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Everything posted by JigsJosh

  1. I don't Neutral Civil War would be causing it as it doesn't add any actors to Dragonsreach. Same goes for the rest of mods I'm using. At this point, I'm just ready to use brute force and disable every mod and re-enable them one at a time and see which ones causing so many problems Disabling mods is definitely a good idea, but there is also another possibility. Skyrim is known for causing CTDs because of it's memory limit as well which is 2gb (this is also a common cause of CTDs). It can CTD without any mods at all just simply because you've been playing for awhile (although that's not the only thing that breaks the limit). You should try doing this as well: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/134/?tab=description Although keep in mind that I'm not sure if this applies to SSE. I only play Oldrim, but this is definitely worth a try.
  2. From my experience, one of the major things that causes CTDs is when many actors are spawned by script. Warzones is notorious for this. I'm not familiar with all of these mods so I have to ask. Do you have any mods that do this? Neutral Civil War maybe?
  3. Thank you for the reply! I tried that out and it compiled! Kudos to you! The compiled code: MiscObject:MiscComponent[] Function CalcLooseModComps(MiscObject akTheMod) MiscObject:MiscComponent[] array = new MiscObject:MiscComponent[10] array = akTheMod.GetMiscComponents() Return array EndFunction
  4. Hey all. I can't figure out for the life of me how to use the F4SE function GetMiscComponents() to return the info I need. I was hoping someone experienced with papyrus could help. MiscComponent[] Function GetMiscComponents() Native Here is the syntax of the function. MiscComponent[] Function CalcLooseModComps(MiscObject akTheMod) MiscComponent[] array = new MiscComponent[10] array = akTheMod.GetMiscComponents() ;something else needs to be done here EndFunction Here is the code I'm working on. This doesn't compile. MiscComponent is not a type, it's a MiscObject struct. So I assumed that because GetMiscComponents() is a MiscComponent[] Function that it would return an array of MiscComponent structs. But this is not the case. At least for how my code is set up. The compiler error I get: "type mismatch while assigning to a jjrecyclerscript#misccomponent[] (cast missing or types unrelated)". I tried to cast this a few different ways too but still nothing. I was hoping someone with more knowledge could help me out to get this code working. I honestly don't know much about structs so it's a bit confusing. And unfortunately there aren't any examples on the CK wiki of how to use this script.
  5. Hey all. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for creating a certain type of magical effect/animation in Skyrim. I was hoping to accomplish one of a couple different things. Either of them would be perfect. 1. Create a sort of glowing platform/symbol below the player's feet that will spin continuously. 2. Or create a glowing symbol of some sort that floats above the players head and spins continuously. I imagine either of things would take some experience with a program like 3ds Max, but I was really hoping there was something already in the vanilla game that I could work with to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Sorry for posting in a thread that's over a year old, but I really got obsessive over this issue after I decided I liked the idea but found out that the version by OpenSaucer was faulty and game breaking. It took me days of testing ( :wallbash:) to figure out why his mod didn't work and even though it was a pain I finally figured it out. I will say though, I certainly don't blame OpenSaucer for this, because in the first stages of making my mod it had the very same issues, and the solution to fix it was INCREDIBLY vague. I couldn't figure out why the issue was occurring from any google search, nor did I figure out the issue by looking through the CK website. The mod should have simply been this: edit the properties of Nick's follower script so that the "DLC01PlayerCanRepairKit" keyword would be added instead of the "PlayerCanStimpak" keyword. That alone should have fixed it, but it was not the case. So I say THANKS BETHESDA! For your vague and wacky system. If anyone is to blame it's them. :dry: For everyone who has posted here and anyone like myself who found this thread through a google search, I have released my own working version of this mod on the Nexus here. Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  7. No worries. I'm definitely planning on adding nightstalker brains into this mod. I just wanted to add splicing and some other essential things I believe this mod should have before I start making the Old World Blues version. With nightstalker brains, and Gabe's brain, and maybe Roxie's brain. It will be pretty awesome. I was excited. :p Ever been excited before? lol
  8. I am proud to announce that Rex Brain Swap now exists! Thanks to all of your enthusiasm I have decided to create this mod and it is now posted! http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61122? Even though this thread was posted awhile ago (and also Fallout 4 is out now), I hope you'll all still support this. I'm surprised that after 5 years nobody has taken this idea, but I'm also not surprised because any ordinary shmuck couldn't do the coding required for this lol. dubbedmk3, I have also credited you for this mod idea.
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