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About Wednezday

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  1. So I know we have some really skilled modders in this community, so I thought I'd pitch this idea for fun.~ The armor from MGS4 Liquid Ocelot's private, genetically enhanced female troops - the Haven Troopers! http://images.wikia.com/metalgear/images/6/63/FROG_-5_by_L1QU1D5N4KEjpeg.jpeg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/218/8/c/Have_Trooper_by_RameN9.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01TWmx3MuMU In my dreams, somewhere down the line you could not only acquire the armor, but there would be a massive, barely functioning undersea shipwreck/fortress filled with dozens of FROGs (with custom animations, of course) equipped with P90s, DSR-1, XM25s and machetes, still patrolling the halls, ignorant to the devastation up above. This would make for a killer, killerrr dungeon, hey? :3 Either way, if any sweet modders like a challenge, I would love to hear what they think!
  2. The same thing happens to me, though not immediately. I haven't been able to leave Goodsprings without black-screening. And I bought NV just after launch...
  3. Black screens. Random black screens everywhere. It could happen after I create my character, on my way to the pub for the first time, following Sandy to kill some Geckos, bypassing the geckos and just walking around a bit. Black screen. No warning, no message, just a forced shutdown and lets try this again. Thanks for being completely f***ing complacent and incompetent at your jobs, Obsidian. Anyway, yeah, I've done a few searches for other people with the same problem, but theirs' mostly seem to croak around a certain NPC or event. Mine is completely random, it could be one minute after game start, or 5 or 10, but it's been this way since I paid for it. I know it isn't my hardware, my laptop has never had a problem running any game, including Fallout 3 on High. I have the Nexus Patch Compilation installed, anybody know about any more specific fixes, or am I waiting with fingers crossed for a patch so I can actually play the goddamned game? >__<
  4. I've been trying for the better part of the morning to find a way to get the original version of Jill's BSAA outfit (worn by my FO3 character before New Vegas). http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9499 Installing the full mod obviously doesn't work, I guess because the ESM placing it in the Reilly's Rangers Compound interferes. I have never used the GECK before, and would be the happiest in the world if someone could upload a New Vegas port onto the nexus, maybe with the pieces placed somewhere in Doc Mitchel's? Hope someone can help me out, thanks!
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