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About DarkGenius

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    http://I prefer using Tinder when I go monster huntin'
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    Everything sci-fi and magical
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  1. Dustin' this profile, it's so funny the things we used to write back in the day, we're all a bunch of edgy kids back then, so much nostalgia, playing oldrim, fallout 3 back in the day, oh the memories amirite? still, bethesda games will always have refreshing content from this talented modding community.
  2. Gotta wonder how the next TES will fare with all that's been happening lately, it can't be good.. call me a pessimist, but I think sacrifices will be made, either story, features, somewhere will suffer a lack of innovation or effort, hopefully it won't be mandatory to bend a knee to Creation Club as it will probably be the first singleplayer (?) story-driven TES to have a CC SHOP early, Skyrim, Fallout 4, they all had a powerful modding community when CC sparked.. they catched a moving train. It got me thinking... if they'll deliberately cause issues or "not-give-thought", *neglecterino*, certain areas of the game and design especifically to have Creation Club "Fix" them, as if that is something they never thought off :dry: Also got thinking how many here will just clutch that chance, to pawn off some Nexus talent for some Crutch Creation SHOP micro profits. Just keep that in mind will y'all, Beth has given enough reasons, not only with Fallout 76, that they have changed, fanboying Beth has lost it's luster, though it's yr right if y want to.. Who knows, the next title might just the thing to give Beth their respect back :confused:
  3. Bethesda overall behavior lately has been questionable, really questionable. Not going to bring Fallout 76 here, but damn, I wonder what broke at management to have Bethesda change so much.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY6RyRkl9uo What makes a man turn neutral? This New Bethesda doesn't seen concerned in the slightest with community, and it has some of the best modding communities, really industry level talented Mod Authors here, what they have been doing is morally evil, tackling the same communities that "fix" their game is extremely evil, beyond greedy, they're crossing a line where consumer freedom is put at question, just now that they have a certain... competition.. Obsidian was just showing off the things they can do with TOW.. from posts at /r/obsidian people been quite loud in their dilemmas with a certain Not-In-Game Corporation Tis' not even fair to compare TOW and latest FOs their differences are really big, however when people say Obsidian was merely "testing" waters, oh it has weight, Beth oughta watch it's rump, they can't afford being OOT any longer. While I don't believe this is Sabotage! le fromage consumer Cattles! :psyduck: , they are too OOT, "too out of touch" and risking their rep sinking faster than the titanic in the marianas trench, kin, kindred and kith.. that's deeper than the deepest deep, not even Johnny Depp gonna save 'em from that. Obsidian gon' full John Wick but only Constantine can help this Bethesda sulfur situation :devil:
  4. Fo4Edit has a function to turn esps into esl as well, after the forms are edited, it is just a matter of renaming it to esl.. right? if not, I may have dun goofed an entire profile, merging mods into one entity and converting them to esl is very tricky business.
  5. Alas, the truth is multifaceted, it never takes simple forms and the more complex it is, more truth it conveys, what a mess, no wonder we all go crazy eventually.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Correct?! No! But to a degree. Give yourself a PHD.
    2. Deleted54170User


      If I remember correctly we all had been little children and once we got on our feet we went crazy with delight, fast and furious to discover everything from our new stance and point of view. Seems to me the day we came to the conclusion we are crazy is the day we became sane. ROFLOL ;- )
  6. Thank you for your comment @HadtoRegister, it is a honor. That is exactly what I think we should find a way to fix, at least for our own satisfaction, these mods are good but they're extra esp, I'll open them in Fo4Edit and see what they do, maybe I can use their changes in the ArmorKeywords.esm I'm tinkering already, I'm using a mod that hid some of the superfluous workbenches On that Neck Seam issue, I found out "field backpack" from the mod "Dogmeat's Backpack" also causes "some" scaling issues I have Kudos to @Infamous95 for the fix: Go to the top of the armor addon for the Character Backpack and edit the record flags tagging "no under armor scaling" that should fix this Item in question he forgot to include is named AA_HigeBackpack01 in Fo4Edit, I'll check asap but should probably fix it. Notes: Had the neck issue happen on character, and not on a unmodded save, pending further testing.. gotta check so much inventory.
  7. Is this issue still relevant to you? do you do Merge Patches for Fallout 4? it could be a conflict.
  8. Hello Gamers! Welcome :thumbsup: I need to talk about both Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) and Armorsmith Extended, but first, if there are other threads on how to solve this, please redirect me and I'll have this topic scrapped. I have been running both mods for a long time now, but I have to say I'm really tired of both.. but mods I truly enjoy depend on both :unsure: I run mo2 and I have 7 mod list profiles and they all use a part of AWKCR that I need to fix in the eventual merge patch AWKCR lost it's scope of a simple resource and started doing several things at the same time (without making some of these changes optional, (question on reddits is what AWKCR and Armorsmith Extend won't do), such changes sacrificed simplicity, if you want to enjoy your game modded you'll have open up Fo4Edit and do basic tinkering here and there to fix issues caused by AWKCR and company, but lately I decided I had enough of AWKCR and started removing stuff that felt unecessary, wouldn't you know... Fallout 4 started to run smoother (only other edit to the mod list was the removal of Bounties for you mod, which is a bit infamous for CTD and other performance issues) (be aware my current mod list "Crazy Wacky World" is 377+ combo of esp, esl and some of my own converted esl), but I also had problems with neck seams, that neck hole bug, issue would only happen to PC and persist after "sexchange" console command and any edits in slm 14, that does really break the immersion, I still could use some of the coolest features in the mod without the extras after cannibalizing the mod. I need your support to help me remove the "extra" stuffs from the mods.. paint system, mat swap (I know about the patch but it is extra esp [maybe I should convert it to a esl hmmm]) extra workbenches and other unecessary items, the argument that I simply shouldn't enable AWKCR or AE is fragile (I won't respond to those) most mods in the community nowadays use both, but most mods barely use half of the features presented by both mods, so I need to know what is "safe" to remove and won't cause CTDs or other graphical visual bugs ( neck seam :sick: ) while also still being able to use Creation Club paints Also, older versions are not supported so why use them? has anyone had any success using old AWKCR and AE? Creation Club still work? Can anyone help me? I promise Kudos and my eternal gratitude. Disclaimer: this is not to bash or rant on AWKCR and AE and their time spent working on these mods, I respect their work on the mods and I recognize it is hard to please everyone, however these mods are very popular, a staple of Fallout 4 modding, I also know a lot of people just enjoy complaining about anything, but the intent here is to provide an alternative for people in the same situation as me to make modding a more pleasing and agreeable situation. To quote Leonardo da Vinci; "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
  9. Hmmm, that depends. Maybe your local Brazilian/Portuguese cultural restaurant? local rustic pizza maker? Maybe the flavour is called differently in other nations, here I just login IFood, three clicks and poof! one gorgeous pizza magically appear. Though, I suppose I would find it way more pleasurable If I made the pizza myself. I theorize you could just make a normal pizza, put cheese, ham, more cheese and slice the olives, slice the boiled eggs, slice the smoked sausage, put whatever spices you would like on top. I suggest orégano (goes wonderfully with cheese and olive oil), black pepper, dried tomatoes (careful with this one, too much or too little and it makes a mess), other herbs that wouldn't steal the taste. You definitely need a good wine too.
  10. Y'know. Of all the few things we brazilians owe to the portuguese, their greatest invention has to be the Portugal/portuguese flavor pizza, who knew olives, boiled eggs, cheese, ham and smoked sausages could make such a good tasting pizza? then pour some olive oil and set some rice, good sweet wine... like travelling back in time, to the Renascimento! It's just my opinion though, when in doubt about humanity.. remember, we created pastry and other wonderful things.
  11. @Mr. zuskunks Thank you for that userstyles mod, it definitely made it a lot better, kudos.
  12. Well... so much has changed around here..
    1. MalachiDelacot


