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About lolwut50

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  1. I completed the quest and got the training, but when i left the bunker Arcade did not ask if he should join the remnants or stay with the followers.
  2. The improved parts mod for the riot shotgun has missing textures for me, instead of using proper textures it seems to use any random textures it can find, even using textures for the elite riot helmet, i also use WRP textures but i have installed the compatability patches, but the textures are still missing.
  3. No, still the same result, i load the ESP below GRA and WMX, but the game still crashes if i try to equip the bozar or even view its stats.
  4. While i think the Bozar is a badass looking weapon, it feels quite weak compared to the LMG, so i tried upping its damage, however, the ESP ends up causing crashes in the pip-boy, i thought the crashes were because i only modded the base files, because i use WMX as well. I also recently tried to mod the WMX files included, but that only ended up with the main menu not loading up, if i could get some help that would be nice.
  5. That during a key point in either faction you would be able to stop a battle by using a shout or something, you would then give speech uniting the Empire and Stormcloaks for a campaign against the thalmor. Because you would have to be a mudcrab to not notice that the Thalmor is the biggest problem.
  6. So who did you marry? I had my Nord marry shahvee, not a racist nord.
  7. this problem started popping up after i did a clean install of skyrim due to my saves becoming corrupted, it works now but i have a annoying glitch, whenever i get hit by a spell i get staggered and the sound of a ward breaking is heard, i become immune to spells however, and sometimes fights against mages become unwinnable due to me constantly being stunlocked not even being able to friggin shout, i dont know if this could be the source of the problem, the last save i had before reinstalling i was using a mod where an enchanted shield had a ward effect on, i cant remember if i had the shield equipped.
  8. i want a mod wich alters the godmode command a bit wich makes that you need to reload your weapon so you cant shoot a double barell shotgun 4000 times in a row and the weapons still dont degrade (possibly optional) and a second idea wich makes that you loose health in godmode and when you "die" you do similar to companions by collapsing into a ragdoll though 3 times shorter :mellow:
  9. am i the only one that hates the mods wich adds anime characters? because i think manga/anime characters in new vegas look like someone divided by zero as of vegas is meant to be a "bit" realistic and not have girls with hairs the size of a country and eyes as big as jupiter
  10. can someone make a mod wich adds the magpul masada assault rifle to the game with modifications like a laser pointer silencer and a reflex sight
  11. a mod wich allows you to remove a weapon mod but requiers a workbench
  12. sorry my brain is powered on nuka cola not sunset sarsaparilla
  13. when i save in a new location my game crashes for no reason and its very annoying
  14. has anyone noticed that paladin gunnys behavior is alot like dr.cox from scrubs
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