Well I have put a lot of playtime into Skyrim in the past couple days and have found a few systems I think would be great for improving your experience with traveling in skyrim. When your walking by the river and shoot an elk, there is really no benefit meaning the hide is cheap enough. You continue on and decide to go fishing... well why do I have to jump in with the fish? I don't have the knowledge to make this on my own so I am hoping someone else would be willing to work on something like this. My ideas -Improve hunting *Animals would roam more than they currently do *Animal loot (Hides, meat, and so on) would be worth more. This way if you wanted to make a decent living off of hunting you could. *Add items like animal calls (Be wooden and have to fit in with game). When used animals in the distance would have a chance of walking near you. *Add hunting items (Decoys?, blinds, treestands?, so on) *Post suggestions and I will add them! -Fishing *Fishing poles! Can be cast into water and fish would have a chance of seeing and going to the cast location. Once a fish bites, you have to hit the left mouse button to reel it in. *Different baits for fishing. *Ability to use bugs you harvest as bait! *Fish loot would have a slightly higher value (Make fishing a possible income) *Post suggestions and I will add them! -Camping *Pitch a Tent with a bedroll in it *Set up a fire *Set up sitting areas around the fire *Ability to cook on fire *Fire runs on wood, so you need to bring enough wood else it goes out *MOST animals and monsters won't come near the camp when fire is lit. *Post suggestions and I will add them! -Other Ideas *Treasure hunting (Shovels now let you dig for random trinkets) *Post suggestions and I will add them! Scenarios - How it would all fit together #1 - You are a fisherman and need to catch enough fish to pay for bait expenses. Your attacked by monsters well fishing and it is causing your income to drop. So you set up camp at your favorite fishing spot and start a fire. Now monsters are cautious/scared and bug you less. You are than able to pay for bait and get a better fishing pole with the extra money! #2 - You have Elk in the distance but they aren't moving towards you. You use your elk call and get one to walk with in range of your hunting bow. You let an arrow fly and hit the target. You go get your hide, meat, and arrow. you then sell the meat and use the income to buy more arrows. After a couple days of hunting elk, you have enough hides to make your self new clothes! #3 - You are on a long walk to an undiscovered location and feel like taking a quick break from walking. You then set up a tent, put a fire out side and roast marshmallows knowing monsters won't be bugging you. You then go to sleep in your tent and once you get up, you start out again with a slight speed bonus from the good sleep. Overall, I would like to see the chance for outdoors men to make a living through their environment. Whether that is fishing, hunting, gathering, or so on. If you have other ideas to make living in the wild fun and a decent source of income, just post below and maybe one day someone will make the mod!