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About EmissaryOfWind

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  1. Does such a mod exist? If not, how hard would it be to create?
  2. I have the same distaste for both. If it's your fantasy, you do you, but I don't want any part of it.
  3. A lot of people have also experienced mutilation, dismemberment, imprisonment, slavery, torture or murder. And yet... here we are. A very successful game filled with lunatic raiders who are raping, killing, butchering, mutilating and all that... and people are okay with that. Cait in particular was used in sick and twisted ways, she says so herself. I personally would rip someone's d*** off if they raped one of my family members, but in a game ? Hell, I'd try that mod. Games and movies are made so that the person can experience and live the life of someone else. I am quite a gentle soul in real life. I go into huge arguments whenever I see someone from my family squash a spider. Just because it's a creature so insignificantly small compared to a human does not mean we have a right to take away its life just like that and never think about it afterwards. In games however, I like to be free. If I feel like killing, I'll kill. If I feel like raping, I'll rape. If I feel like imprisoning people and making slaves of them, I'll do it. As long as it's in a game and nobody is getting hurt, I say go for it. No one said you couldn't have them. If that's your thing, I'm not gonna try to stop you. I just think they're in poor taste, personally. Someone else might be okay with rape mods, but dislike torture mods. Some rape survivors might not care, some might have PTSD and not want to see or hear about them. If I dislike something, I can say so, it doesn't have any bearing on your enjoyment of that thing. But as a woman, I already have to live my real life with the knowledge that I'm highly likely to be sexually assaulted in my lifetime, so I'd rather leave that behind when I'm immersing myself in a fantasy world.
  4. Pretty much the same as our male counterparts! With some exceptions, which are mostly due to my personal tastes more than my being a woman. Not a fan of genitals out, of either kind. And I like swords more than guns. What does bother me as a woman, and I think other women will agree, is when the male version of an armor is practical and the female version is sexualized. I don't mind sexy outfits, though I feel like a lot of them are a contest to cover the least skin possible rather than an attempt at something that looks good. But I do mind there being only bikini armors, even the ones that are presented as "heavy armor". You can make sexy outfits that don't look like a stripper's work clothes. You can make sexy armor that is practical and won't expose your sensitive areas to the first bullet that flies, if you're not already dead from a random decorative bit actually stabbing you or the whole thing chafing your skin raw. Also, rape mods. What the f*#@?
  5. So this is a theoretical question, but if I had a mod A that depended on mod B and I wanted to make it depend on a mod C that contains the records needed by mod A, is there an easier way to switch mod B with mod C than to change every call to B in A to call C instead, by hand, and then clean masters? Sorry if this is confusing I'm tired
  6. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3515-fallout-4-mod-requests/
  7. Myst style puzzles sound exciting, I'm looking forward to it!
  8. Looks cool! I hope there's a quicker way to get to it than the labyrinth once you've discovered it though ^^
  9. Why not try to learn and do it yourself? That sounds like a good starter project ^^
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3621/? No image on the page itself but it has a few variants: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57732/?
  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3419/? Edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17723/?, check the optional files
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