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  1. I wonder if I can toy with my save using the CK. Basically. I want to load a save into the CK. If that's possible at all, so I can grab my charachter and place him in the world to use as a follower, is that possible?
  2. How do I do that? Can you spell it out piece by piece?
  3. Very well. time to wait~!
  4. Thank you! And I actually did do that, I made my own followers but I don't know how to make it the Monli race. I loaded it, and then I made my new companion that race but I don't have any access to their hair. But yeah. I want to make my other player a follower. IS there any way I can do that?
  5. Is there any possible way to make your player a companion? I mean like. For example I have a nord warrior in one save, and then I start up a new game and play an imperial. Is there any way I can duplicate the nord warrior to be a follower in my imperial's game, using the CK? Or do I have to make a totally new NPC? And if I do. I want to make one using a custom race, with Apachii hair. How is that done? IS there anyway to toggle the features using the creation kit? Yes I've looked into it and what not, if anyone can respond more in dept that would be good. By looking into it. I mean I've messed with a few programs but trying to make a companion using the monli race doesn't work. like it doesn't give me different hairstyles even if I loaded the apachii hair and what not.
  6. IS there any possible way to make the charachter you are playing, a follower? For example. I have a nord warrior, and I play a new game. What if I wanted the nord warior from my first save to be a companion? IS there a way to do that using the CK?
  7. Back then with the various other mod managers there was a way to expand the file in order to find the reference IDs. So it would look like xx1234567. But I can't seem to find that function in the Nexus Mod Manager - Someone help! If there's another way please tell me how to find it!
  8. So I wanted to set up an RTS Village in Grayditch, and I wanted to use GECK to modify Grayditch so I may add Raider patrols storming the various entrances, however I can't seem to find where the Grayditch World Space is :l
  9. Hey, I want to know how I can edit a place like Gray Ditch, it's not an interior cell and I don't know what to do, I wanted to use RTS Settler to make a town there and then place some spawns there that consistantly attack the gates... If anyone also knows, if someone can provide information on how to make an NPC player faction and what not...
  10. Hey, I want to know how I can edit a place like Gray Ditch, it's not an interior cell and I don't know what to do, I wanted to use RTS Settler to make a town there and then place some spawns there that consistantly attack the gates... If anyone also knows, if someone can provide information on how to make an NPC player faction and what not...
  11. Mhmm, I tried that first but like having trouble with the Oblivion editor, it did the same thing, and then I read a topic where for Vista there was a problem in which the same thing would happen, so I tried installing it into another hard drive. I mean the geck loads fine and all.. And the windows are all functioning and such, but the problem is when I try loading, the fallout.esm file freezes up at 20% Nevermind I figured it out! BANZAI!
  12. Mhmm, I tried that first but like having trouble with the Oblivion editor, it did the same thing, and then I read a topic where for Vista there was a problem in which the same thing would happen, so I tried installing it into another hard drive. I mean the geck loads fine and all.. And the windows are all functioning and such, but the problem is when I try loading, the fallout.esm file freezes up at 20%
  13. Whenever I try to load the Fallout.esm or any other .esm/.esp the GECK freezes up, and I'd really like to help some people on their mods, however I can't because I can't use the GECK myself. I run on VISTA, and I've installed Fallout 3 into another drive, and installed GECK into that directory, however it seems that whenever I try to load the data, it freezes up. If anyone can tell me why it is, that would be nice. :)
  14. I'm looking for a mod- -Is there any mod out there that creates an ongoing battle? Where NPCs just come and duke it out? That would be nice, having two armies in the capital wasteland duking it out all day, maybe two forts facing each other and NPcs randomly spawn and go to attack each other. But really, I just like the battlefield atmosphere -Any city mods? Mods that add cities or settlements or more life to the game -Home mods, mods that create some beautiful homes for the player. -Furnitutre mods, mods that add more furniture.
  15. Can someone tell me how to install this mod? This is what I did, I basically took FOMM and used it to install the file as it says in the read me, but when I strip off his clothes, he still has his underwear AND I got two new clothes named.. nude erect, and stuff. Yet when I use that, the body dissapears. With only head and hands
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