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Everything posted by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE

  1. Tale of the Tongues song (after defeating Alduin) is pretty well conditioned out at every turn of it's existence.. eg: The BardSongsScript has a check for random song (Quest Stage MQ306 > 0) before forcing the bard into the bard alias (this is bypassable without editing native scripts) Conditions on the Scene (Quest Stage MQ306 > 0) ... (Not bypassable without editing native conditions or quest) Each line of the shared Info in the quest Misc tab is also conditioned (Quest stage MQ306 > 0)... (Not bypassable without editing native conditions or quest) So if your not wanting to edit the actual vanilla quests or scripts and want to make it so your bard will sing the song before defeating alduin then you'd need to: extract the audio create a new quest add the extracted audio under the Misc tab as Shared info and use your own dialogue. Create the Scene for the song And create your own scripts to trip it all off. For the other songs you can bypass the conditions on most and have all songs available (not two tounges) by using the vanilla scripts and quests without editing those vanilla scripts with your own scripts and dialogue quest. Either way it's just not easy or I should say learning curve is at a medium level to do what your after without editing the vanilla quest and dialogue (which I'd advise against editing the vanilla scripts and quests).
  2. SetMotionType(4) on each object. http://www.creationkit.com/SetMotionType_-_ObjectReference Which means that the item will not move when bumped, but can be still picked up / stolen. If your unsure on how you would implement this I can probably offer some ways you could implement it.
  3. The final song that's accessable after defeating Alduin Also the available songs are based on the CW, eg: nord or imperial. If it's for a custom bard then write your own dialogue and subclass the bard scenes for the song, if your trying to make for all bards to be able to play any song, then it's a little tricky to do and you'll probably break compatability with other mods that are using or editing the native bard system. I made a Be Bard mod I never released a while back. EG: ask anyone to be a bard and play a song or imnstrumental. If they didn't have the voice type, then only offer instrumental. There are some limits though as only one bard can play at a time. So if the player was at their house and said to a NPC play a song and then turned to another npc and said play a song then the first NPC would stop and the second NPC would start. I did it by creating my own brief dialogue and used the bard scenes. I didn't edit any of the vanilla bard quests or dialogue or conditions to get it to work. I got up to a point where I was working on making so if the NPC didn't have the right voice type for a song, then spoof them with the right voice type just so they could sing the song, but I got side tracked with another personal project and put the whole thing on hold and never got back to it.
  4. Not what you want to hear and others may not agree, but if your using older games and programs and are not interested using your computer like a mobile phone or tablet, then rollback to win 7. Win 8 up to win 10 sucks donkey balls imho. Nothing but bad memory management due to crappy app layer implementation over the desktop all in the name of os security to have a pos cross platform app framework. In general I'm finding multitasking in these OS absolutely shitful stability wise in comparison to win 7 or even Win XP handled multitasking better for the apps and game I use. It's absolutely digusting that an OS can go that far backwards over years of devlopment. Yes I'm disgruntled after putting up with Win 8.1 for 3 months and win 10 for 4 weeks... I've since DL'd a win 7 x64 SP1 and removed those pos win 8 and win 10 and have not had a single mystery app memory nag, CK is back to stable (well as stable as it can be), I can now run 3 instances of CK, Skyrim, Blender, multiple instances of NifSkope, TESVEdit, Firefow, my background tools to make windows easier to do mundane tasks all at the same time and not once have I been nagged about system stability or has any of these things app crashed all on 8GB ram. (I use to do the same on my old hardware with 3GB memory with win 7 al be it slower, but stable) With Win 8.1 or Win 10 half my crap would crash intermittently without wartning when runninng everything at once. Yet any single thing on it's own would run fine without issue. Leads me to believe the newer OS have bad memory management when multi tasking under load. Prior to coming to that deduction, I wasted many hours doing hardware load tests, reading threads about similar probs and started thinking my hardware was at fault. But after rolling back, I can say all that f'n testing was a waste of time and it it's just plain and simple that Win 8.1 and Win10 are not fit for public use unless your using that pos app framework and your only using newly developed progams and apps made for the newer enviroments. In which case I'm not ready to let go of the stuff I use and move on.
  5. Requires SKSE 1.7.2 or Above A quest with a player Alias and a script attached the the alias. Using the following events/functions: OnPlayerloadGame() GetModCount() GetModName() GetAllAmmo() ;Filtered by Keyword SetWeight() Using the above you can get every type of base form arrow/bolt from every loaded esm/esp and set the the base form weight. Obviously though this would be fired every time the player loads a game as SetWeight() is not save persistent. But if done right you can do it with minimal impact on load times.
