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Nexus Mods Profile

About TWFanatic

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Thanks. I figured it out guys. Just had to drop all mods which rely upon an older version of SSE and haven't been updated yet.
  2. I used to run Unique Uniques and Book Covers Skyrim. However, now that I'm running Legacy of the Dragonborn, I uninstalled these mods (per LOOT's instructions) because they are included in LotD. My bashed patch says I'm missing the masters for UU and BCS. There must be some old dependency files--patches probably--that I need to remove. So I need to find the plugins which have those as masters. Is there a way to do this without going through all 390 of my plugins in wrye bash, checking each individually to see what it's masters are? Thanks
  3. This mod is ruining my game. Every time I run out of arrows I have to high-tail it out of there, equip a sword, and run back to the fight because I can't switch weapons in combat. If anyone knows off the top of his head or from the list of mods I posted which one has this effect, I'd be immensely grateful. I've uninstalled every mod I can think of which might have this effect to no avail. I'm ready to uninstall and start over.
  4. check out my mod list, I've thrown together so many immersion mods that a crash is probably inevitable: http://imgur.com/BaG3JW5,qB3v9b6,0PHXRsB (note: 3 images)
  5. I installed a bunch of immersion mods and one of them has created the titular problem. It's a problem for me because I like to switch from ranged to melee combat when the enemy has closed in rather than running. I've so many mods, I can't figure out which is causing the problem. Alternatively, is there a shortcut to switching weapons (without having to go into the menu)? I've attached my mod list here. I figure one of y'all might recognize the troublemaker. (Note: 3 images!) http://imgur.com/BaG3JW5,qB3v9b6,0PHXRsB Cheers
  6. Woot. Did some trial and error deactivation and got it loading. Now some character bodies appear invisible. Time for more troubleshooting. EDIT: you weren't kidding about the bugs. Requiem was causing the problem.
  7. Yeah I was being a spoiled b&@*$. Sorry. Looking for immersion/realism mods. Just spent the last 4 hours researching and installing the set of mods in Requiem Survival Experience: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56275/? Followed instructions to the T and I'm getting a CTD on startup. LOOT didn't fix it.
  8. I was very involved in the total war modding scene and things were a lot simpler there. There were dozens of amazing overhauls, each vastly preferable to any collection of individual mods you could put together yourself. Installation was a breeze. Modding Skyrim appears to be much more labor intensive. Testing the compatibility of X mods = X^2 different combinations, meaning 22500 possible combinations for the roughly 150 mods I'm looking into. Might just go download Requiem and call it a day.
  9. So can I just install all 150 mods and trust to LOOT to load them in the correct order and disable any incompatible esps?
  10. Some good utilities on here. Looks like I need BOSS, SEE, NMM, Wrye Bash....then there's this program called LOOT. It looks like LOOT does the same thing as BOSS, but better, should I use LOOT instead? Is LOOT pretty much infallible? I.e., can I install all the mods I want and trust to LOOT or BOSS or whatever to sort out compatibility issues? Going through and determining every mods compatibility in relation to every other mod presents 22500 possible combinations. Some guides on modding: http://skyrimgems.com/utilities.html http://www.gamersnexus.net/swguides/846-skyrim-troubleshooting-mods http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/modding_guide.htm
  11. Which ones have compatibility issues? If this is too broad a question, is there a yardstick by which one may measure compatibility?
  12. First off, HUGE THANKS to the modders for all the wonderful new content you create and existing content you improve upon. Y'all do the Lord's work. I've just purchased Skyrim and its three expansions and was delighted to find this thriving modding community. I desire to install the top 100 Nexus mods into my game. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/topalltime/?adult=2http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/topalltime/?adult=2 Additionally, I'd like to add about half of these mods: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293973944 Is this a vainly ambitious endeavor? Are copious CTDs inevitable with ~150 mods installed?
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