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Posts posted by SpiderJerusalem

  1. I'd love to see an entire quest mod centered around Pickman (on top of getting his knife). Ideally with Pickman alive. Maybe some kind of ongoing campaign to terrorize the Raiders, take down different factions, gain access to new Pickman-esque weapons and abilities. Could have a lot of fun with this!

  2. I know the topic of realistic weapon condition has come up before, but specifically, I think it could be interesting to see something done with ammunition specifically.


    Why? Because after hundreds of years, it is doubtful that any bullets one finds lying around can be expected to function properly, if at all. IRL, people are advised to store their ammo in clean & dry conditions, etc, and even then are encouraged not to keep it longer than a few months (I'm sure this varies).


    So anyway, the idea is this: have an ammunition condition (like a percentage) that will impact whether it even works, and if it does work, what chance it has of actually firing properly, or causing a jam or misfire, or even a catastrophic misfire.


    One could also include (with this or some other mod) of course the ability to make ammo one's self, so it is as fresh as possible.


    The FUN part as I see it would be when in a firefight with someone or something (like a supermutant), THEIR shots would be however likely to misfire or jam their weapons, just as yours would if you're using old ammo, which would introduce an element of randomness to make things that much more interesting. It would be pretty cool to be in a losing battle, for example, and to suddenly have the opponents pipe gun blow up in their face because of old ammo.


    Anyway, just an idea. I'm sure the survival players out there would be interested in an extra element of realism like this.


    And yeah, ideally we'd have both ammo AND weapon conditions, but at the very least I think ammo would be more realistic given the chemicals & time/conditions involved (you can always clean a gun, but I doubt there's any way to clean/fix old ammunition...?).

  3. I'd settle for cartoony-looking. Heck, I don't really even care what it looks like. Being in VR, I can't see my character's limbs anyway--it could be a t-pose for all it matters, just so long as I move from one point to another. For now, I installed the Blink Grenade mod. It feels a little cheat-y, but I'm planning on only using it in spots where I would have tried to use a grappling hook anyway, and in the same way it's limited to where I can actually throw it.

  4. Some more:

    -climbing a tree or other object to avoid being mobbed on the ground (would likely require a means to manually "hold on" once in place if there's no collision box)

    -zipline'ing between buildings that can't be jumped to

    -scaling the side of buildings to enter from upper floors


    It's nice sometimes too just to be able to get a clearer view above the treeline, buildings, whatever.


    Jetpacks are nice, but may feel a little OP to some of us.


    Climbing doesn't have to be "instant". It could require time and equipment to accomplish properly in some cases. But yeah, mantling lower obstacles should absolutely be relatively quick.

  5. A mod enabling VR would be pretty sweet. There's one for Doom BFG which is supposed to work pretty well. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement VR for Eternal, but as an avid VR gamer I think it would be great.

  6. Maybe not possible unless HG does it, but an in-game way to store portal glyphs would be awesome. We've got nanites, warp drives and all other manner of high-tech doo-dads, but apparently personal recording devices are too much for all that technology to handle, lol

    I'm in VR, so being able to actually record glyphs for later reference would be especially handy.

    Thanks in advance to whoever may tackle this!

  7. I'd like a more helpful answer too. Interesting in modding for the first time, and would love a how-to guide, thanks.


    EDIT: So I came across these links, a very basic guide for FO4 editing (should essentially be the same for FO76 in most regards):


    and the link for the FO76Edit utility:



    EDIT2: So FO76Edit can't be used (yet?) to make mods for FO76, as it only ouputs esp files, and currently only Ba2 files appear to work...

  8. I'd like to follow up with news that pottedmeat7 over on the Steam boards has a Kickstarter going to add functionality to OpenVR for more natural movement options with Fallout 4 VR and other games: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/121765932/openvr-walkinplace/posts/2070623


    I've backed him, and hopefully more people will too. He's not asking for much, just enough to get a Vive Tracker and some other odds and ends so he can test and program for them.

  9. Found this by typing "little red wagon" into the search bar. (Go figure.) Looks like it doesn't currently actually show your stuff, but the author's alluded to doing that in an update.



    OMG that is *awesome*! I never even bothered to search for it because I never guessed anyone else would have the exact same idea (I've actually had it in the back of my mind for years but never bothered to give voice to it until now). Thanks for the link! Maybe the author of that might feel inclined to expand on the idea a bit as mentioned here? Anyway, way cool. :)

  10. I always thought it was pretty ridiculous that anyone could carry so much bulky stuff around the wasteland, even if it was within weight limits (that's another conversation right there). I mean, come on, even with a backpack and belt pouches and whatnot, who could actually attach so much junk to themselves and not have it impede movement, stealth, etc?


