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  1. Yeah,maybe. But as i said,it seems that most people,when making a new beast race,they focus on making them based on felines and reptiles(i suppouse it's easier to make something based on Argonians and Khajiits) I would be most appreciative if there would be one based on something else,especially wolves,that is the base of this humble request
  2. I'm aware of the clipping problems with the wolf feet,that's why i suggested using human or Khajiit feet with another texture and changing the cat tail for a wolven one (if it's too much trouble you can even get it from the in-game wolves) If the one to kindly take on this request needs it,maybe he can take a look at this FF_race_Mithra_and_Viera by esnyanto find out how to insert animal ears and tails into basicaly human races. The first reason for this mod is that i see many mods for "cat-kind" races,but i'd really like to have one that comes from wolves or foxes.
  3. Why will it be that people reads my requests but never answer? :(
  4. In my opinion,The Elder Scrolls series are FANTASY games. If it would be realistic medieval simulation,i would agree with this idea,,,,,but being fantasy,it is "normal" that there are beautyful,sexy,combat trained and lethal women.
  5. Hello all,my PC has died and due to economic crisis in my country,.can't buy a new one and i'm using a pc where i'm not allowed to install modding tools,not even CK,and anyway i'm totally null at modding. So i came here to humbly ask for someone to make a port for this very endorsed race mod from Oblivion Wolven Anthros Race or maybe make a similar one. I know that the features this race has maybe are not possible with the knowledge of skyrim we have right now,so here are my suggestions to temporarily overcome them. - Instead of changing into a wolf,if it's not possible,the race could start with the ability to change into werewolf. - The wolf feet may bring manny problems,like needeing an exclusive skeleton,or clipping through normal footwear unless you create a version of each one specially for them,what i know is a big-ass work,so they can be ignored and leave the race with human or khajiit feet for the time being. I hope someone has the will,skill and good heart to take on this request,,,and i also would like to ask that anyone who agrees with this idea leaves their comments to support it. Also,i will ask the original mod creator if she would be up making it,if she agrees,she can count on me for everything i can do,as beta testing or even voice acting if needed (i'd need to get a mike,,though :P)
  6. @ Above Well,as i suppoused that we're on a team now,we're to help each other what we can,right? :biggrin:
  7. As my partner has just said above,we writers are not demanding and not planning(at least me) to go bossing around modders. At least from my point of view,lines like "do it my way or get out" and "do what i want when i tell you" are something horrible. Modders are before nay othe thing,people like us... maybe a little better than us,because they can achieve(inside some margins) what we are dreaming of. I always approach modders with the maximum respect because of the beforementioned reason, and when i have an idea,i do not demand it, i BEG for it,and i'm always conscious that the engine has limitations and in my requests (Kana.my lovely ghost is the second) always have a list of variables in mind to try to cover things that can't be done because the engine or because they would take an unreasonable amount of time. And by the way,talking about credit,i expect none of it, because the script writers,the 3-d modelers and the texture drawers deserve all the credit. If you want proof,go to oblivion mods section and look for "Black Shark Katana" and if you find my nickname there as 2-D concept designer an sword story writer,i take out my requests and uninstall skyrim from my PC. I worked hard for that,remade the design seven times so the modder could see it well and in the end,he made half of the sword the way he liked it and completely ignored the background story of the sword... he didn't mention me even to say it was a request,so imagine how much credit i'm expecting here. For me,better than credits,kudos or whatever is to see that something that was born in my mind is made a "reality" in the game... the closest thing to being a father that i'm gonna be in my life. It really hurts me to think that the people we'll be relying on to make these little dreams come true have such a low opinion of us
  8. You can count on me for whatever you need,just send a pm. The only thing that could be a problem is that i'm spanish and i can only connect a few hours at night,but as i just said i'll do everything in my hands to help... maybe i can even give a shot at voice acting if i can get a mic :P
  9. Me,as an amateur writer, i have entered a pair of contest and can help with 2-D conception designs. I can offer my skill to the group,but i am very interested in having help for the quest mod i have in mind. Could you drop by and tell me what you think about it? It would be very good if the people that already joined the group would visit too and point me to the things that can or cannot be done about my request. As "proof" of my work,you can see the introduction on that quest request,or i can send you a "fresh from the hoven" new story about almost anuthing you ask me. As for 2-D drawing,youn can look for "Black Shark Katana" in the Nexus mod section dedicated to oblivion... Although the modder never gave me credit for it ¬_¬ Here's the thread corresponding to my quest begging for Kana,my lovely ghost
  10. If someone could be able to do this,it may come really handy for the mod i'm after http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/658230-kana-my-lovely-ghost/
