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Everything posted by rambart

  1. I don't think that is gonna happen. Because of the DX12 update they changed a lot of the file formats and basically no one has bothered to create tools for the new formats. I would love a localization toolset myself because I wanted to mod out the profanity but it's basically a dead end as far as I can see.
  2. I'd like a more "hard" sci experience, no psychic mumbo jumbo. Sci-fi is for science fiction not science fantasy....
  3. Simmilar Issue for me, everything works fine untill I try to open and bit of dialogue and it crashes. Using 5.1 so all the ports actually do have something plugged in anyway The odd thing is, if DisplayFusion is running it opens a blank "Edit Response" window. But if I close DF and try again GECK crashes. EDIT: Found the problem, had this strange Idea to switch my output to stero instead of 5.1 and no crash, works on quadro too. Basically with realtek sound it wants either a dummy or a mic in the plug, a sub or speaker it dislikes though?
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