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  1. These are listed as Elite Crew in the CK, same as the others I've edited. If there were going to be a NPC swap at the end of a quest, these should be the final version. Is it possible that these particular characters have their skill perks patched in one of those other Starfield master files (the ones named SFBGS00x)? I assumed they wouldn't split stuff like that, but I'm still pretty new at this.
  2. Hey all, I'm running into a wall trying to edit the perks of various companions / crew in Starfield. The problem: I open up an actor and then click on the SpellList tab to see the list of perks that companion has, but several of them have no skill perks listed, only "Companion_BasicPerk" at rank 1. Those NPCs with no skill perks listed in the CK have skill perks in the game, but I can't edit what I can't see. I was able successfully edit the perks of Sophia Grace, Jessamine Griffin, and Omari Hassan, but when I tried to edit the skill perks for Erick von Price, Mathis Castillo, and Emilia Earhart, their skill perks aren't listed. Am I missing something really obvious? Thanks in advance!
  3. Same problem. I changed a couple ship hab stats and my plugin is telling me I "nuked" the navmesh in locations I didn't touch. Same formid, same warnings that OP posted.
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