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Everything posted by zetenrisiel
Does anyone know of any mods that allow you to take part in a med/large scale battle? I remember one in New Vegas but my Google-fu is failing me on FO4. I'm not really interested in mods that increase the number of spawns. Those are fine in their own right but not what I am looking for. Thanks for any advice!
After the latest update, the game has become unplayable
zetenrisiel replied to cossayos's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I came looking for a solution to this very problem. There are tons of possible bugfixes from a google search, but only one worked for me (downgrading graphics settings) and that only lasted until I closed the game. Now I cannot get FO4 to start anymore. I played since release and this is the first time the game has consistently failed to start on my PC. Like the OP, other games work just fine. -
If the follower uses a custom body mesh, absolutely. Many popular followers do. Im sure you can tinker with the creation kit of not. Off the top of my head duplicate the chosen followers race then make the reference point to a folder with your custom body. Then make the follower that race. To be fair ive never done it before so there may be problems with that method but it should get you started.
The main cbbe file should have all the options plus a link to bodyslide should you be interested. As for preference, i tend to decide mainly based on the armors available. UNP has a lot of "realistic" armors( look up brokefoot's mashups for a good place to start) whereas more fantastical armors seem to be made for cbbe. On a more pervy note, while i do like cbbe's abs and general front area, i rarely spin my camera around during play so UNPs cuter butt appeals more to me. There are also alot of great armors and outfits coming out for SevenBase so dont rule that out either. My advice is find an armor you really want to use, then download the body to match. If it comes in both varieties, just pick whick style suits the character better. Hope this helps a bit.
Stealth against slavers at Lincoln Memorial... Possible?
zetenrisiel replied to simpliztik's topic in Fallout 3's Spoilers
In the context of the stealth system, the "caution" is accurate, they heard or saw something in your direction, and are coming to investigate so you need to stay quiet or hightail it out of there. I do agree that there should be another stage between "hidden" and "caution" where the enemy knows his friends head was just blown off but doesn't immediately know to seek you out. -
I always thought that the game did a good job of explaining that in Skyrim things are just kinda harsh all of the time. Even in Oblivion the Nords were blunt, rude and often boisterous. And as a cyrodillian(?) It offended the sensibilities, but in Skyrim thats just life. Its a bit like where I live, where there are quite a few Russian immigrants. To my American culture they often seemed stuck up and rude, but after knowing a few and reading a bit I realized that they are just as kind and understanding, they just show it in a different way, or dont show it at all, and to them I must look like a cartoon character being all smiley and animated. To your point, I would probably never visit Russia because of those differences, but in a game like Skyrim, you have no choice. You are an escaped prisoner i. A land you either grew up in or can't escape, and as a roleplayer you have to figure out what that means to you and how to adjust to it.
I would like to play Oblivion because of Skyrim
zetenrisiel replied to CompanyOfGamers's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Hey CoG, Since you have mentioned your frustrations in a couple of threads it must be troubling you, but keep in mind that Oblivion is almost 10 years old, so there may not be a lively discussion scene anymore. Skyrim can be played from a good standpoint, but it is much harder to be against killing people when everyone outside the cities is intent on attacking you. My suggestion is to try something in the illusion school, it will help you avoid combat. That being said, illusion is much more useful in Oblivion, as uou can get a wider variety of spells even at an early level. I think of Oblivion as a shiny veneer over some really dark stuff, if you read between the lines a bit. To your want of a mermaid transformation,there is a very well-made mod that can give you that. Since there is a large body of water running through the middle of the world it won't stifle your gameplay much like it would in Skyrim. As far as the dark brotherhood and forced evil quests, they are present in Oblivion as well. If you accidentally kill someone in Oblivion you are automatically signed up to be in the Dark Brotherhood. Ny suggestion in either game is to work on your roleplaying justifications. These types of games arent that great at telling you the story you want to see, but they are fantastic platforms for creating your own Story where, just like real life, your choices aren't always easy and sometimes the only options are bad ones. It takes a little work and imagination since the games arent perfect but it can be a lot of fun. -
Touc... played for the very first time.
zetenrisiel replied to StanleyTweedle's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Good luck with that. I just recently found time to complete Lonesome Road, and dodging spoilers for that story for the last year has been a chore. -
I cannot download any files from the New Vegas Nexus
zetenrisiel replied to KG989's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I have seen this a lot recently. I don't know how many times you tried but I can usually get the download prompt after 2 or 3 tries. Is there a specific mod or author? Have you tried clearing your browser cache? I dont know what thay does but the IT guys at work always suggest it and it usually gets a broken page to load. -
Perioidic stuttering? Normal?
zetenrisiel replied to dosel38's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Not knowing much about computer hardware, I'd have to agree ob the (Gambryo?)engine. New Vegas and Oblivion are both buggy and I have to set my video options very low to get a smooth game on my upper mid-ranged PC. Skyim is a much more graphics intensive game yet I can crank my settings up to max and still get a stable, smooth game. I know the Creation engine and skyrim itself gets a lot of grief, but even with all of the great story and deep worlds the other games have, they nailed the gameplay aspect with skyrim and it makes going back to oblivion almost painful. New vegas is a different beast but yeah, there are stutters, and glitches, and CTDs. -
The technical answer I believe is yes, though I know in both Oblivion and Skyrim many times this container is underneath the cell or in another cell altogether, so if you kill them you can't access it without console commands.
