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About sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE

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Experienced (11/14)
Yea, lol, if it was that easy, you wouldn't have pulled all your mods in protest. You would've just switched to your "simple pixel searching bot" wouldn't you? Try harder. Why try harder, just work smarter. When something pisses me off is when I get creative. Basically I just grabbed a bit of image scan code to differentiate image pixel colors, compares against a table and then implemented it into autoit scripting language which I just use standard window api calls to lockbits process the data and paste what it translates. This is due to I always have script blocking active which blocks googles crappy image click captcha and I get the static captcha. Still refining the time it takes to translate, but not that bad. So if a novice scripter can do that then what stops those that know how at low level, that crappy captcha aint slowing down the real threats in the slightest. It's merely pissing off the genuine users.
Yep my cache is cleaned on browser close no exclusions. I no longer fill in the captcha on login, I leave it up to my simple pixel searching bot. So what's that captcha spose to secure anyways, since a pos kiddie script can still fill a captcha in without human interaction?
Odd that the users that don't like stale crap left in their browser/cache any more then the current session are the ones who feel punished by being tasked with captcha every login. The other percent of users that never flush their browser/caches and stay logged in for a month are the reason security is so bad! Yet all this site does is promote such behavior.
No Antimatter formula needed. Native game bug for unlimited free Antimatter in the starting quest "Fuel The Hyperdrive". Note: Does not work if you take the Pre-Order DLC Omega ship. Play the game up to the point of creating your Hyperdrive engine and do NOT put fuel in the engine. Get rid of any Antimatter and Warp Cells from you or your ship inventory that you may have picked up in the start of the game. (If you build the base storage containers you can store any antimatter and warp cells in them) Now Follow the quest to get given a free Antimatter. Once given the Antimatter remove if from your inventory and the free antimatter quest lights up again. Take another Antimatter, get rid of it, repeat, lather rinse. Tips for storing multiple Antimatter without having to travel back and forth: Build a basic round room base with Construction Desk and hire the Overseer from the space station. Do the Overseer quests up to the Storage Containers blueprint (usually picked up at abandoned building). Build the Storage Containers. Head to the space station to get your free antimatter. While still on the space station open your inventory and store the Antimatter to your Base Storage Container. (Remotely storing from your inventory to base storage is permitted from anywhere in the current galaxy) Half a second later the Free antimatter quest pointer will reinitiate, ask for another antimatter... repeat.. If you already new of this exploit then good for you, I didn't and discovered it recently while trying to stay in my first galaxy until i had some decent cash and storage. 900+ Million units, 48 Slot S Class Ship, 24 Slot S Class multitool, Exo Suit Maxed Storage... I'm almost ready to put fuel in my hyperdrive and head to the next galaxy and start buying frigates :smile: Edit: Works on PC and PS4.
Well you certainly showed the Nexus by punishing the users of your mods who have nothing whatsoever to do with the captcha system. I hope they learned their lesson? /s Your point is? Gee I wonder what nexus is doing to the user, seems pretty much the same thing to me.. With the exception that I was never trying to leech money off the non supplying user in a sneaky manner. Nexus will never learn and will only ever try to sneakily market their crapware methodology in the name of keeping the site running and try to disguise it as doing the public a favor when all they are doing is leeching clicks and funds off peoples files that are hosted here.. The rest of the non supplying users are adding their clicks via nexus gimmicks. So bottom line is the only one who wins is nexus... Regardless, there is no need for the captcha every log in if you flush your cache regularly. What so every other site that is secure and doesn't use captcha every login is doing it wrong? In regards to your flippant remark: My security settings are fine, I know where my software environment stands and what resides in it. Quite simply I do not and will not store login, passwords and history any further then the current session on any of my personal pc's. How docile some users are, they don't give a rats ass about their privacy and will click and agree to anything and give away their processing time, resources and bandwidth to any old web site without a 2nd thought. Good for them...
The easiest way to resolve the captcha is blacklist nexus. Do not click any of the endorse, donate buttons. Remove any hosted mods you have. Show your disapproval by not helping nexus pay their server fees. Be treated like a mongrel, act like a mongrel to suit the treatment...... Obviously whining in this thread will get you nowhere. Start new threads when you want to whine about the captcha. Basically make the site as inconvenient for nexus as nexus has done for you. Strongest protests are usually resolved by making a stand, not agreeing to the sites advice and whining in one thread like sheep. I have had multiple users ask for the small mods I removed from Nexus. I explain to them my reason for removal and advise them to thank Nexus management. If I upload my small mods elsewhere I will let those that asked know. But Nexus has absolutely turned me off wanting to share mods period! Ahh well fun while it lasted. All things must change.
Your welcome, Must be something your doing on your end. I purchased the latest GOG version while it was on sale not that long ago. Everything I posted above still works the same in GOG version. First thing I did after install was go to all the places I mentioned above and all work fine in Win7 x64 and Win 8.1.