  6. Sorry to say there is no such thing as OnDeactivate() event natively in the game. Here's another approach, instead register for the the animation event when the player is exiting the furniture and then set the weather back. crude tested example (tried it on an Alchemy Lab and works ok for me). Scriptname ZZZ_WitchesCauldronScript extends ObjectReference MusicType Property WitchesMusic Auto Weather Property Storm Auto Weather CurWeather Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) CurWeather = Weather.GetCurrentWeather() Storm.SetActive(true) WitchesMusic.Add() RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "IdleFurnitureExit") Endevent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) If (akSource == Game.GetPlayer()) && (asEventName == "IdleFurnitureExit") CurWeather.SetActive(true) Weather.ReleaseOverride() WitchesMusic.Remove() Utility.Wait(1.0) UnregisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "IdleFurnitureExit") EndIf EndEventOn another note: If you would like to see a list of available functions and events that you can use then maybe check this out (if you haven't already). http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus
  7. I'm unsure if your aware but text replacement for books/notes requires that the book/note is held by a quest eg: a quest alias pointing to the book. For example to use the <Alias=Player> to display the player name in a book.. The book would need to be held by a quest alias. Player can be used without puting the player in a quest alias, but the book still needs to be poited to by a quest. Player is the only unique instance of not needing to be held by a reference alias for text replacement. Also if a book that is held by an alias is changing containers, eg: In the game world, gets added to inventory or any other container, then data for the book will no longer update and the will end up just blank pages. Simple fix I found to work around this is add a script to the alias that holds the book and catch the container change event and force the book back into it's reference alias. Sounds dodgy but works awesome, specially if the text in the book needs to be updated as you add text and the book may change containers to the game world, back to another container...etc. I've worked out a few other tricks as well to have dynamic text display in a book as your game progresses, even though it's quite easy to do it is tedious to set up. For example in a book that is a player diary you might want to add notes on various things or people they met, where they went, items they aquired, etc as their game progresses.
  8. Hi, I'm not that great with spells and whatnot. But here's a way I tested it and it works ok in the brief i tried of it. What i did was: Created an empty Game Start Enabled quest. Attached this script to the new empty quest. Scriptname TwoTargetQS extends Quest Float Property fTimeOut = 5.0 Auto {TimeOut after the first target hit if no second target hit. Default 5 seconds} Activator Property SummonTargetFXActivator Auto {Not needed, using this for an example action of the two targets} Spell Property TwoTargetSpell Auto {Not needed, just using this to add the spell to the player} Actor T1 Event OnInit() Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(TwoTargetSpell) EndEvent Function CheckTarget(Actor akTarget) If !T1 T1 = akTarget RegisterForSingleUpdate(fTimeOut) Else If T1 != akTarget ;Do some action with the two targets (example swaps the 2 targets postion while using a fx) ObjectReference FXRef1 = T1.PlaceAtMe(SummonTargetFXActivator) ObjectReference FXRef2 = akTarget.PlaceAtMe(SummonTargetFXActivator) T1.MoveTo(FXRef2) akTarget.MoveTo(FXRef1) T1 = None EndIf EndIf EndFunction Event OnUpdate() If T1 T1 = None EndIf EndEventThen I duplicated InfluenceConfUpFFAimed magic effect and I removed the attached script and added my own script. I Pointed the TwoTargetQS Property to my quest I created beforehand. Scriptname TwoTargetMES extends ActiveMagicEffect TwoTargetQS Property TTQS Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) If akTarget TTQS.CheckTarget(akTarget) EndIf EndEventI also edited the effect and set it to Effect Archetype: Script And also removed the conditions. Then I created a new Spell and Added my new magic effect to the spell with 0 duration. Then I set 2 of the 3 properties on the quest script I created earlier using AutoFill (SummonTargetFXActivator property and TwoTargetSpell property). Here's my test sample esp and scripts of it if you want to give it a try and dissect it to create your own version of what your after. There are probably better ways to do what your after, but this was just one approach going by what you said you wanted to do. Basically you cast the spell at the first target and cast the spell at a second target and they will swap postions with each other. You have a 5 second timout if you don't target the second actor before 5 seconds. The spell will be auto added to you when you first load the esp (Two Targets is the spell name and it's listed as an Illusion spell).