  11. Due to certain circumstances,i'm using a pc where i'm not allowed to install CK or any other thing,just 1 game at a time with it's updates and mods,so i'd be forever thankful if someone is up to take this request that involves a house,a marriable follower,a quest, and an eternal love story.(First part of the description is written like a 1st person story) Kana, my lovely ghost After finishing my training with the graybeards,the first time i approached Helgen,i found an old man troubled by bandits. Not being able to withstand such a behavior,i took out my steel finished their raiding days. But i was too late and the old man had been fataly injured by one of the bandits. With his last breath, he said: I thank you for putting your life in the line to protect a worthless old man,as a proof of respect,please accept this -he put a key and a scroll in my hand- these are the key and the proof of ownership of the house i just bought in (Insert city/town name,the one where it's the easiest to the modder) I still had no time to restore it,but i hope you like it... -suddenly the man lowered his voice and said with a creepy smile: There you'll never feel alone,and if you can't withstand it,at least you'll learn to run faster for sure... -And then he finally fell dead. Having no other things things to do,i went to visit my new home. Once in the city,i asked one of my new neighbours for the exact location of the house.he looked at me with a little fear,gave me the directions he left me while muttering something to himself,something like "he's the new owner... but the suicide girl's still..." I arrived at sunset,and although the house has dust and spider webs enough to stop a giant in mid-race,it's not bad at all,well furnished and with other useful things(alchemy/enchanting/crafting banks,optional) After checking the house,and thinking how could i clean this mess,i went to bed,this is where the story really started... --from here on it's me describing the mod,not a narration-- Like in the Benirus manor quest in oblivion,the first time you sleep in your new home,you are aweken by a ghost,but this one does not attack you,in fact,it's a beautyful girl in sleeping clothes that looks at you with a warm smile,and starts talking to you by telling you her name "Kana... or at least this is how the runes sewed in my clothes are read,i don't remember almost anything of my life" From there you are given dialogue choices that lead to a request from her... She wants a beer! Even if you have it in your inventory,you have to get out and come in again to complete this first task. The first steps in this quest line are quite simple: go out to get her different kinds of food,drinks.sweets and maybe a book. in return she will give you pieces of the past she remembers.(this past will be sent by pm to the mod author,this way i won't spoil the story to the future players) If during this "run me an errand" quest the player asks Kana why she doesn't go by herself,she'll answer that she is bound to the limits of the house. After the last of these simple quests,Kana is wearing an amulet of Mara,the quest line won't go on unless the player asks about it,to what Kana will reply "I'm wearing it only for you" then something (maybe the ground trembles a bit or some other thing) will make player and kana come close to each other... and they will discover that having fallen in love of each other,they can feel and touch each other just like it would be if Kana would still have a living body. Kana will ask him for an answer, which can be "I can not do this" ->then Kana asks you to go get a silver weapon and eliminate her,or "I take you with all my heart" -> Here we have two options to end the quest line. Option A= Kana becomes automatically your wife without having to go to riften and becomes a follower (Now she's bound to her love mate and can leave the house whenever) Option B= Like in the other option,Kana becomes a follower,but although she will speak to you lovely, she's not your wife,this option triggers a new quest line where you find a way to bring her back from the realm of the dead. this quest involves 3 major requirements: Find Kana's grave,find Kana's true identity,and gather the materials for the "Resurrect Lover" Sacred ritual. After this is all complete,you can have a happy real wedding at the chapel of Mara in Riften. Now that i think about it,the quest line could end in option A as a chapter 1 and option B can be done later as a chapter 2... and if Bethesda or a modder comes out with a way of making possible the player has children,that could be a final chapter to make the cake even sweeter.... but that last is just castles in the air :P Kana as a follower: Please tell if this can be done,if not we can make her a little bit different. Basicaly a support follower: High restoration skill and spells to heal and protect her loved one. Only attacks if she gets damage (being a ghost this means only magic or silver/daedric weapons can hurt her) for attack,she's a spellsword,prefering swords/daggers in the right hand and destruction spells in the left hand (maybe we could even give her a little conjuration so she has de decent summoned sword). And here a pair of pics of how i would like kana (These are from a manga series,i hope she can be made pretty)
  12. Er... i'm not totally sure of this,but i thought that by opening game console,clicking an NPC and entering the line addfac 19809 could make the clicked NPC marriable and that this works with ALL non-aggersive NPC's Sorry if i'm wrong :P
  13. The mod i'm looking for is pretty simple,i suppouse. I don't want to enter some console commands and get smithing,enchanting,alchemy and lockpicking totally leveled up and with all their perks,i simply want something that makes them level up faster,like warrior stone does with combat skills,but without having to use one of the 13 magic stones. Is it as simple as i think? Can somebody give me a hand with this? Thanks in advance to everyone. P.S: I've searched for this mod and haven't found it,but if it already exists,please appoint me in the right way,thanks
  14. You can add a metallic tip to the scabbard,or if you see it is too much trouble,you can leave the sword without scabbard. The sword itself is perfect like it is. thanks for your work. :thumbsup:
  15. Hello. I'm not sure if you've seen that a comunity member has posted a preliminar work of my sword. I've contacted him to give some little corrections and have posted them in the thread, along with a new drawing that explains in more detail the zone of the handguard. If you are still interested in giving it a try,take a look at the new indications and message me with any further indications i can give you. Thank you for your time and attention
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