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Everything posted by Maegfaer

  1. Thank you very much for your replies! I never heard about that 1.7gb limit before, so thanks for that app! Pity that it still only uses 3gb, but it's better than nothing! No SSD then, I am only interested in FPS and stability improvements.
  2. My Oblivion game is heavily modded, especially with high resolution textures etc. I have 6 gb RAM, and use an ATI 4600 with 1 gig ram. Will putting Oblivion on a SSD improve performance a lot? The high res textures I use are the biggest bottleneck I think, and in some area's where FPS drops to an extremely low level, the game often CTD's. Since I have 6 gb RAM, I always supected the CTD's are because too many textures are requested and my system/HD just can't keep up, causing the game to crash. WIll a SSD help concerning this? So, 2 questions: 1. Will a SSD improve performance on a high res textures modifiied Oblivion? 2. Will a SSD potentially prevent crashes in places where a lot of data needs to be loaded? Thanks for your time!
  3. I am looking for the helmet in the screenshot below: Thanks in advance!
  4. After I complete this quest (FGC02Protect) the game CTD's ALWAYS when the sun comes/is up the next day (from 5:00 AM). I can sleep 24 hours for example, then sleep or wait again until after 5:00 AM, and it still crashes. It also happens when I just use the command "setstage FGC02Protect 100", without getting the quest from Azzan at all. I disabled all mods that work with time (illuminated windows mod, all natural mod etc.) but it still happens. The only thing I can think of is OOO, I haven't disabled that one because it's extremely big. Has anyone experienced problems with this particular quest?
  5. You should certainly edit your Oblivion.ini, it will improve performance a LOT if you choose the right settings (especially iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400. This setting appears to determine the maximum amount (in bytes) of RAM allowed for preloading game data, which is only about 25 MB by default). That one in particular MIGHT help you get less crashes, since the game will have more memory available. Just google "oblivion.ini" for tweaking guides.
  6. I don't know all the mods on the list, but those I know seem to be fine... When do these crashes happen? It could very well be your settings in your Oblivion.ini that causes the crashes instead of your load order. Did you edit it?
  7. Okay thanks for your answers. But does anyone know the location of the script that makes sure it is repaired? Because it is certainly not to be found in the quest scripts, nor can I find any reference in those scripts to the thing that would do it.
  8. EDIT: SOLVED!!!! The solution was: setstage MS16B 20 I missed a quest update during the Sins of the Father quest, and exactly that update contained the triggers to repair Weatherleah! For some reason, even after waiting for 5 weeks in the Imperial City and then running back to Weatherleah after I finished the COMPLETE questline (including Honorblade of Chorrol quest), Weatherleah is still a piece of trash. Could this be a Unique Landscape incompatability? I tried searching in the CS to find the script that should rebuild Weatherleah, to find out how I can trigger it manually, or by knowing how long it is actually supposed to take. I haven't found it, if someone could point me where to look, I'd be grateful. I also use the Unpredictable Respawn mod, with a randomness set between 36 and 102 hours. If I wait 5 weeks in another city the cell should have been reset right?
  9. I have searched for a mod like this, but I can't find it. I think it is strange that when I equip my bow, that my sword is unequipped. It should actually be just sheathed and still hang at my side. I know the Oblivion engine doesn't allow you to equip 2 weapons at the same time, but I know it's possible to add the sword model "cosmetically" to your character. I know this because I remember a bug in the mod Ambidextrie which caused that to happen. So, if it hasn't been made yet I would love to be able to cosmetically(!) be able to equip a sidesword, a backsword, a bow and arrows at the same time! I am not very good at modding with models, but if someone would be so kind to point out how this could be done, I'd certainly give it a try myself. Thanks in advance for your replies,
  10. I wonder, if I decorate a non-player owned cell (like the house Weatherleah) with furniture from the Imperial Furniture mod and I don't visit it for the duration of the global cell reset timer, will there still be furniture in the house? If so, will the Imperial Furniture chests still hold the contents I put in there? If it does reset and the furniture is gone, is there any mod with which I can disable the reset timer for a particular cell? Thanks for your answers :)
  11. I am looking for a mod that fixes the issue that grass is not affected by light sources. I've had it in the past but then I reinstalled my system and I can't find it anymore...
  12. Press and hold R or your middle mousebutton to be able to move the camera freely in all directions around your character. The only mounted combat mod I know is: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8962
  13. Is it possible to increase your character's run speed while you are blocking? Right now I move extremely slow and I think it is unrealistic.
  14. Ah I disabled StreamLine and it didn't happen again, it seems that's the mod turning off my shadows. I succesfully edited the .ini file and disabled StreamLine from turning off these options. Thanks a lot for your help!
