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Posts posted by Soulbringer1


    Solved for me i edit cc.esl with Fo4edit in "fille header" i changed "records flag" to esl only by default is esm and esl and create backup

    the idea was like it does not show up in the plugins file
    try to detach it from esm, which in my opinion is blocking the function of sorting the order

    I return to nmm launch loot and Shazam , Sortings pluggins work , the arrows as green again !

    after you can remove the cc.esl file or keep it

    Miraculous solution, but it worked for me
    Use at your risk dont forget create backup file with Fo4edit
    If it works now with latest Nmm do not do anything, it's an old solution about that



    What did he say here? "i edit cc.esl with Fo4edit in "fille header" i changed "records flag" to esl only by default is esm and esl",, ???????? he changed the esl to an esl ????? Thats how this reads, Confuse the hell out of most people, including me. Can someone explain this, please? I cant get NMM to Accept the Loot Load order and move the plugins. Manually it is very hard to do, My eyes are not the greatest. I Need NMM to do its job. lol

  2. I can't tell from reading your post exactly what the issue is. Are you saying that LOOT is sorting your mods, but not in a way that you think is correct?


    When you launch LOOT, it does a couple of things like making sure that the masterlist it's using is up to date. This should take a few seconds with a decent internet connection. After that, when you hit the "Sort Plugins" button, it examines the plugins to check dependencies that are hard-coded (such as masters). This may take a little longer, because it scans the headers of every file.


    There's a set of 4 icons in the top right corner. If you hover over the "list" icon to the left of the arrow (4th from the right), it will say "Sort Plugins". You click that, it sorts your plugins, and lists warnings underneath the mod names if something looks wrong. It will still sort your mods, despite the warnings, though. After this is done, if it has changed anything, an "APPLY" button will appear near the "Sort Plugins" button. Hit APPLY, and the changes are saved.


    Generated warnings are usually legit, so it's worth investigating if it gives you any.


    FWIW, your list doesn't look to me like it's actually been sorted via LOOT.


    If you want to manually sort the plugins (which IMO is a lot of error-prone work), you can use the masterlist from https://github.com/loot/fallout4, or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4. The list is called masterlist.yaml, and it's not difficult to read, but not particularly human friendly either.



    I know this is very old thread. BUT, I cant seam to find the answer anywhere. I am Having the same problem. BUT I Found that LOOT is working Fine.. NMM is not taking the order from Loot and Implementing it. Any Suggestions. I cant seam to get any help from N WEBSITE. yes mY pLUGINS TEXT IS (not) Set to read only.

  3. I have downloaded a few mods tonight. ALL with NO Problems , except for BNB. The ONLY File that will not download is the ARMORS File. I Keep getting a Network Error. Every other file on The Nexus Is Downloading Fine. Why would this Happen? Cant get an answer on the Mods Page;.

  4. I know this thread is very old but if anyone has this problem and needs a solution I just found One Solution, and Cause to the Problem. CAUSE: Sometimes having to much in your inventory. Empty inventory of MOST of your stuff into a locker or something Prior to heading there. (Megaton House is Good). My Son Figured it out today.

  5. I am totally confused on this one. I can not start a New Game. This is only on the Initial Start up. i CAN, Start one from within game though. Like exit to main menu and start a new game. (This I can Do). I can also Load Saves with no Problem,(Even after Un Installing Mods.). NO Problem. Just Cant Start a New Game From The Initial Start Screen. Like I Said. I can Quit My Game and Go To Main Menu, and Start a New game With NO Problems, also I CAN Load Saves. I am So Confused. I have Tried Everything. It was Working Fine .

  6. Does anyone know what setting for fov are good for big boobs. I cant run without getting black eyes. boobs bouncing in front of cam. LOL. Seriously though, This catches your eye and throws off concentration. It is very distracting. In game i get it right with Sky tweaks bur it immediately reverts back. 65 works but causes vertigo. It has to be in the ini, but i know not what to set things at. Can someone please help?

  7. Running as admin does not seem to work. I am having this problem with Skyrim also. Nothing but shortcuts to the NMM folder "Virtual Install". SO, My next trick is to take full rights of the NMM folder and all inside. I will see if that works. The mods will not function properly using sim links, PLUS, it burns up your CPU also, because it has to do extra work, and only reads half of the files . The PC gets confused, The game engine gets confused. If that does not work, Then to hell with NMM, I will have to learn how to use the other mod manager. It seams every time NMM does an Upgrade, it seams to be more of a downgrade, atleast for the last two years. I will let you all know if this trick works.

  8. there used to be a De-Enimifier Dart gun for either new Vegas or Fallout 3. It is impossible to find. I believe it was part of a cheat terminal mod. It was really cool, it turned people instantly UN hostile towards you.

  9. error type 104 loaded for property on disk.


    this is what I am getting and then it crashes. I had started doing a mod it was working fine, with the masters all loaded. the second time i fired it up i am getting this message then it crashes. with or without my plug in installed. any help??

  10. I don't know where to get help with a GECK Problem. No matter what I have tried, The GECK still Crashes at startup. You get NO OFFICIAL HELP. from Bethesda. Everything is fallout 4 Now. There is no new vegas site anymore. the link sends you to fallout 4 and you can get to NV but it is only a film page. Please someone help.

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