Can I create my Own Script in the G.E.C.K
zetenrisiel replied to TheOddGuntsmith's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I might also add that aside from the odd spike in snarky or rude comments any time a hot new game brings those kind of people out of the woodworks, I've always found the Nexus to be a very respectful place where most questions are welcome no matter how many time they've been answered in the past. Relax, and welcome :) -
NV needs more pre-war ties
zetenrisiel replied to Deleted10456235User's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
If gameplay = lore, it would make some sense that most civilians would stay huddled together in small, safe communities as even a couple coyotes pose a life threatening situation, and in a place like the Mojave there isnt really much there to begin with. New Vegas kind if skates by on technicalities here since it was never a militarily significant place like Washington DC would have been. I made the argument in another thread that by looking at the modern world with places like Australia and the US which have gone from untamed frontiers to powerful, prosperous nations in about 200 years without any of the remnants of advanced technology that scatters the wasteland, it is getting more and more implausible for Fallout to exist as it is. -
Touc... played for the very first time.
zetenrisiel replied to StanleyTweedle's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
From my experience the game doesn't really want for lots of cool or unique weapons and armor, especially if you count DLC. For me some things are "too secret" like the triggers for most of the compabion quests. It seems like you are really only supposed to have one or two followers throughout the game. Not to say you cant go back and look up the triggers, but if you want to experience the world organically you better stick with one. Also, while there is an abundance of gameplay in the main story, sidequests are few and far between soon after, not to say they aren't there but unless you follow the old rpg tactic of going back and talking to every NPC after every main event, you are going to be spending a lot of time on the wiki. As far as mods, i would say to start off get a bug fix mod and/or a stabilizing mod to minimize the inevitable crash. Nothing ruins immersion like barely scraping through a suprise attack or event and crash 5 minutes later and have to slog though it all again. Cosmetically i would say any race/ character overhaul that makes your characters look human, Gopher uses a nice one in his playthrough but i cant seem to find it in his load order, its subtle but makes all the talking you do less of a cringefest. The T6M armor replacer is a nice female body and armor replacer that gets rid of those god-awful shoulders. There are other options to give your breasts their own physics and you can take that avenue pretty far on this site and others, but I'm a minimalist. Later in the game is when i suggest loading a quest mod or two as your options tend to dry up. Unless you are patient I would take it easy on mods that require NVSE if at all. After countless Oblivion re-installs and corrupted saves, i swore I didnt need it for new vegas and did pretty well without it. Then some jerk decided to make a mod that allowed you to pilot a mech and i had to download it. To be fair I havent had to reinstall but the amount of glitches and CTDs has increased noticeably. These are my thoughts on how I mod, hopefully sone of it helps. To be honest I usually just play vanilla until I run into something I dont like (those *shoulders* you guys!) And then pop in the Nexus because usually someone has already fixed it. -
Loremongers, lend me your scrutiny!
zetenrisiel replied to a topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
If you are going with the "Legion lost it's leverage" angle, an interesting twist could be that the party responsible for starting the uprising could turn out to be the same party that was responsible for the deaths of the women and children, either by violence or accident. When they saw how such a tragedy gave people the strength to cast off the oppressors, they either decided to blame it on the legion or continued the practice to keep recruiting. You can take that in several directions and the moral area can be a light or dark shade of gray, just a thought. -
Ashton Silo choices? (SPOILER)
zetenrisiel replied to Gopher's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I guess I roleplay differently, I went through will an intelligent, yet no nonsense type of character who had no reason to assume that A) the second silo would work differently than before and B) that a 200 year old nuke that failed to denonate would all of the sudden work. I ran over and slammed the button, said to myself "did that say launch?" And then watched in horror at what I had just done, which added a nice bit of context for the rest of the story in the divide. While we are logging complaints, it always seemed a bit odd that after all this time of trying to goad you into a fight, one speech check at the end was enough to turn him into an ally. Dont get me wrong, i loved the fact that it is an option and the ensuing battle feels more epic because of it, but it didnt really feel like I "earned" that moment. Also, why was Ulysses former legion? That whole thing felt like a shoehorned attempt to tie Lonesome road back into Honest hearts, and wasnt necessary. OWB and DM did a perfect job of setting up a badass Gary Oak type who had already been where you were, did what you couldn't do, or did it better, and was somewhere out there waiting for a reckoning. Then at the end of the journey we get "oh yeah i used to be legion too, and thats why I was out there with the white-legs, also they are posers for copying my hairstyle because they totally dont get the significance of it man..." I guess to Gophers main point and the tone of the DLC, I would say: If you are not the courier who would push that button to get to Ulysses, then you are not the courier he was waiting for. -
While in the Gomorrah courtyard, to the Southwest there is a large apartment style building looming over the skyline, it is in the same direction I believe as the gunrunners, but there is no trace of it on the strip or outer Vegas that I can see. Does anyone know what this is/supposed to be? Seems like it would have been placed there intentionally.