  9. You've done better then I have with your animated nif in blender. Hell I gave up trying to animated nifs as it just seemed to much hoo haa to do...lol I work with blender 2.49b as well and any nif models I've created have just been static non animated, eg: walls, furniture, stairs, collision shapes, etc. All from scratch, but I usually find a similar model just so I can interpret what the settings would be for trishapedata, bslightingshader and bhk collisions mainly. But always use new sections and add the settings and strings maually. I really don't have much insight into the UV 4097, just what I read that skyrim uses for the field. For normals I could have worded it a lot better. Normals are what way the Vertex and surfaces are facing. In blender you can enable show normals when your creating your model, vertex and face normals (2 settings you can toggle). It helps so you can see which way faces are pointing before exporting. Otherwise you can enable the normals in NifSkope and you can face and flip normals there. But your better off facing them in Blender before export imho. Vertex colors in skyrim, I'm not definite, but it's how skyrim lights the object. So for example you have a texture on your face of the model, by setting the vertex color the texture will have shading from the vetexes shading the texture. Examples of this can be seen in the vanilla models eg: When looking at a dorway when there is no door and the cutout is darkened off.
  10. Only crude way I can suggest would be use OnItemAdded() event on your shop container script and when items are being added check the akItemReference parameter for a reference. If akItemReference is any value other then None then you can consider the added item to be persistent.
  11. I won't pretend I know much about nif models and I know even less about animations. Just mere observations and I'm probably off track. None of your TriShapeData is flagged as Has Normals. If your using a texture on the faces of the model then each should be flagged as Has Normals and the normals should be facing the way you want the texture displayed. Which also I notice that all of your TriShapeData sections have the Num UV Sets as 0, when usually I see them set as 4097 in most nif models I look at or create. (Num UV Sets 4097 when using NifSkope 1.1.3 or 1 when using NifSkope 2.0 + versions ) Obviously the models should be UV Unwrapped before exporting from the 3D program (eg; Blender). Another thing with using a texture then maybe set the Has Vertex Colors to yes in each of the TriShapeData. Also Z read and write needs to be set in the Shader Flags (that's why it shows when it's behind behind objects atm ect). Here's your file back with the mild chnges to the NiTriShapeData sections (Vertex Colors, Normals and UV flags) and BSLightingShader Z Flags set. I'm able to see the object anywhere in the render window when it's in view be it in the air or on the ground, but not when it's behind another object. http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=83585468435650024908
  12. To see what npc's (and other things eg: Lists, Talking Activators etc) use a voice type in CK... Object Window -> Character -> Voice Type -> Select the Voice type, right click -> Use Info In the window that opens there will be a list of things that use the voice type. Double click anything in the list and it will open up the edit window for that item.
  13. The script I posted above is trimmed and corrects the getting stuck in a loop issue.
  14. Another thing you could try is give the Mannequin a Hover AI package with a hover height anywhere from 2.0 ~ 4.0, this way they cant walk. Also set the location radius anywhere from 16.0 ~ 32.0. Setting the radius to 0 sometimes makes it so the npc will always move trying to get 0 radius and never achieve 0 radius so each cell load they move. May not help, but worth a try..
  15. I can't see any reason why your calling Self.Activate(Game.GetPlayer()) if the player doesn't want to add ingots. Since the container is already been activated, it shouldn't be needed. The container inventory would show reqardless without calling activate again. It looks like it has the potential to get stuck in a loop. User activates container and they have ingots in their inventory.. Script asks do you want to add your ingots? User say no (script activates again).. Script asks do you want to add your ingots? User say no (script activates again).. Script asks do you want to add your ingots? User say no (script activates again).. Script asks do you want to add your ingots? User say no (script activates again).. Script asks do you want to add your ingots? User say no (script activates again).. etc.. Right up until the user finally says yes and the ingots get added to the container and they no longer have ingots in their inventory.... Then they can escape the loop... Here's your script from above. I have compiled it an tested it and it works fine for me: Scriptname wmIngotTestSCRIPT extends ObjectReference {11 Ingots Sorter} Message Property wmMHHSorterIngotsMSG Auto FormList Property wmMHHSorterIngotsFLST Auto Actor Player Event OnInit() Player = Game.GetPlayer() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Player Int iCnt = Player.GetItemCount(wmMHHSorterIngotsFLST) If iCnt > 0 && wmMHHSorterIngotsMSG.Show() == 0 Player.RemoveItem(wmMHHSorterIngotsFLST, iCnt, True, Self) EndIf Endif EndEventHere's my test esp with the compiled and uncompiled script. Chest in Whiterun Bannered Mare Inn behind counter:
  16. Have you tried SetMotionType(4) on the weapon then use TarnslateTo to move it? http://www.creationkit.com/SetMotionType_-_ObjectReference I've had no problems moving weapons with TranslateTo Obviously won't work on a weapon that is held in hand by PC / NPC Which you could call dropobject() before hand if needed to do things that way.