      Only the noob twits playing Skyrim and FO4.

      Good things never change....

  13. Why is the new layout being forced? I dislike it, it is too difficult to find a CATEGORY section, I hardly ever load Nexusmods on a mobile app, the fundamental basics have been changed, now to look for a mod I need to use the search function? The Old Layout has been too unreliable as of late, some pages not loading at all. That New Layout abomination that shouldn't exist, there are MANY of us who dislike it, it doesn't make any sense, I'm having a very hard time find even th most BASIC information in a mod page, seriously folks, I know some things in this website are NOT UP FOR DEBATE, but this is too much even in the most simplistic level, that shower of information, bright themes, are you people fishing for more mobile users? why not FORCE THAT on mobile devices instead of my browser? I do not like that this is being forced, it is not the nexusmods I'd remember.. this is something that wasn't touched even in the Oblivion era! I thought the new layout was a experiment as even youtube has been doing something like that, but seriously... AT LEAST keep the Old layout as a option and Robin are you on board with all of this? *damn*... I love this website.. this is too confusing I can't believe this... can someone make a noob video on how to use the new layout? IS THERE A GUIDE OR MANUAL I'm not aware of?
  14. It's understandable why people would get upset. It fixed settlements, period, either by allowing you to claim your own bed when you slept in it or by accessing settlers inventory by pressing R, or baby burn, or Power of the General or by renaming the "settlers" giving them real names and titles based on their jobs, well.. you name it. The mod had it all, it's such a shame, truly. Even if real life got the best of his time, wouldn't he be satisfied if his best work yet was continued? did he quit playing Fallout 4 and simply felt no inclination to update his mods? questions... Fallout settlement building wouldn't ever again be the same Fallout 4 as we know it focuses heavily on settlement building and management. If you're not building at least one safehouse, why the H are you playing it then? and for the most part... settlements are a pain in the back in vanilla, it has no charm in it, unless you're proud of what you built, but once you fill it with "settlers", you'll beg for a attack so it can be exciting to see whether you built your base correctly, oh Bethesda... this had so much potential and you didn't care.. you just allowed it to walk, and put a pricetag on "paints" for it, some nice... some Wasteland Workshop style horse armor. Yeah, I'm still using DCMS despite all the chaos it may cause or the regular bad warnings it gets from "people" in this *mature* modding community. I listen to myself first because what people tell you is simply their opinion, nothing more than that, people hated Mass Effect Andromeda, I gave them a NO and played it to see for myself, and guess what? turns out the game is AWESOME. Mass hysteria and hype makes our games toxic, it helps create but at the same time it destroys everything it created. Thanks for the link buddy, if I disable DCMS I'll compile a list of mods a little similar to it and post it here.
  15. I can't believe this, how could he just quit like a loser on account of a few complainers... people get so angsty with their saves, don't they know losing it all is a part of modding a game? I'm planning to use version 1-7-3 of DCMS. Perhaps it will work, perhaps it won't. It became such a core part of my game it bothers a lot not using it. When you get accustomed with how it manages the settlements and streamline the settlers, gives them some measure of life, some much needed improvements the rest is just superfluous details... it's hard to go back to vanilla. Really. Ah, maybe I should keep a open mind... but no mod can be compared with it. Yet. Anyone with a good list of the mods that can replace it and they can be merged together without nuking Fo4?
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