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  1. So there's Triss's armor as a Dark Brotherhood replacement already -- and it got me thinking about how it would be nice to bring this mod to Skyrim, even if it's just as a replacement for other armor for now. http://www.iaza.com/work/120101C/iaza12226397673500.jpg Apparently the Witcher 2 devteam allows for this sort of thing, so it'd be nice if someone could add the armors from this DA:O mod to Skyrim.
  2. In that case, I'll just have to look forward to the CK then! Thanks a lot for the answer. (:
  3. For screenshot purposes, it would be excellent if the player was able to sit anywhere, like some NPCs are seen doing... just flat out sitting on the ground. I don't know if it's possible to add this without the CK, but it'd be excellent if it was.
  4. The creator of the Tabaxi mod for Oblivion has already stated that they'll be making that race again in Skyrim. However, it's really not going to happen without the CK.
  5. There are a lot of warpaints already in the game, and without the CK I'm not sure if it's possible to add any, but it's definitely possible to overwrite them... If I get the inspiration for it I'll try my hand at doing a few of these for you, there's one in particular on that chart of them that I really like so I might make that at least. I'd just have to figure out how it works and motivate myself. If I do make any of them I won't want any money, I'll just hope it's good. (:
  6. Hello! I recently got into Game of Thrones and I love the design of this dagger: http://www.iaza.com/work/111204C/iaza14032465952700.png It would be awesome to see it in-game. Since the handle is dragonbone it'd make sense for it to be crafted under that category. If anyone is interested in making this... well, it'd be awesome.
  7. Well how the heck did I miss that? Thank you so much! I can't believe how blind I can be sometimes. I appreciate this.
  8. Truthfully, what I really want is the effect that the Ebony Mail has for the Nightingale instead, but I'm not sure if that's possible, so instead I'm wondering if it would be possible to make the Ebony Mail into a light armor? I don't mean just replacing a light armor mesh with the Ebony Mail -- I want the Ebony Mail with its effect... as light armor. Can it be done? ):
  9. I dunno about there being fame and infamy, but guards do recognize you if you belong to certain factions. They make comments if you're a bard, a mage, a companion, in the dark brotherhood or in the thieves guild (at least if you're wearing the armor), so there should be some way to edit them to be more hostile toward certain factions.
  10. I really hope this is made, too. I also can't understand why putting on Dark Brotherhood gear doesn't trigger bigger reactions from anyone, especially after you've completed the questline for it... I've heard maybe one comment from the guards, and it was 'Hail Sithis'. Really? You'd think you'd at least be an awfully big target running around in that gear after the questline is done. edit: I understand why before that you might not be recognized because a lot of respect for the Dark Brotherhood has been lost, but after that? I don't think so.
  11. Ah, right, I realize I can do that (and thank you for the suggestion and the help) but I'd like to actually change Ebony Mail itself into light armor. I want the effects of the armor and the appearance, but it being heavy mail doesn't work with the rest of my set being light armor.
  12. I'm just curious as to if this is possible without the CK... I love the Ebony Mail, but not as a heavy armor. So, is this possible yet? If there's already been a forum about this then I'm sorry.
  13. I'm not sure if this is possible right now because I don't really know how this works, but it would be awesome if someone could modify the nightingale armor to have the same smoke effect that the ebony mail does. I love that effect, poison or no poison, but I'd rather not mix and match heavy armor. or-- if that's not possible, could ebony mail be converted into light armor? Thanks.
  14. There is actually a quest where you get completely wasted and wake up in a foreign place not knowing what happened at all, but it would be awesome if the drinks in the game at least gave some sort of effect. I mean, I never use them because I don't find them entirely useful, but it would make a lot more sense if there was some sort of effect, that's for sure.
  15. Oh, my bad, then. :P The way you hopped in here, I thought you had. I'm sorry for assuming, I should have checked. (:
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