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About napmouse

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  1. Hi, just my 2 cents. This redesign blows. Usability is much worse even though its "prettier," its more cumbersome to navigate and uses space much less efficiently. In my opinion this is a terrible layout and I wish I could fully revert it. It is a complete pain. I don't have anything else to add.
  2. Hey! I'm trying to make a mod that can attach a quest alias to any NPC, and i want to make it so those NPCs fight enemies alongside me. I tried using the setPlayerTeammate() function, but for example, when i attach the alias to Carlotta Valentia, she draws her weapon and just follows me around in combat without attacking anyone. How do I make her actually fight? I even tried swapping the confidence and aggression values of the aliased NPC, but it doesn't seem to do anything either. I also tried setting the alias combat override to a package list containing UseWeapon and UseWeaponDrawn packages, and that didn't seem to work either. What am I missing here? I don't want to be forced to directly edit NPCs, because I want the mod to apply to any NPC, even ones from arbitrary mods. Any help is appreciated.
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