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Posts posted by BlackBlossom

  1. What are you trying to change?


    Right now I'm trying to move a holstered weapon from Holsters and Sheaths mod forward to sit closer to the front of the thigh.


    Prior to that I also tried to enlarge the games army helmet I retextured to fit better over my characters hair and it too didn't apply in game after I resized it. That one I didn't bother pursuing at the time so I just changed to a hair style that fit inside the Helmet. But this time I really need the holstered weapon to align with a holster on a outfit so I decided to get help on.

  2. Hey guys, need some help with a mod. I'm trying to create a personal/Unique Pipboy for the player using a esp in the creation kit with custom new pipboy mesh using custom textures in their own unique texture folders. I have it all down pat with the Pipboy on the skeletons arm, animation where the player picks it up and dusts it off and then in first and Third person afterwards with no problem. But when I go to plug it in to open the door it reverts to the standard Pipboy. I've digged into the creation kit to find the source material for the door plug in animation so I can get it to stay with the custom unique Pipboy but have had no luck. I'm at my wits end so if there is anyone experienced enough with the creation kit to give me a hand it would be greatly appreciated. Anyone that helps will be credited of course when I post.



  3. I myself have purchased most of my games on steam so all the process to download and play the game I'm used to and is second nature to me. But I do understand the dismay some people have. People like to have freedoms with their purchases but it seem this is the way things are going to be. But not playing and enjoying a game because of it I don't get. The game isn't unmoddable and it's not forcing you to play vanilla. The game itself has many flaws but it'll be patched along the way and most of the Hardcore modders will find a way to create tools that will work are issues with steam and make the process smoother. The story, acting, characters and dialog are well worth the play. Sure, It gave me some trouble modding but as much as some of it was annoying and took more time then I want it the results make it worth while. I've been there as many of you have , through console war discussions, EA is the Devil ruining the gaming industry, Steam Vs Retail, etc. And through it all, for me it's about the game. And if I find a game I want to play I won't let any of the mentioned subject matter or obstacles keep me from playing a game.
  4. I always get my PC games through steam ( Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, Oblivion, Fo3 and now NV,) so this is all familiar ground for me so it doesn't effect me much at all. I'm not pro or anti Steam it just has worked fine for me for years.
  5. This might be a guess, but did you also create a child and old race to work with your African American albino Race?


    Yes that was one of the things I first tried recently to try alleviate the problem. Still no luck. Unless I'm missing something. :confused:

  6. Hey Guys. I'm reworking my African American albino Race. In doing a new version in G.E.C.K I was reminded of a problem I had when I did my first version (both my very first for my personal character and my rework of it for Nexus Upload). I did my Variant Race in G.E.C.K at the time through tutorials about making a custom race. Then when I started a new game if I picked my custom Race with the Gene Projector it would crash when I exited out of it. But when I picked a vanilla race it went through no prob and I was able to change the race through console after. Anyone with a idea why my custom races crash at the exit of the Gene Projector but not through console. Am I missing something in G.E.C.K or is this a common happening when using custom races?
  7. Sounds like whatever mesh is being equipped doesn't have the skin shader set properly. Do you know what nif it is?



    Hey Quetzlsacatanango thanks, you made me look in the right direction. Looks like I mixed two different meshes on each hand, silly me, I just extracted one set I liked from The Nexus and made sure both were replaced. Now everything is kosher. Thanks.

