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About Haldurherulen

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  1. I am waiting for the CK to come out (early 2012) so I can try my hand at making the mesh. I agree on the more rugged look... There was a mod for MW or Oblivion called "Ultimate kilts" where you could buy kilts from merchants and I like to do something like that. I have a lot of tartans but it is the meshs that is the real challenge.
  2. Once you have started on this there seems to be no end of the changes you want to make... Latest tartan ...
  3. And from the back. I will work a bit more on the length. I still have no clue on how to make a mesh so it can be both pleated and have a sporran... :unsure:
  4. I have figured out how to make a kilt in gimp and it looks fine. I can´t make it a "player only" I don´t know how... So now all my bandits wear a kilt. :wallbash:
  5. In Morrowind there was this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=588 I really would like this remade for skyrim... There also was a armor mod for Craig Boone in FONV if I remember correctly.
  6. Ok - I have made a tartan dds and put it in skyrim.. So far I only have been able to make it so that the fur armor of the bandits now all is tartans and my caracter do now have a kilt like skirt to wear... How to make it a player only, I have NO idea...
  7. I am fine with a kilt, don´t need a full set of shirt and bonnet, shoes and hoses... Just a decent kilt. The orc fur amor (skirt model) will do fine with a retexture of a tartan.. (Wallace would be nice :whistling: but Royal Steward will do :rolleyes: )
  8. As always I need a kilt for my "hero" I imagine that it is possible to retexture the orc´s "skirt" but I have no skills in modding what so ever. If someone out there could make a kilt in any (or more) tatrans, it would be nice. If the orc skirts ragged linings cant be changed to a more straigt one, then it is ok. The orc skirt looks a little battle worn as it is... Would appreciate it :thumbsup:
  9. The FO3 kilt armor look great but how to get it in FONV?
  10. Is there anybody out there that can make a scottish kilt and maby some other cool highlander stuff??? I can not figure out how to make things my self in the GECK... So either somebody can make the kilt or tell me where to learn all about modding... Haldur..
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