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Status Updates posted by ffa1mf

  1. Vidkun Bull-Roarer sneaks in, thoroughly chastised for not explaining himself properly and having learned his lesson, leaves a peace offering of fine wines and expensive chocolates.
  2. Welcome back - *tosses confetti* - oops, wait a sec, I'll go get a broom and clean that up.
  3. Vidkun Bull-Roarer drops by to leave a new jewel for Betty's naval (found it in a cave in the Jerall Mountains) and to say Happy Thanksgiving.
  4. Finished Blades of An'kewan today - and the reward is... it made me think and explore. Great mod.
  5. Betty B? Coolest avatar ever - and she's a fire fighter! How could I not use it?
  6. Betty's been a favorite of mine for a long time. The one I use I'd only seen as a tattoo until a few years ago when I found it on the web.
  7. That is an interesting avatar!
  8. Thanx for the b'day wish - it was great - I got tickets for the stage play "Fiddler on the Roof" - it was awesome!
  9. Vidkun Bull-Roarer enters, slaps article down on table that states "Comic-Sans is the best font for use on the web to allow dyslexics to read." - gives granny 2 thumbs up and a nod of the head for being a pioneer in understanding the need for nontraditional fonts to enable our dyslexic brothers and sisters to engage in web debates. (I told you I can never just drop in and say "Hi").
  10. What is this bafflegab I see - no comic sans? Any debate, and particularly one involving politics and politicians, requires the use of a "comic" something. Font nazis begone - a pox upon their kind.
  11. I think my comments in the Choose your Apocalypse debate may have had some detrimental effect on the festivities for you today. Didn't want to pop anyone's birthday balloon.
  12. Vidkun Bull-Roarer enters loaded down with rum cheesecake and so many balloons he has to walk tiptoe and tie them off before putting anything else down.

    One or the other should make you forget the balloon I popped!

    Have a happy day.

  13. Well, its an older picture and have had my ears done since then.
  14. OK, so how's this one?
  15. Saunters in looking for a quiet place to nap. Hey, the cobwebs are gone - and the dank. Oh no, not the dank!

    Glad to see ya!

  16. Hmmm.... its early October.

    Crosses arms and taps foot patiently waiting.

    Do not blame me if there is graffiti on the walls when you get back (shakes paint can).

  17. Vidkun of the Bull-Roarer clan enters and stares grimly at what he observes. Sees grannwils is busy takin names and kickin butt on an RPG game. Smiles and tiptoes out to go kill some goblins in Cyrodiil. (I can never just say 'Hi".)
  18. Glad you enjoyed watching the videos at my page. I have worked a lot with volunteers over my career and always felt a bit "safer" working with them. Who do you want beside you offering advice? A guy with 40 hours training (paid FF) or a guy who works everyday with the situation that's causing the problem?
  19. I am happy to welcome a new friend. I hope you enjoyed the video.
  20. Who am I? That's a hard question to answer. Not to be flip, but I'm just me. You can take a look at my "About Me" at my profile - if that isn't enough - well PM me and I'll answer any question you have.
  21. Took me a bit, but I finally found the web site I wanted to forward to you about medicare in Canada. http://rabble.ca/issues/healthcareUSA
  22. Always glad to make a new friend
  23. Just noticed the new avatar - nice one - looks good. You can have your guns, but give a guy a crowbar and he'll save earth - twice!
  24. Hmmm - transition from worried to concerned commencing.

    Desperate for a poem and a pic.

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