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Everything posted by ISHODEN

  1. Can we start a page that helps organize which mod animals have compatibility with others under the enrichment catagory? For instance, i downloaded the oscar as a fun fish to try out and was amazed at how many animals i could pair them in. or all the different monkey mods and which ones go together.
  2. So i am also having this problem were my wireless logitech mouse isnt leting my right mouse button work. i usually cast spells from that hand and instead of getting a stream of fire my hand it just sorta spasms. i tried getting rid of setpoint but my computer cant find that anywhere, i dont know if i ever had it installed to start. i could really use some help.
  3. So I updated my skyrim game and updated SKSE and now none of the actors in the game will move they are all just frozen like statues while the game keeps going, they speak but dont move, ive ried running the game through SKSE with and without mods and even tryed running it through the skyrim launcher. WHAT DOES I DO????? prease help.
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