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Posts posted by YaraC

  1. Since no one else has answered you yet, I'll jump in. I will answer you as best I can from my memory to give you some basic guidance.


    Editing companion´s lines


    Finally, how do you take pieces of dialogue out from spoken lines & paste them w/ others or just have them on their own?[...] I've been able to isolate the first part of a sentence by setting range start & end markers, but while they cut off the rest of the sentence, it just keeps repeating over & over in the timeline...


    That is not the way it works. Seems that you have set the start and end markers for the preview which will loop by default.

    Let us assume "Hello, have you met her? I think she'd need a reason not to betray us" has the StringID 34567892. The stringiD of a selected line is always displayed in the lower left corner of the conversation editor.

    If you only want to reuse a part of a line ("I think she'd need a reason not to betray us.") you will have to extract the voice-over line from the corresponding *.fsb file and edit it.


    How to?

    • If you are searching for a specific text string the string editor could be useful. Not all of the followers´ lines are integrated in the main dialogue files of the companions.
    • Identify the dialogue ( i.e. *.fsb file) and the StringId.
    • Extract the line (e.g.. "345678_m.wav") from the fsb using Aezay's FSB Extractor.
    • Edit the line in a DAW. Audacity is recommended. Export into the required format.
    • Then follow the wiki how to generate a new voice-over line.
    • The edited wav file must be renamed according to the StringId of the new conversation line, e.g. "354169_m.wav"


    It is not exactly clear what you would like to do and how you want to trigger it.
    Dependant on what you are aiming for you could create an new additional conversation or add a new line to an existing conversation.

    Regarding an existing conversation, especially the main dialogues, I would consider compatibility issues. Furthermore, editing original resources is often less advisable. Keep in mind that the resource history is the chance to role back changes or just work with a copy of the original resource.


    The conversational approach


    "[...But] for an exchange where you have the Warden conversing w/ an NPC, how do you add the choices for the Warden's lines since they appear as text instead of being voiced?


    You could choose the conversational approach.

    Design the conversation with the warden´s choices. Convert the new companion line (in our example the 354169_m.wav!) to a cutscene and modify the cutscene with the enhanced features of the cutscene editor.

    Probably you have already started and worked on a cutscene with the cutscene editor. It works vice versa as well. A cutscene can be assigned to a line as well. Conditions: 1.The name of the cutscene must match the stringId of the line, i.e. 354169_m.wav. 2. The cutscene can contain only one voice-over line, no more. If your cutscene contains more, you could split the scene.


    This should give you for now some orientation how to continue, Firefly.

  2. It´s years ago...my memories are faded. But that is what I think I would do:

  3. There is no way you can transfer the values of bone structures from machine-readable files (mor, mop, das) to the toolset. The values of machine-readable files differ from the human-readable format of the *.mrh (blue print) which you can edit in the toolset.

    But you can identify textures (hair style, eye textures and complexions) and edit these values if you open a mor file in the toolset.


    In case you would like to reuse the complete face structure of an existing character - that is possible. You can extract a character´s face (*.mor) from a save file (*.das) with the tool Face Replacer and even change some attributes like hair and eye color etc. As far as I remember (it is some years ago that I used it) you can import / inject a new morph into a save file as well.


    Face Replacer: https://www.nexusmod...gonage/mods/428

    Tutorial with images: https://www.nexusmod...onage/mods/2063

    Single player morphs (*.mrh): https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4537?tab=files

  4. kick1234567890, on 17 Feb 2020 - 03:52 AM, said:
    I've montiored memory usage, which is under 1gb during combat, right before crash. Tried setting core affinities etc.
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
    - I'm running windows 10, SSDs, Geforce 1080, 16gb ddr4 ram.

    Which core setting have you tested?


    Your specs are fine - as were mine some years ago..

    I have a vague memory that I had a resource management problem as well with the demo of DA 2. I was able to solve it at the time by assigning only half of the cores to DA 2, simultaneously setting the priority high for DA 2.

  5. If you miss an error message, you can also check the Toolset logs located in the Toolset subfolder of the same name.

    Your description sounds similiar to the error message I got after a windows update recently:


    Dragon Age Toolset
    Unable to initialize the graphics engines. This can be caused by the DLL missing, other required DLLs missing, or the wrong version of DirectX installed.

    Run the toolset configuration program and verify your settings or search the toolset wiki http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset to help with this issue.

    This toolset must now exit.


    As you got the message due to a non responsive system on the closure of the toolset you may have not any problems on a restart of the toolset. Good luck.

    For my part I could not fix the problem during the last 2 weeks and will reinstall the toolset.

  6. You can´t change DAO animations via console. Nothing comparable to what is possible with TW3, for example.


    You can only create a custom cutscene with the cutscene editor of the toolset. Both require a considerable investment of time.

    The excelsheets are modder´s resources.

  7. LadyHonor is right. Without a backup of the database or a b2b file of your module there is nothing you can do about it.

    Only if you would have restored a database backup and would have problems accessing checked-out resources would there be a solution.
    If you would have a backup in form of a builder-to-builder file the resources could be imported into a new module with the option 'Create new String IDs'.

  8. The datebase includes only resources of the OC. Therefore no DLC or Awakening resources can be displayed in the palette.

    But the resources are available. You can even create new areas (.are) by using the area layouts .(lvl) of Awakening and DLCs in the toolset:


    Using DLC areas in your mods tutorial: http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Using_DLC_areas_in_your_mods_tutorial

    Awakening resources: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/223468-awakening-resources/page-2?p=1970294&do=findComment&comment=1970294


    Area layouts used in the Awakening module: http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Area_layouts_used_in_the_Awakening_module

    Area layouts used in DLC: http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Area_layouts_used_in_DLC


    Additional, in case of interest:

    Area tutorial (and more info) on the wiki: http://www.datoolset.net/wiki/Area_tutorial

    Mod Awakening in the OC: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/920

  9. On it´s creator behalf? I don´t think that this expectation is realistic.If the mods can not be found in the Bioware Continuity Network (BCN) on Nexus we have to cope with the lack of the author´s permission. BCN has uploaded about 80 mods with authorization by the creator or in compliance with an open use policy of the author.

    Less than 4 weeks ago, another post about DaTool was discussed in the forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6667901-app-to-view-the-equipment/


    There is a mirror site where the tool was uploaded 2009. Therefore I assume that it was Adinos himself and that it is not a pirate source:


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