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Posts posted by nopopup

  1. Any updates on this annoying issue? i'm having a problem like this too. My character is created with the race from http://jacksh123.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=4124493 I edited the esp file so that I can play kasumi race and set the follower npc kasumi's preset as the race's only preset. But when my kasumi race character go outside, her face goes purplish dark on shadow. It seems that the follower npc kasumi doesn't have that problem...... The difference between my character's face and the npc's face is very noticeable. and purplish face is ugly!

  2. Why not simply check the state that the player is in?




    Perform a negative check for the player's weapon or spell to be drawn/ready and only then allow the animation to take place. While at it, might want to ensure that the player isn't sneaking either.


    i just tested isweapondrawn function and now my new animation works when my character is in "weapon out" state !!!! BUT after my new animation ends, my character does the idle animation of "weapon sheath" state and i can't click left or right and jump. But my new animation still works when i execute it(which is pressing F11. I used iskeypressed function to trigger my new animation). And weirdly, if i press 'R' key which is normally draw/sheath like 4 times, my character goes back to "weapon out" state which is what i want.

    i don't know what is going on. Maybe I should end the new animation by force by a function or something? so that my character goes back into "weapon out" state immediately after my new animation ends??? i don't know... Thank you so much IsharaMeradin.

  3. I'm trying to finish my mod but I need a function or any other way to force my character to sheath their weapon. The reason is that my new animation does not work when my character is in "ready weapon" state. Or in other words, "weapon out" state. I used the function debug.SendAnimationEvent( , ) to play my new animation but it only works when my character is in "weapon sheath" state.

    Or any way to ignore ready weapon state and use debug.SendAnimationEvent???? Or any way to force the game to press "R" automatically which is ready/sheath weapon key ???

    I need help! Thank you so much in advance.

  4. hello, I'm trying to make a new attack animation but something is not working. I followed this direction http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Working_with_animations_in_Skyrim

    except that I converted a vanilla hkx to kf using skeleton_female.hkx for skeleton. Do I have to use skeleton.hkx? However, I think they are the same.

    And I imported the kf animation to 3ds max 2010 and I edited it so that the animation's duration is longer(49 frames) and then I animated for each frame. So the max frame is now 49. Right after that I exported the animation to kf using your guide. And then just to test it, I imported it back to 3ds max but it gives an error message and says "improper file format". But I still converted it to hkx and tested it in-game as h2h jab but it does not work.


    Thank you so much for your help.

  5. anyone solved this problem? The "facegeom"(very top post) warning message?

    My mod's npc sometimes disappear but I can see them otherwise. I made navmeshes and the npc even walk around but sometimes disappears.

    So I thought this might be the cause of this problem.

  6. The title says it all. I basically added more things(updating) in the creation kit and saved it but then the esp i had before was 200kb but its now 50kb. The new esp seems to be working ok in game EXCEPT the npc I placed in my interior cell is standing on different spot. So I was wondering if this is happening because of the abnormal(?) size difference.

    As a summary, it all comes to this question. Is the esp file going from 200kb to 50kb normal???


    Thank you so much in advance!

  7. Here is my blog, where I desribe how to import a new character from 3ds max into skyrim


    Sorry it is in russian

    But in the 2nd and 3rd part you can find a link for a normal skeleton for skyrim. It was created for using in 3dsmax with CAT system and has a Z oriented axis for bones and there is no problem for mirroring weights in skin.

    It a WIP but it works correctly in nifscope.

    It already has bones for armor and weapons and correct names for body parts.


    If you have any question you can ask it using

    skype Sefcheg

    icq 469 240 460


    can ask you a favor? could you try making a your own static mesh such as buildings or ships and see if it appears in-game? Because my ship model does not appear in-game even though it does appear in Creation Kit. I used 3ds max 2012 and exported the ship as nif file. Thank you so much in advance. Here is my post regarding this issue: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/569417-i-need-mod-experts-help-me-please/page__st__10

  8. I created a new mesh for static ship( samething as building I guess?). Although the ship appears fine in the Creation Kit, it does not appear in-game. I have been trying to resolve this problem for like a month... Have you made your new mesh appear in-game?