  15. I installed a large number of mods today, and now I started playing and I notice that there is a mod that resets all my video settings (like actor/item/fade distances and shadows etc.) a few seconds after being in GameMode to the old values. I know this because shadows appear for just a second after which they dissappear again. If I change my video settings in the initial game menu (New Game, Continue, Load game, etc.) and exit Oblivion, no settings are reset. However, when I load my savegame again it changes it after 1-2 seconds. Has anyone any idea which mod might cause this? Could it be "Oblivion Graphics Extender v2"? P.S. Some settings seem to be preserved, like the Texture Size and the water settings...
  16. Yes that's what he's saying. But just the Data folder is not enough, take the entire Oblivion folder AND the My Games folder in your My Documents folder.
  17. I am going to format my harddrive and reinstall my OS. I want to make an exact copy of Oblivion/mods/savegames so I can just continue with the game. I'd like to know if anyone has any experience with this, because I am a bit worried about it, especially about the registry settings. This is my plan: Copy Oblivion game folder and My Games folder (savegames etc.) to external harddisk Format my harddisk and reinstall my OS including all drivers etc. Clean install of Oblivion + official expansions Clean install of OBMM Copy the Oblivion folder and My Games folder from my external harddisk and overwrite the clean install Will this work?
  18. Aah, just found: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...tegory:RefStuff With that I can remove the forms... Sucks pretty hard that I already bloated my savegame by about 1MB, although I can hardly imagine that 1MB of data takes around 10 more seconds to save my game...
  19. I am using a mod with a script in which very often a certain spell is cloned again and again. Lately it takes me far longer to save my game in Oblivion, it takes around 12 seconds now. Is this because of the many cloned forms? I guess the mod has cloned a spell for about a 100-150 times now, so that's 100-150 new forms. And btw, is there a way to remove temporary forms?
  20. Just to let you know, I solved the problem by creating a small script that makes sure the the Drain Magicka disease effect is still affecting the player. If the disease effect is cured, that script immediately adds it again.
  21. Heh it works when I make the Drain Magicka effect a Disease. But the effect shouldn't be removable by a Cure Disease effect... Any ideas how to disable that? :P
  22. I am trying to create a Magicka points debuff. For this, I am using an Ability with a Drain Magicka effect, but it only drains the Magicka for a split second, and then it's back to normal again. The Ability still shows in the Active Effects character menu. I tried making the Ability a Damage Magicka effect, but this keeps reducing my Magicka every second. I tried using Player.ModAV Magicka, but after adding/removing the ability 2 or 3 times, I get a CTD. When I use Player.SetAV Magicka, I get a CTD the first time I add the Ability. How can I get this to work? Thanks a lot!
  23. I have a simple Light spell with a Magicka cost of 17. My Illusion skill is 75. Whenever I try to let a script read the cost, it returns the value 10 with "Player.GetSpellMagickaCost <Spell>", and value 23 with just "GetSpellMagickaCost <Spell>" Link: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...pellMagickaCost It says: If called on a reference it will use the reference's magic skill values to determine the actual magicka cost of the spell. Well, it's not working. It should return the value 17... Has anyone any idea how I can let a script read Magicka Cost? Thanks for your help
  24. Hey grmblf, ever thought of using bullet-time when you charge spells? Just like in the Deadly Reflex mod. When you start charging, for a few seconds, the world slows down around you. This would give players a little more time to do a cast, so you might even consider adding more buttons (didn't read the whole thread, perhaps you are already doing that) so for example, in addition, a button for the area or the duration. Or both. Or a button to control any second effects the spell might have :)
  25. You have an entirely different view on the matter compared to me. I'm thinking of a GameMode script that does this: *Player makes his active spell "Protection" which has a single effect: "Shield for 5% for 30 seconds on Self"* 1[script detects spell with GetPlayerSpell] 2[script checks if it is a Shield effect with GetNthEffectItemCode, answer is true] 3[script reads the magnitude of the spell with GetNthEffectItemMagnitude] 4[script reads the school of the Spell with GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool] 5[script checks player Alteration skill with GetActorValue] 6[script calculates the magnitude needed for the Drain Magicka effect (spell "cost")] 7[script adds a second effect to the "Protection" spell, containing a script that adds the Drain Magicka and a 5% Shield ability(!) (constant effect) with AddFullEffectItem] 8[script sets the Shield duration effect in the "Protection" spell to 1 second, to avoid confusion. This is done with SetNthEffectItemDuration] 9[script sets the "Protection" spell cost to the calculated value of the Drain (just as an indicator to show how much Magicka will be drained)] So now the player has the spell "Protection" selected, which contains 2 effects: 1. Shield for 5% for 1 Second on Self 2. (Scripted effect) <Constant effect on self> Effect 2 contains a script that does all the work of adding the Magicka Drain and the constant effect, as I described in script step 7. I hope it's clear now?
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