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  1. Or is the C# compiler just not very good? I encountered this in a decompiled DLL while modding and it seems this is a clear optimization opportunity: if (partyToReceiveLoot.IsMobile) { TakePrisonerAction.Apply(partyToReceiveLoot, troopRosterElement3.Character.HeroObject); } else { TakePrisonerAction.Apply(partyToReceiveLoot, troopRosterElement3.Character.HeroObject); } DLL: Taleworlds.CampaignSystem.dll Method: LootCollector.GiveShareOfLootToParty
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/153 This mod contains a multiplier option for Footmen on Horses factor. Set it at 2 and you can move as fast as an all-cavalry army if you have enough horses for your foot troops. Is less cheaty because it also applies to AI armies.
  3. This mod fixed those troubles for me: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/205
  4. Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\BannerlordConfig.txt Change BattleSize=500 to your number. If the game changes the number on startup, try marking the file as Read-Only in its properties.
  5. Did you try it on a new game? Could be something persistent in the savegames.
  6. I suspect this can be fixed with some INI setting but no idea how. This line moves along with the camera: Turning off ENB doesn't fix it. I'm using Obsidian weathers.
  7. Just wanna drop in and say Thank you! to your fine Headtracking mod, it is a blast to play with, no know bugs so far, though still default but not on the "smile" have it on +2 atm, gonna reduce it some more, the diffrance was a minimum or none hehe well thanks again for the nice mod, endorsing as soon as it lets me, downloaded it jsut some mins agao :) Chive on mate!
  8. It's called modelling (and texturing). Download Blender and follow some tutorials.
  9. Everyone seems to assume we can mod all flaws out and missing features in, but we have no idea at this moment what the CK will be capable of. I fear a little that this CK may be more restricted than the Oblivion CS. Though if that fear turns out to be ungrounded, Skyrim will become really awesome for the PC, and I will start scripting mods the first moment I encounter an annoyance or a missing feature that I want. I just hope that an OBSE (or rather, SKSE) will be possible and be created, since plain CS script is way too limiting in Oblivion, and it's likely to be the same with Skyrim.
  10. @Zaldiir, Apparently the GI guys only saw the console version of the game, and one of the Bethesda employees send a tweet saying that the PC version will also be "well-looked after" in regards to UI changes. For example, the console version won't have hotkeys like you can read in the GI UI article, but the PC version will. It's something we should keep in the back of our minds if certain features according to GI sound very console-ish.
  11. True... But the crackers actually enjoy a challenge, it's a hobby for them, so I don't think they mind. And I think pirates won't suddenly buy a 50$ game because the cracking process takes 10 minutes longer than usual. Though I guess a few noobish pirates might give up if they can't manage. The question is if that is worth burdening your customers with the hassle of activating as well. I personally don't think it is, but who am I?
  12. I don't see why activation through Steam prevents pirating of software. Someone tell me one (popular) game that has online activation (but no maintained connection required during gameplay) that has not been cracked by pirates. Since "activating" just unlocks some part of a code somewhere in your game installation or registry, it can be decrypted and then copied/duplicated. There is no way to prevent pirating for PC's, unless gameplay itself requires data that is only stored on a server. Hence I agree with you that this Steam-activating is ineffective, useless, and thus stupid.
  13. It's very unlikely the game will ONLY be released for Steam, so calm down. Most games are released as DVD's you buy in stores or pre-order, while also offering the alternative to buy and download the game online, through a service such as Steam. Only indy-companies sometimes release Steam-only games, simply because they can't afford to release the game physically.
  14. Deactive all other mods and then try again, it's most likely another mod changes those items, probably a complete overhaul mod like OOO. There is nothing wrong with the GetWeaponReach function.
  15. Hello all! I am Maegfaer, the Scripting Overseer of the Middle Earth Roleplaying Project, also known as MERP. The last few months, some of us (mainly 'Middle Earth's Bane' and me) have been working on developing a combat overhaul that is greatly inspired by Mount & Blade combat, simply because most of us believe it is the best medieval combat simulator ever. MERP & Blade will both be integrated in MERP and be released as a standalone mod for vanilla Oblivion. MERP & Blade is considered to be in early BETA! What we created up until now: Collision-based attacks Four attack directions with animations (overhead strike, left-right swing, right-left swing, and thrust) Blocking animations for those direction, also with collision detection UI arrows to indicate your attack directions based on mouse movement "Preparing" of attacks by holding the LMB. "Feinting" attacks by tapping the RMB while preparing an attack and changing your direction A crude stagger animation as a place holder Possibility to hit multiple enemies in one strike Click here to watch a demonstration video! Nothing in the video is considered finished, and is more a proof of concept than a preview! The video has some bugs and glitches. In general, the FPS is very low because of Fraps recording, which makes the animations seem choppy. Ingame they are a lot smoother. The overhead strike anim is bugged, and doesn't end properly. Most of the animations don't have a smooth transition back to the idle animation, and some also lack a smooth initial transition. The stagger animation is a place holder and looks a bit weird. Again, this is early beta. For now, we don't release the mod to the public. Open BETA could come within a few months. This topic serves as a medium to keep you all updated on our progress, to ask you for advice, to allow you to give suggestions for improvement, and possibly for you to offer assistance. (We could certainly use another skilled animator with enough spare time!) Ask as much questions as you want, and suggest as many ideas as you want, because we will certainly take them in consideration. This thread will be closely read and maintained. You can also visit and post at our forums, we like having fellow modders and fans around! *This post is bound to be updated with more info in the near future*
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