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Everything posted by Chotak25

  1. Hello, I recently started playing and modding F4 Everything was going fairly well my first time through. I had several different mods working with F4SE, but none of my custom armors and outfit mods would work, particularly those requiring AWKCR, but also some UI mods. After trying a suggestion under the post "NMM and F4SE" (sorry can't figure out how to link), I screwed up NMM ability to detect F4, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and rescanned with NMM. I started installing mods again, but noticed that now none of them would work. I found in the games mod area that the mods were turned off, so I enabled them. The game started working and with all the mods that hadn't worked the first time around working properly. However, every time I start the game, the mods are turned off again in the games mod area. When I go and check NMM, it has unchecked all plugins, including the main game and all the DLC plugins. This didn't happen during the first install of my game, so I don't understand why it is happening now. Also, I have tried sorting plugins with LOOT, but it gives me an error about not being able to write to the "plugins.txt" file in my AppData folder. Not sure if this could be part of the problem or not, I didn't use LOOT during my first install of the game. My Fallout4Custom.ini has the lines [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= [Data] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 The Fallout4Prefs.ini also has the line [Launcher] uLastAspectRatio=1 bEnableFilesSelection=1
  2. My drivers are all current, as for the anti-ali's and .ini I have no idea. The issues I'm having with enemies spawning when i fast travel only occurs with my main character. I started a new one and enemies don't spawn when i fast travel. So I'm not sure what is causing the problem
  3. Well, whatever this glitch is, it has now completely corrupted all my characters save files, including the backups I had saved on a separate hard drive. Originally it was only effecting the saves from after I had started using mods, now it effects all of the saves I have for my character. Enemies spawn wherever I fast travel, every time, making it near impossible to play the game. I have tried uninstalling mods, & have even gone as far as completely uninstalling the game and Steam, then reinstalling without any mods using my back up saves, but to no avail. I don't think this is from the sounds of skyrim mods anymore, I dont see how it could effect my game like this....
  4. Well it's still doing it to me even after the 1.5 patch for skyrim... Anyone have any luck figuring this out?
  5. I recently started having issues (seemingly) after I installed the Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_0_1 Full Version, with the Nexus Download Manager. I already have Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons, installed and when I went to install Wilds I told me there was a new version of Wilds and it turned off Dungeons. Since then, when I load a save or try to continue it tells me that the save file uses items that are no longer available, and asks to continue anyway, yes or no? Then, when I fast travel, I spawn in the middle of a huge fight among bandits, witches, drauger, forsworn, etc... no matter where I go on the map. Also when I click save files to load, the screenshots wont come up and it will tell me the save file is corrupted and cannot be used. If I exit the load screen and come back, sometimes this message will not come up and the game will load fine. All of that happens even after I have uninstalled all my mods with the mod manager....even when I load game saves from before I Installed any mods. I am no longer sure if this has to do specifically with the Sounds of Skyrim mods or not. I have tried some HD texture mods, but I removed them after they caused my screen to freak out. Even after that, I didnt have all these game save issues right away, only noticed them a day or two later upon messing with the SoS mods.... I have never installed mods manually before and dont really know what to do here to get my game back to normal. Any help wpuld be appreciated
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