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Nexus Mods Profile

About Strormer

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Dark Souls (again)
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls

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  1. So, it's been a year since that article came out talking about getting the Half-Life map working in Souls. Just wondering, has anyone heard any progress on enhancing/fixing maps to make less than ideal areas like Izalith better? I only recently bought the game on Steam having previously only had this one on console so I'm not as familiar with Souls modding as I am with other games. I definitely want to overhaul Izalith as much as possible before I start playing my mod run. Hell, first thing I downloaded after DSFix was the lava retexture. Thanks in advance for any help in hunting down some good mods.
  2. Yeah, I've seen Helgen and Winterhold rebuilding mods, but I meant the ability to place individual elements where you want them and build structures out of components. I figured it might be possible since someone told me that SE was in the fallout 4 engine. Haven't really poked around in SE yet.
  3. Has anyone announced or made progress on a fallout 4-style settlement building system yet?
  4. Right, so I'm still new to the modding community so hello. I have downloaded a fair number of mods, around thirty, and I've tried various combinations of them over my time playing. Now when I look at oblivion, I can't remember what it looked like before I modded anything. I'm thinking of reinstalling to vanilla and only adding in the mods I'd like to keep just to clean everything up, but that seems awfully silly and time consuming considering I'd have to pin down my exact preferences on things like Dark UI and whatnot. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting things cleaned up and not leaving a lot of muck in my directory? Secondly, and this is the more important question, is this. I want to create a quick-install version of my fully modded oblivion so that I can load oblivion onto my new desktop when it is finished and have all my mods and preferences brought over instantly. Is there a way to do this reasonably? Thanks and sorry for the noobish question. Also, for those few interested, here's what I'm currently running: Better Abandoned House Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Brotherhood Renewed Bruma Mages Guild Restored Dark UI (customized) Dark Brotherhood Armor Crime (AlterEgo) All official DLC Dreugh Armor Enchanted Druid House Expanded DB Sanctuaries Hashshashin Armor Immersive Interface Imperial Library Imperial Newtscale Kvatch Essential NPCs Let the People Drink Light Imperial Armor Lost Paladin of the Divines The Lost Spires Natural Environments Nighteye Shader Replacement OBMM OBSE Ranger Armor Renzods Manequins Sage's Skyrim Armory Scimitar Mod The Ordinator Armors V2 Helseth Armor Verona House Witchking Helm
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