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About imu333

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  1. Some progression on the glove. Also working on the textures. http://i.imgur.com/9RfgxPe.jpg
  2. Realized that I didn't have a good model for the gloves, so I started to working on it. :thumbsup: http://i.imgur.com/pY9pnAv.png
  3. What color variations would you guys like to see of the armor? http://i.imgur.com/Hb5NtQe.png
  4. Here's some WIP content :) http://i.imgur.com/91EyI6U.jpg
  5. I'm back working on the armor, lowpoly done and currently working on the textures! :)
  6. the low poly model is coming along nicely http://i.imgur.com/zoIg4F7.png
  7. Highpoly model done! Also started setting up and working on the lowpoly :)
  8. Do you have the correct shader flags enabled? In NifSkope > BSShaderPPLightingProperty Shader Type = SHADER_DEFAULT Shader Flags = make sure at least these are checked, SF_SpecularSF_SkinnedSF_Remappable_texturesSF_Shadow_MapSF_ZBuffer_TestSF_Multiple_Textures (not sure if needed) SF_Environment_Mapping (if using environment map)SF_Alpha_Texture (if model utilizes transparency)
  9. Have you checked that the textures are in the correct folder and/or the directory paths in the nif file point to the right ones?
  10. Use this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=1854 Open your normal map and go to Effects > Alpha Mask > select your specular map > save .dds as DXT5 (or A8R8G8B8 for no compression), generate Mip Maps
  11. Not sure about Paint.net. Fallout combines normal and specular maps into one, the specular in the alpha channel. (®ed(G)reen(B)lue(A)lpha) Easiest way is using Photoshop, pasting the specular into the alpha channel and exporting using Nvidias DDS plugin Though if you don't have Photoshop, you can use GIMP. The DDS exporter for GIMP is not as good as Nvidias so it may produce artifacts. So I recommend that you add the alpha channel in GIMP, export it as a .tga file and then convert it to a .dds using Nvidias command line tool. EDIT: Can provide download links and further instructions if you need. :)
  12. Thanks! Yea, this will speed up things :) It was a real pain making skin-tight gas masks, having to go back and forth, adjusting the mesh to fix the clipping issues. speaking of the 2.49 UI, yea ... terrible compared to the new :rolleyes:
  13. Looks like they have a pre-alpha build for 2.7x, http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5823 Importing works, haven't tested exporting, but it should also work, seeing as it imports bones and vertex groups fine :smile:
  14. Yes, I use an older version of Blender for importing and exporting .nifs. My general workflow is, import .nif file into Blender 2.49, then export as .obj, 3ds or .dae format, import in a new version of Blender for production work. After I'm done with modelling I usually set the materials for the mesh before exporting it as an .obj (the reason I assign the materials in 2.7x is simply because I'm more used to that version) Lastly I import the .obj file in Blender 2.49, rig it, and export as .nif file Should be possible to do the rigging in 2.7x, if Blender 2.49 has some decent importers such as .FBX, not sure though. Might do a proper tutorial once I find time, as there are no up-to-date tutorials for Blender users. :)
  15. I'm afraid I'm too busy to work on this project, as I'm currently working on The Frontier and my own projects. Sorry for the inconvenience :confused:
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