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Everything posted by JPRGtheMusic

  1. Yeah I agree with Jaysus it doesn't necessarily have to be the seven samurai (personally I just have a huge fascination with the samurai, and that movie) but in reality it could totally be something not involving samurai. Thats the beauty of the story! And your suggestion on playing as any of the samurai I totally like. I had thought about it before I made this post, and had decided that that might make the mod a lot harder to develop, but with the massive scale the mod would have to be anyways, it might not be a big issue. And Kikuchiyo is my personal favorite samurai as well (the big brute one) because he grows the most, and is actually a farmers son, and not of samurai blood, but learns to be samurai. I your idea of the opening quest/battle being that of taking down the thief that kidnaps the baby, would be a great starting point! I think you could take a pointer from the Anime series based off the movie that Eshenaleros mentioned, because the thief scene in that involves Kambei (head samurai), Kikuchiyo (farmers son), and Katsushirô (the youngest samurai). Each of them reacts differently. Kiku charges in and uses brute force to take out the thief, Kambei uses his head and tricks the thief, and Katsu just watches the fight trying to learn.
  2. Had the idea that it would be a really fun quest line to do the Seven Samurai. Ya know start out as the first Samurai (Kambei in the movie) and be recruited by this village of farmers to help defend their village from bandits. First steps in the quest would be to search the Imperial city for other Samurai to help you on your quest (slowly coming across the other characters in the group) and then head out to defend the village from bandits in a series of attacks (waves of attackers? I'd kinda want a more epic feel to the attacks, perhaps specific strategies for each wave, and they come over a series of days?) If the difficulty were to be amped up perhaps a failure chance could be added, such as if you are the last samurai alive, or if you lose too many villagers. I think that this "quest" should be a series of quests, providing experience and money, as well as items (maybe a different piece of samurai armor, until you have the full set at the end and you have to face the final boss with it, kinda Knights of the Nine style) What do you guys think? It would take a good amount of dedication, but using already made items and skins, I believe this could be very easily achieved. Plus if well done, would be an extremely awesome Mod.
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