I'll buy the next TES when I don't need to have steam to play it. Steam isn't terrible, but it updates almost as much as Java on my pc and messes with my save files. I know I'm in the minority on this but I can't stand the industry move from buying games to leasing them. I may have to stop gaming altogether...
Bethesda usually gives an ambiguous ending in the next game. Look at the mages guild from oblivion. Despite your actions in that game, the mages guild will break up. Same with the thieves guild. After rebuilding it, whether or not your character has the skeleton key, it gets stolen in skyrim and the thieves guild is on the decline again
Be careful with better vampires, its a great mod but the abilities, namely the ones that allow you to make npcs allies or hypnotized has broken a couple quests for me. Nothing irreversible, but annoying. I would also check the vampire lord overhaul, or a similar male counterpart if you are unhappy with the vampire lord aesthetics. For the thievery side, check out calling card and fence, you can buy a neat little calling Card and dont need to start the thievea guild to get your criminal career going As for roleplay advice, my last vampire was a healer, well versed in healing but no combat skills to speak of. In whiterun she found her new calling by purifying the hall of the dead and went on to purify bleak falls barrow (i needeD a companion for the bandits) when the dawnguard came calling she signed up, only to be infected. Scared and disgusted she ran for days and hid in a cave, until the bloodlust finally won over and there just so happened to be a hunter camp nearby. After drinking the camp dry while they slept she found she wasnt so helpless after all. Now that character was a goody two shoes but you get the idea. Bleak falls barrow is a good excuse to get in to dungeon delving to get in the jarls good graces, and the promise of loot could spur an interest there. If you wish to have dragons flying about you could do what i did and hide in the western watchtower like a sissy until the battle was over and claim your undeserved title of dragon slayer. From your new post as thane you could get fat off of whiterun's residents until an attempted feeding gone awry or botched burglary forces you to flee to riften. Sorry for thbook but hopefully you can pull a few ideas out of there. Half of the fun is improvising though.
Try searching "killing moon" on the nexus. Its a bit flashy but the only thing I've found. I remember a mod that did what you were talking about, or seemed to, but i got a virus and was never able to find it again on the nexus. It mentioned power rangers in the description, thats all I remember.
The infuriating thirst/hunger/exhaustion glitch
zetenrisiel replied to amokrun's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Amokrun, I too have this glitch, while i don't know of a mpd to fix it, i do see that when you look in your stats tab, the value for food And water will not exist. Its usually on the next reload that i find i've been starving to death. -
The infuriating thirst/hunger/exhaustion glitch
zetenrisiel replied to amokrun's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Amokrun, I too have this glitch, while i don't know of a mpd to fix it, i do see that when you look in your stats tab, the value for food And water will not exist. Its usually on the next reload that i find i've been starving to death. -
Thanks god obsidian dosn't make an other fallout :)
zetenrisiel replied to 3AMt's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I agree 100% Jim. IRL the US was still fighting to exist, and regardless of one's personal feelings on the state of the union we are far more advanced than even the founding fathers could have dreamed. I always found it hard to believe that with the existance of educated vault dwellers; society is still in ruins 200 years later. As gopher so hilariously stated in his LP, there is abraxo everywhere, nobody has a job they need to go to, yet every single house is filthy. I think they are on a train and can't get off. Who would want to play a fallout game where you live in a neo-modern community and don't have to worry about raiders or survival? -
Why do so many people NOT want Dual Wielding in the next Fallout?
zetenrisiel replied to OpheliaNeoma's topic in Off-Topic
@Werne, I'll have to defer to your experience in real life combat in that regard, though every police documentary I've seen suggests that even a single pistol is next to useless in any mid to long range gunfight because of the issues you mentioned. One thing I want to remove there is the adrenaline. Yes it happens in real life, but in videogames your hand is not shaking on the keyboard and we have to assume the protagonist is a stone cold hombre. In a power fantasy game I don't think nerves and panic can be factored in. As far as Ammo, I realize that current games don't count down ammo ( I've been peppered with many daedric arrows from an enemy I failed to kill on the first shot) I was setting up how a gunfight set in a realistic future game would play out. I do take a little issue with your classification of distance. While I'm sure in the real world you are 100% right, in FNV 25m is far, but an enemy can cover that distance to get into melee range probably before you empty your clip, depending largely on the gun. Using real world specs in that regard may be a little *too* realistic. Given the distance an inch ( sorry I'm american, the whole meter thing causes unneccessary math for me) actually covers on your monitor, the game would be frustrating indeed if you missed your enemy by a pixel. Let's say 12ft(4m?). At 4-5m there is no way an enemy could hit me with a machete, yet if I had two pistols I could probably hit with 3/4 shots vs 2/2 with one gun. 5-10m I'm probably only hitting with my dominant hand, and beyond that I'm just providing cover fire. Now stretch that due to screen size being much smaller than real life (see above) and I still say it's viable, though extremely situational. You mention Skyrim, and yes there is no way I'd DW against a shielded opponent without the ability to counter his block with my own bash, but against an archer, or an enemy you ragdolled with a shout?