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Posts posted by Scorpial

  1. Raiders carry like 2 molotovs at most and somehow they pelt you with like 12+ in a single fight. Then when you kill them, you can pick up the two molotovs??

    I already have a mod that forces npcs to use up ammo, but by default, if an npc has a single grenade of any sort, they can spam you with it indefinitely. If there is a mod already available that prevents this and forces npcs to actually use the stuff in their inventory as opposed to magically console hack their items, please let me know! Otherwise, I'm certain I'm not the only one who finds this just the most absurd thing :laugh:

  2. There's a topic open with this issue here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4735625-disabling-mod-ctd-on-save-load-need-help/

    Basically what you'll need to do is, uninstall/disable the mod(s) you don't want, load the game normally (without using F4SE) and load your save. You'll get a message saying that some mods have been disabled, click ok. The game will load normally, save the game and exit. Now re-lauch Fallout4 using F4SE.

    A huge thanks to Jenquil for making me aware of this temporary fix.


    Edit: Scratch all that - you already tried using the Vanilla launcher, you may have mod dependencies. Check your plugins to see if your missing Masters? Posting your load order helps too. :smile:

  3. Are you launching your game with F4SE? Disable the mods you want, launch through the normal steam launcher and start your game without F4SE, then load up your save like normal, click yes on the little warning about mods, quicksave, exit. Then restart with F4SE, I donno what is causing this bug. =/


    I can confirm that this does in fact work! Thank you so much Jenquil :) My only concern is that some mods might get messed up in the new save by being force-loaded without F4SE. I'm hoping there will be a fix for this soon.

  4. I'm doing a bunch of troubleshooting steps for this as I am having the exact same problem. No matter the mod, even if it has 0 dependence and is just a single esp file (texture mods are fine as long as they are only replacers), crashes the game upon save loadup if you disable/uninstall/delete it from your game.

    So far I've "verified the integrity of the game cache" and manually checked my plugin.txt (it was clear of the uninstalled mod so that was fine). I've gone and made sure the files from whatever uninstalled mod where gone. Also force the game to re-create Fallout.ini. It almost seems like save files keep track of which mods you have...


    I will keep trying to find a fix to this and post here if I come up with anything. Anyone else willing to pitch in on solving this issue would be wonderful :smile:
    I haven't tested on a non-survival version of a save file, so not sure if it's just survival mode?

  5. Hey everyone! Just trying to figure out what the console command to show the sleeping menu is. I know the one for waiting is "showmenu sleepwaitmenu" but I've tried a number of combinations and can't seem to figure out what the one for sleeping is.


    I'm having a problem with my workshop built beds not working so I just need access to the menu as a temporary fix until I can figure out which one of my mods broke my workshop beds.



  6. So I'm trying to add a tattoo to the abdomen/thigh to the upperbody.dds for females type3 dimonized, however I cannot for the life of me get the two parts to align properly (since the leg and upperbody is separated on the texture file) and it always ends up looking like this:




    I'm choosing this specific location because it's at the same area and tattoo that I have (immersion yay!) so choosing an easier location is no option xD


    I also have a psd. version of my dds file (attached to this) that you can play around with if you are up to the challenge. The full tattoo is included, and the current positions that I put make the above results.


    Thank you to whomever. <3

  7. So... when I open my game to play it, I come across quite a nightmare:






    My character cannot move and EVERYTHING in my game is missing textures and/or meshes... what on earth happened to my game?

  8. Oh I see. That would explain why it suddenly disappeared. I'll be waiting then :P


    Might have to wait a long time. Due to lack of intrest in the mod and 0 endorsements its been pushed to the bottom of my very long todo list.


    Next time you see a mod you like, Endorse it and maybe the author will keep working on it.



    I never actually had a shot to try it since I'm working and juggling school at the same time. It disappeared so fast that as soon as I had time, I was unable to try it. I think I seen it on for a few days lol, that's not very much time for others to try it out.

  9. I remember seeing a new mod which enables you to find armor and weapons in various conditions from 1-100% rather than the select 0% 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. It makes it possible to find a weapon at 13% condition for example.
  10. It's DEFINITELY not intentional on either my part or the mod author's part. Also, notice how her body is also that color? So that shows that it's not "too much makeup". And like I said before, it's not just her, ALL NPC's look that way now.
  11. It isn't intentional since all the screens of Nevada that I've seen have normal skin. Without Nevada, all the NPC's and my character have normal skin, the same applies for when I have the Nevada Skies Vanilla version. However, using the normal or UWRL version of Nevada does this nightmarish scenario to all characters in the game.


    I've had this mod active in the past and I've never had this problem, the skin was perfect and now I have this. >_<


    Edit: It might be worth mentioning that when my character faces light from a fire for example, the skin becomes perfectly shaded. This brownish gray nightmare only happens when a character is facing the sun.

  12. I've recently installed Nevada Skies (tried the UWRL version as well) after a long time coming, and while in the past it used to work 100% fine, now for some reason all the NPC's and my character have a very very grey-ish dark brown complexion whenever they are facing the sun. I checked the bLoadface thing and they are all equal to one so I have no idea what the problem is now...


    (The Nevada skies vanilla version works perfectly, but I dislike it so...)


    Any ideas?


    Added a picture for visualization (Nevada UWRL):



    She is Caucasian by the way...

  13. I was playing with the Readius activated until I noticed that it had flipped itself completely on the side when I opened it. I had a really hard time seeing the options, but I managed to click on the readius options to uninstall the mod. I figured maybe I just needed to re-install it with a clean save. So, I did that, went back in game to see my Pipboy 3000 and it was fine... for about a minute. My Pipboy 3000 went completely to the top of the screen. So much so that, you guessed it, I couldn't access half of my pipboy.


    Now here I thought, okay well my actual Pipboy from the vanilla game isn't working now... maybe If I continue with the readius instal on a clean save, it will work? Wrong. I reinstalled the readius, and it was still flipped sideways.


    Now I have no Pipboy 3000 or Readius xD Could anyone help me please?

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