    I would like to direct you to my link http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/569417-i-need-mod-experts-help-me-please/page__st__10


    I has all the pictures of how i'm doing it but I really need your help. Please leave a reply after you read my post. Thanks a lot.

  9. This should help. It is a page on the wiki that deals with this problem.


    Link to Wiki


    I followed the direction and it's actually "reference" not "preference" of the static which is my ship in this case. So I right clicked on my ship in the render window - lod tab - checked "in Full LOD"

    But still the ship doesn't appear in the game. I'm so discouraged now.

  10. OMG He tried Helping you!!!! Ghogiel is a good person and was helping.


    I have found that often a new .nif needs to be made when there are errors that need to be corrected. did you try redoing the .nif from scratch?


    I know that he was trying to help, i'm just struggling to find the solution.


    Thank you all for trying to resolve this problem. I will try your methods tomorrow.

  11. Does the model have correct vertex normals? as in num UV sets is 4097, has normals is set to yes, spell>batch>update tspace?


    What's the correct vertex normals? I just set all three of my ship's Nitrishapedata 'num uv set' to 4097. 'Has normal' set to yes, and updated tangent space done. However it's not fixed yet. It's just weird, the ship looks good in Nifskope but not in Creation kit and game. OMG someone help me please

  12. not sure? objects showing in black or nothing at all... Only thing I would say is make sure 'Has vertex colours' (under NiTriShapeData) is set to 'yes' in NifSkope.

    Other than that, I haven't got a clue sorry



    You are right Thank you. The ship shows its textures now in Creation Kit BUT It does not appear in-game. Anyone have any idea?

  13. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/9185/captureinl.jpg


    I created the model and dragged it to the -11, 28 coordinates. Right in front of the mediumsized island. I don't know why the ship appears black in Creation Kit. Also, In-game, i don't even see the black ship....





    I went to Static - solitude - created new entry for my ship which is sspyssship. But i don't know why there are 2 solitudes as you can see in the left panel which i just realized.

    Anything I did wrong here?




    So i clicked edit button and the new window shows up. Here, I clicked edit and loaded my nif file. Then the ship appears black. So I double clicked on the blank space under new texture and loaded textures. But the ship still appears black. The reason the 3 meshes(?) says cwtower01 is that I copied and pasted nitrishapedata and bsshadertextureset to original cwtower01 which is a tower mesh.




    This is just a picture of loading textures I created to my mesh




    So this is my ship in Nifskope and did the copy and paste thing I mentioned above and the ship appears fine.




    just another picture in Nifskope. Only difference is I clicked BSfadenode




    Back to CreationKit. this is actually before I clicked the blank space under New textures like I mentioned before. Because I need to create texture id before i can load it to my mesh. So I went Miscellaneous - textureset - then created names of my ship's textures.



    Does anyone know what the problem is? As a summary, the ship appears fine in Nifskope but not in creation kit.


    Also, If you find anything wrong in these pictures please let me know.


    Thank you in advance

  14. The "Normal Map" can have a big effect on the final finish of the mesh. The Normal Map is like laying a large dollop of 'putty' or 'filler' onto the mesh It's a way of smoothing out rough or sharp edges and also adding the appearance of depth by creating a 3D shadow/lighting effect ... Have a look at the "femalebody_1_msn.dds" file in the "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\data\textures\actors\character\female" folder, it gives you a really graphic idea of just what a Normal Map adds to a mesh


    To create a good normal map for Skyrim, which of these two should i use? Photoshop or 3ds max ? I have found two videos on Youtube here:


    === photoshop


    ===3ds max


    Hmmm ... I don't have 3DS (or any real experience in 3D modelling) But from what I saw in the second video, you could get some pretty reasonable Normal Maps by "Rendering" them from your body mesh ... Mostly I use a "Normal Mapping" tool in Gimp (similar to the one in Photoshop) And convert the diffuse texture into a normal map as in the Photoshop Tutorial, Gimp however has a really good Layer Blending Option, and I'm not sure if there is a similar on for Photoshop. They probably won't have quite the same level of "depth" as the fully rendered one, but it allows for much easier manipulation of the end result ...


    There are 2 tutorials that I recommend to people, they are very 'noobish' and not specific for Skyrim, but the DO provide invaluable insight into "Normal Mapping"

    My link





    Thank you, appreciate your help

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