That's the problem! Your forcing people to leave their cache exploitable... For users that don't want to auto login, don't want their preferences stored every visit., that do have all history reset on browser close and system shutdown... Now they have to leave themselves open to junkie advertising net scripts just to visit or host their files here if they don't want the bs login captcha every visit.. So that's your prerogative to screw those users over with the login battle... But obviously site usage will go down, but hey who cares, your right jack... FU2...
That has done it, removed all my trivial mods from nexus (16 small files). I will only log in on the rarest of occasions to dl others stuff and will never post another file here again. I am not going to go through that bulls*** captcha every time I need to update one of my own files or the description or whatever. Life is to short to be wasted at a login screen farting around just because some site can't get their security crap together without screwing all the bystanders... Also that greedy revenue rubbish of not even allowing any download unless your logged in, what a nightmare. Could understand on big files, but 2 ~ 10 kb files and you still gotta log in, that's as lame as my attitude and that's pretty lame :P
Captcha sux donkey doodle. Does nothing but p**s users off... If that captcha is going to be a perm part of nexus for every login then I'm ready to pull my trivial mods and suck my bum cheeks in and hope the door doesn't get me on the way out!
Hey here's a 2.7.3 Paste Log and pattern.ini: This was one of my earlier attempts of a Select All Copy at Sanctuary. It was before I rebuilt my stand alone houses to work with 2.7.3. This was before trying a fresh 13 house paste with 2.7.3. But even this 2.7.3 pattern pastes successfully with Clipboard 2.3.0 Which seems odd.
Hey, this is for someone that requested via PM. Since I can't simply attach the file to the response PM, I'll temporary post it here. Requires SKSE 1.7.3
This post is to demonstrate a JIP problem work around and does not require a response from other nexus users. After further testing there's definitely a timming issue when calling MessageBoxExAlt from a MenuButtonPressedUDF. Calling RunScriptSnippet with a 15 frame delay from a MenuButtonPressedUDF seems to correct the issue. I'm unsure if different computers may need longer timings. But for me 10 frames or lower fails on my hardware. Here is an example esp that demonstrates the message box work around: Here are the scripts that are in the esp: MBEAQuestScr for registering the M key to show the message box: Scn MBEAQuestScr Begin GameMode If GetGameRestarted SetOnKeyDownEventHandler fnMBEAKey 1 50 ;M Key EndIf EndfnMBEAKey for firing the MessageBox when the m key is pressed: Scn fnMBEAKey Int iKey Begin Function { iKey } Call fnMBEAShow 0 EndMenuButtonPressedUDF work around example (broken code commented out): Scn fnMBEAShow Int iButton Ref rScr String_Var sTxt Begin Function { iButton } Set rScr To fnMBEAShow If iButton == 0 ;MessageBoxExAlt fnMBEAShow "^Root Menu^Select Menu|Root Menu|Sub Menu|Exit" Let sTxt := "^Root Menu^Select Menu|Root Menu|Sub Menu|Exit" PlayerRef.RunScriptSnippet 15 "MessageBoxExAlt %q%i%q %q%z%q" rScr sTxt ElseIf iButton == 1 ;MessageBoxExAlt fnMBEAShow "^Sub Menu^Select Menu|Root Menu|Sub Menu|Exit" Let sTxt := "^Sub Menu^Select Menu|Root Menu|Sub Menu|Exit" PlayerRef.RunScriptSnippet 15 "MessageBoxExAlt %q%i%q %q%z%q" rScr sTxt EndIf Sv_Destruct sTxt EndEdit: Notes: RunscriptSnippet fails if the MessageBoxExAlt String Param is to long, so there is no way you could do 256 buttons using the above method. Yes I do want to use 256 Buttons as that's the size of my adult follower framework :smile: For using RunScriptSnippet like above then I use %%r for multi-line descriptions. Using %r (direct call) or %%r (RunScriptSnippet) in MessageBoxExAlt description will cause the MessageBox Title and Description to be Left Justified. Unexpected quirky behavior.
Post for JIP
sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE replied to sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Thank you for the clarification it's appreciated. The issue with the function was resolved. JIP did a rewrite of the SetGameMainLoopCallback function and it nails the issues I had completely. I made no code changes to my code (apart from removing work arounds), just dropped in an updated jip plugin and ran my code (thrashed my code would be a better description) and the bug completely disappeared. JIP is one hell of a coder that's for sure. -
Post for JIP
sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE replied to sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Thank you for the input. So papyrus processes the whole line before stopping the condition check when using && operators? eg: If (rActor != 0) "condition not met stop before going any further" && (IsFormValid rActor) "condition not met stop before going any further" && (IsReference rActor) In all honesty I have been running that same check on over 30 NPCs at the same time every frame running for hours on end over the past year or so and not had a single crash from calling a function on a nul ref as of yet. And I actually use that same line intentionally to catch purposeful nul refs and still never crashed yet. When i didn't have the IsReference in the line, that's when forms could slip through. If I only use IsRefernce then I also get the odd crash. I do see what your saying and i do quite often use line by line checks, but mainly when using CO, which I try to avoid using In relation to my original problem: When or if the script fails and the game doesn't CTD then you usually see console spam saying the script ID and offset that failed. Which isn't the case for the problem I'm having. I don't get any errors or CTDs