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Everything posted by WGSXFrank

  1. Open the console and click on the wall. Type "disable" and hit enter. Then type "enable" and hit enter and exit the console. The wall should slowly fade in if done right. I noticed the same problem when placing walls and that always fixed it for me. In fact, I've found that it's always good to do a disable+enable whenever placing any item once you have it positioned correctly. This will also fix problem people are having with small shelves, some furniture, and display cases.
  2. Very nice! I was literally just thinking about doing something like this with my unused web-space. You beat me to it though xD. I'm hoping to see everyone in this thread (myself included) contribute pictures to the site.
  3. I'm not sure about the rest of your questions (though I've been thinking about #1 for my "batcave"... will have to wait for the CK I think... ) I can address #5. A skylight might be hard because you'd also need to spawn a skybox, sun (the light source), etc. If you turn off clipping mode (tcl) and use it to travel outside the walls of your home, you'll see that there is nothing out there. Just endless greensish-grey. I really like some of your ideas though. I'm sure we'll see a lot of it happen soon. Only a couple of those things will have to wait for the CK I think. But the rest (the dragon, the torture rooms stuff, etc) should be easy to do in the console now.
  4. Hmm... no idea if there are any rounded fully "built" pillars (I've only seen square ones). If you're looking for the "arches" (the pillars+cieling on the lower floor) the code for those are 5b380 and 5d7b4
  5. My thoughts exactly. That's what I'm doing with my "batcave". It'll look carved out. I found all the pieces I need to build the entrance way, main room, and hall while keeping true to that carved out look. Combine that with elements form the nightengale cave, sky haven temple, and a couple props from Sovengard and I think it will turn out great. Are you looking for rounded edge pillars (like the lower level has) or the square edge pillars (like the top floor has)?
  6. Would you mind posting the code for that exact doorway? I've been trying to find it for over an hour in TESsnip, but with no luck. I found every other solitude-related doorway, including a doorway just like that but thicker (too thick), but not that exact doorway. >_< EDIT: Never mind! Of course I find it JUST after I ask for help ^^; The code for the doorway is 7cabd
  7. So after spending an hour in TESsnip, I found everything thing needed to finish proudspire... but I cannot find the stairs or the doorway wall. I found the door itself.. just not the wall that surrounds it. Would someone be so kind as to post the IDs of those two things? I'd greatly appreciate it. On a better note, I found the perfect interior pieces to start on my "batcave". Once I finish the lower level (get the stairs and a doorway) I'll start on it.
  8. If and when you guys can make this happen, I'll be first in line to playtest it. I have very little knowledge of C++ (as I dabble in iOS app development sometimes) but not nearly enough to actually work with it fluently. However, I've done work as a professional game tester. Plus, the only reason I stopped playing Oblivion when I did was due to my want of playing co-op with a friend. I'm nowhere near bored of skyrim. With the power of the console, the Creation Kit (when it is released) and a functional multiplayer mod, I'll be playing this game for years. Good luck! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
  9. That looks great! :D I decided to give this stuff a go today (mainly because the glitched out wall near the mannequins was annoying me bad). I managed to fix that, re purpose the "bedroll room" into a fully functional blacksmith/forging room (along with symmetrically placed dragon head plaques and a couple working chests), and added various candles/ to the whole first floor. I really got inspired by what you're doing after I was finished, so I decided to do something somewhat similar. Except, I'm trying to find out if there is a way to create a "cavern" of sorts under the house. If all goes well I eventually plan to utilize that "hidden room" as an elevator down to the cavern. I play the game as if I'm a medieval-ish Batman of sorts (I'm in the process of modifying the Nightengale armor/hood to get the look I want without killing the original aesthetic) and I'm hoping I can eventually create a somewhat functional "batcave". So... I guess I just wanted to say thanks for the info and inspiration. BTW: would you happen to know a resource where I can lookup the object codes of all the useful room building models? I've been using the ones posted earlier in the thread, but I'm looking for more variation as I get lower beneath the house. I can't figure out TESsnip for the life of me ^^; I can wait on the really intricate stuff... but I'd love to at least get the codes for the doors and stairs for now.
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