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Everything posted by Marrv072

  1. The xml's are inside .pak files in the root directory. Not overly difficult to change yourself if you should wish.
  2. pak files can be unpacked with 7zip http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
  3. I was thinking something is needed as well, but was thinking more akin to witcher 3 script merger, but alas I do not know how that is coded
  4. Is the maximum number of perks a set number or just a sum value the game calculates from the xml's?
  5. TheCorex; What program are you using their to view the xml's?
  6. It means that the skill on the subject matter is insufficient. i.e. your trying to reach about herbalism and it says that it means your herbalism skill is too low. If you want to remove it, I suspect document_required_skill.xml is the xml your looking for to edit in libs\tables\rpg
  7. I suspect editing the buff.xml and removing the text from between the quotation marks would remove the popup, it only seems to be present on buffs that have a popup; e.g. buff_ui_name="buff_forester" to buff_ui_name="" And it should not show up anymore. Not tested that bit yet though.
  8. I believe the person earlier in this post was referring to this bug; http://puu.sh/gumgM.jpg Where by following the instructions in OP you get a whatever schematic you edited replicated with the "name" of the item you wanted in place of the original items name. However the schematic it is tied to does not change (please notice the right hand side still shows schematic for armor legs not for a full armor set. The result is a very broken schematic system that stops you crafting anything that has glitched - been trying to see if I can get CE to remove the schematics affected or similar ways around it.
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