    So to make things just a tad more realistic, I'd love to see someone create a mod where we can have a little red wagon or a shopping cart or a brahmin (or other portable conveyance of your choice) trailing along behind us that all our excess stuff actually gets carried around in, maybe with a net or mesh over it to keep stuff from falling out every time the wagon hits a bump (assuming it doesn't hover over the ground). It could even work as a separate container from one's own inventory, like in real life, and the inventory of it should be visible in the cart, though not necessarily in any particular organizational order. On top of all that, the cart could actually be a type of robot, so it steers itself, avoids combat and hostile NPCs, etc. I guess as an option, a modder could assign volume to everything in the game as well, not just weight, so characters would have to manage their personal inventories a little more carefully, NPCs (friendly, neutral and hostile) would also only be able to pick up and carry so much stuff, and the little red wagon (or whatever) would have even more value given that it can carry more stuff. So, nobody carries 100 grenades on themselves in addition to everything else they have, lol Anyway, that's my idea.

  11. (I'm not quite sure I'm in the right spot, but I didn't see a distinct VR forum for Fallout 4, and rumor has it that many Fallout 4 mods may be compatible with Fallout 4 VR, so posting this here seems logical to me... Also, apologies if these requests have already been made; I didn't get any search results when I checked.)




    Bethesda is supposed to be including multiple locomotion options in Fallout 4 VR. The two I've heard "confirmed" thus far are teleportation and trackpad. Possibly there will be others.

    But in case there aren't, can someone please plan to add a mod that will allow the ArmSwinger and Freedom Locomotion systems to work in the game?



    I'm a big believer in having options. What works well for one person doesn't necessarily work well for someone else, especially when it comes to matters involving motion sickness. Teleporting across the wasteland doesn't sound very immersive or fun to me in an open-world game, and "skating" or "floating" with a trackpad will probably have me queasy within minutes. Also, I happen to like the ArmSwinger system a lot, as swinging my arms does a pretty good job of fooling my vestibular system by faking the feeling of acceleration (for me, I kind of feel it in my chest). I prefer using VR standing up, as many do, and I have a Vive and use room-scale. I also have a TPCast now so being wireless gives me a much more immersive, free-moving experience. I feel like I'd be making the most of all that using ArmSwinger to actually move in-game.



    My hope is to use ArmSwinger in tandem with the new Vive Tracker. I plan to mount the tracker on my belt, and use hip direction to indicate movement direction, assuming movement direction will be allowed to be decoupled from head direction. Could someone also add Vive Tracker support to the game if Bethesda doesn't?


    Thank you for your time!

  12. In response to post #31810915.

    epicsacrifice wrote: This is really weird. Everytime I launch my game it disables all of my plugins and I have to re-enable them again. It happens everytime and I tried leaving the Plugin.txt to read only but that doesn't work. It just disables them all again.

    Same here.

    My way around it for now is to keep NMM up, then run the launcher and wait for it to (inevitably) disable all those mods, and once I've seen them come unchecked, I just check them all again and then hit "Play Game" in the launcher window and then everything works. But I have to do this each and every time I run the game...
  13. I'd love to see a mod that would let me climb the sides of pretty much any structure, possibly via a climbing "mode" (holding down a key or whatever to slowly vertically ascend/descend a given structure by hand), and/or a throwable/placeable grappling hook w/rope (that would be reusable). Also, it would be awesome to have a grappling-hook "gun" (could even require fusion cells or fusion core, or consumable line/grapple "ammo" so as to be a little more immersive) that could be fired at the side of any structure, and be tied off somehow at the origin (maybe similar to how power lines are attached to relays and such?), and then can be either slid down with a handle like a real zipline (assuming a downward angle), or climbed up if the angle is upward. And so as not to be too game-breaking, the length of the line should probably have an upper limit.


    Bonus: being able to transport companions the same way, either by directing them to ascend/descend the line, or in the case of dogmeat, maybe temporarily carrying him somehow (like a backpack???), so that their pathfinding doesn't get all screwed up.

    Added bonus: possibly one-handed shooting while descending a zipline (make it at least in part dependent on strength, because supporting one's weight with one hand vs two).



    Why? Well, for sniper characters, it's frustrating seeing all these awesome sniper perches in the game that can't actually be gotten to (without having to use the console). Billboard catwalks, high buildings, highway overpasses, etc etc. Feels like an oversight by BethSoft, and it's not the first time (see similar mods made for Skyrim).

  14. Hi !

    I'm right handed, but I'm also play with the Num keys. :smile:

    Skyrim solution - " Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks "

    Sorry,but I cant link it.

    Same here! I'm a righty who prefers playing with a swappable numpad (on the left), and the above mod in Skyrim worked great for this. I honestly don't understand why BethSoft can't seem to get this right, but whatever, lol

  15. Hello ,I think it should be support for Numpad key binding, played all games with that, thank you.


    I second this excellent suggestion! Skyrim had an excellent mod for this, and it would be terrific if someone could carry over the same kind of thing to Fallout 4 ASAP. BethSoft's attempt at keybinding is pretty broken by most accounts.

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