will it Run says it'll run... But my computer's just so screwy since that crash. Games don't run the same, so I have to tweak the hell out of them...


    Is there anything I can do to tweak the hell out of this to run it normally again? I don't care about prettiness... I just want to play the damn game again TT-TT



  19. Santa Barbara, baby, Santa Barbara! Represent, brother! I love that place! It never gets old! Pismo Beach!!! Dang Son, if it wasn't October during all of this, you would have seen me! However, I don't see any mention of Avila Beach... If you want a beach to chill at, that is one legit beach, I say!



  20. Hey hey! Sounds like a plan to me! xD And, what truely is better than SPLODING heads? NOTHING! I'd help with the mods, but being the fact I suck at modding... yeah. So far, all I can do is make vaults... and they all suck xDDDDDDD So, good luck with the mods!
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