Hello, I recently started playing and modding F4 Everything was going fairly well my first time through. I had several different mods working with F4SE, but none of my custom armors and outfit mods would work, particularly those requiring AWKCR, but also some UI mods. After trying a suggestion under the post "NMM and F4SE" (sorry can't figure out how to link), I screwed up NMM ability to detect F4, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and rescanned with NMM. I started installing mods again, but noticed that now none of them would work. I found in the games mod area that the mods were turned off, so I enabled them. The game started working and with all the mods that hadn't worked the first time around working properly. However, every time I start the game, the mods are turned off again in the games mod area. When I go and check NMM, it has unchecked all plugins, including the main game and all the DLC plugins. This didn't happen during the first install of my game, so I don't understand why it is happening now. Also, I have tried sorting plugins with LOOT, but it gives me an error about not being able to write to the "plugins.txt" file in my AppData folder. Not sure if this could be part of the problem or not, I didn't use LOOT during my first install of the game. My Fallout4Custom.ini has the lines [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= [Data] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 The Fallout4Prefs.ini also has the line [Launcher] uLastAspectRatio=1 bEnableFilesSelection=1