  8. I have removed the glove before but I still seem to get stuck with what seems to be the vanilla hand texture and not the one I use, which shows up on the other hand just not the pipboy hand. I remove both the pipboy and glove to model my retexture mod uploads on my character for images and I still have the prob. The meshes show but the proper texture doesn't. Even the skin color is off.
  9. Hey Guys,


    I know this probably was asked already, but I have had something that's annoyed be for a while now. the PipBoy hand. I can't seem to change the texture or have a costume's glove show up over the bare pipboy hand. I know it's something to do with a Patch somewhere 1.7 I think but what is the solution. I been using a glove mod to get a better looking glove but would rather go without one. Thanks

  10. I created a fresh new gave save character on a fresh copy of Fallout 3 and put it out for use in a file release. I have one person who seems to have trouble :sad: as they exit the vault where their DLC content quests don't load up. Could there be a prob with the character save or maybe something on their end. I find it odd myself but if anyone can shed light on the problem I can refer it to that particular person. Out of the so far 130 plus people who downloaded it only he has expressed that problem :huh: . As I wouldn't want anyone to have a prob with my save character I'd like to pass on to them a idea of what is going on or rectify it on my end :pinch: . Thanks
  11. Yeah body type choices are definitely a gamble. I tried every one to choose one I liked. All have their pros and cons. I myself like the Exnems body but find the feet not very, lets say attractive :confused: . Yet the Type 3 has awesome feet but is very doll like in appearance :dry: . Other mods like Malo and Naouak have nice looking skin but not liking the general shape :mellow: ( preference of course not slighting it). Exnem Bigger Breast uses the Exnem body type I like with feet very similar to the Type 3 which I did use at first but found the huge breast kinda too much and not too natural in appearance. Not to mention strange having every female even elderly women with huge perky breasts :blink: . Idk maybe it's the radiation,lol. I didn't mind the BABE body with the choices of breast size and all but found it didn't have a lot of Armor and outfit conversions. Tough choices for sure but in the end I went for the Type 3 with custom textures I reworked to increase the realism and minimize the doll like feel :smile: . Example: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=14271 as for male bodies, breeazes is the definitive choice in my opinion and as a woman greatly appreciate the male figure in all it's well built glory :sweat: . Well good luck on your choices
  12. I created a fresh new gave save character on a fresh copy of Fallout 3 and put it out for use in a file release. I have one person who seems to have trouble :sad: as they exit the vault where their DLC content quests don't load up. Could there be a prob with the character save or maybe something on their end. I find it odd myself but if anyone can shed light on the problem I can refer it to that particular person. Out of the so far 130 plus people who downloaded it only he has expressed that problem :huh: . As I wouldn't want anyone to have a prob with my save character I'd like to pass on to them a idea of what is going on or rectify it on my end :pinch: . Thanks


    Much Love....

  13. If you haven't noticed already, the left hand of the PC has a PipBoy attached, as such, no armor will show on the left forearm/hand. as for the texturing problems, please check if the rest of the body has the color it should.

    If not, and you are using the 1.7 patch, it's a "normal" behavior, it an issue introduced by this patch... the unofficial fo3 patch kind of fix it, but sometimes still happens (at least happens to me).

    There are a couple of pipboy replacers here on the nexus, the ones from alexscorpion are great (sorry no link)

    there's also the pipboy remover, which hides the pipboy when inactive.


    well hope that helps

    CorodedSoul, over.


    I had a feeling the 1.7 patch had something to do with it. I used a glove mod that covers the whole hand and still looks cool. I'll also try your suggestions as well. Thanks a bunch.

  14. Hey Guys.

    I"m fairly new at adding mods to my games. Thought I'd start with one of my Fav's, Fallout 3. So far all the mods work great. Only one prob I'm having trouble with. I can't change the texture for my characters left hand. I have a dark skinned character but the left hand is still light. And when I put any costumes or armor that has gloves it doesn't show on the left hand. I tried changing the texture through GECK but it doesn't show there either. It seems to effect all my races as well. Help anyone?



  15. Hey Guys.

    I"m fairly new at adding mods to my games. Thought I'd start with one of my Fav's, Fallout 3. So far all the mods work great. Only one prob I'm having trouble with. I can't change the texture for my characters left hand. I have a dark skinned character but the left hand is still light. And when I put any costumes or armor that has gloves it doesn't show on the left hand. I tried changing the texture through GECK but it doesn't show there either. It seems to effect all my races as well. Help anyone?



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