  17. If the bookcase is a player bookshelf, eg: player activates it and places books on the shelf, then forget about what your trying to do. The average bookcase is made up of that many parts that it would be way more effort then what it's worth. eg: Move every book marker, every collision box, every trigger box, every shelf activator and every book via script is a nightmare (have done it and it's nothing but bloated scripting).
  18. The old array will still exist in the instance your explaining. In most cases your better off repuposing the old array in the instance your doing. Since your doing this in an MCM script and it requires SKSE, then maybe consider using a short call to SKSE. ResizeIntArray() or use CreateIntArray() functions to null the size of the array. eg: oldArray = Utlity.CreateIntArray(0) or oldArray = Utlity.ResizeIntArray(oldArray, 0) Best advice would be don't change global variable names (if it's in the instance your explaining about) if this is for a mod that will be updated mid way through a playthrough of a game without dropping the mod out of your load order. Think your script naming conventions out before hand and stick with it would be a better solution.
  19. Conflicting key with skyrims auto run key maybe (Auto run default C key)? Doesn't sound like it, but maybe windows sticky keys active maybe? (Control Panel -> Ease Of Access -> Sticky keys -> Options -> Turn on sticky keys when 2 keys are pressed at once) Just stabbing in the dark, for me it was windows sticky keys interfering my character would keep moving after letting go of the keys. Only happened once on one pc i had.
  20. Rule of thumb (for me anyway)... Iif the object is spawned in game on the fly during runtime (be it NPC or any other object) and you have finished with the object then disable and delete it. If the object is placed in the game world via CK or outside of the games runtime (permanent reference), then only disable it when you have finished with it. Since you can dynamically spawn objects such as Trigger boxes, Collission boxes (nif models with phantom collision layers), the same rule as above applies. If spawned in game at runtime and they are no longer needed and no longer held by a property, then disable and delete them. If they are added from outside the game via CK or outside the games runtime, then only disable them. Some of this also depends on the flags you set when in CK when adding object references to the game world also as to what properties and aliases may be holding the object reference.
  21. If your using the later versions of Nifsckope and NifUtilsSuite, then I don't think that Chunkmerge MOPP Collision Crash Fixer would needed to be used at all. That's only going by the post dates and reading posts over at niftools forum and the actual release date/update date of Chunkmerge MOPP Collision Crash Fixer is older then the last versions of NifUtilsSuite and Nifskope. I haven't actually done a byte read of the mopp data from old to new, so I'm only going by what i was reading mainly.
  22. Permanent Skill Plants Quantities And Locations Side Note: All permanent skill boost plants are accessable before joining a faction (aka before Chapter 3). Basically you can aquire every permanent plant apart from 2 Soul Lichen (that are in Margoloth's cave) without any weapons or armor and killing no one. Dodge, Coastline Water, Parrot Flight and Monkey Trainer get you nearly everything without weapons, armor or killing :smile: Feel free to add plants I may have missed (Bloodcap maybe?) Bloodcap (Spirit) 8x Locations Hero's Crown (Toughness) 10x Locations Hunters Root (Ranged): 10x Locations Shadow Fire (Cunning): 11x Locations Soul Lichen (Magic): 10x Locations Swordthorn (Melee): 10x Locations Thief's Herb (Dexterity): 10x Locations Tree Strangler (Influence): 10x Locations Permanent Skill Boost Potions Without Crafting (no faction required): Essence of Persuasion (Influence +5) - Calador directly southeast of the Citadel, on the western side of the lava flow. It is guarded by a lava golem. Soul Potion (Magic +5) - Fog Island after completing the quest to find out the story behind the Soul Eaters (Choose teach me your magic dialogue option). Tincture of Toughness (Toughness +5) - Tarnis after completing the side quest for Nergal (mage Alchamist to find 5x Tarnis Herbs). Temporary Potion Recipe Locations: Recipe for a Potion of Awe (Intimidate) Recipe for a Potion of Blades (Piercing Weapons, Slashing Weapons, Swords) Recipe for a Defence Potion (Bladeproof, Bulletproof, Resist Magic) Recipe for a Potion of Magic (Crystal Magic, Rune Magic, Voodoo Magic) Recipe for a Marksman's Potion (Muskets, Shotguns) Recipe for a Potion of Persuasion (Silver Tongue) Recipe for a Ritual Potion (Alchemy) Recipe for a Potion of the Thief (Lock Picking, Pickpocketing, Critical Hit) Recipe for a Potion of Will (Alchemy, Astral Vision) Bone Saw (no faction required): Another rare thing to aquire with little effort is the Bone Saw as it'll save you spending 1500 gold to be trained to take Claws and Horns from dead creatures. I've only found them in 3 places so far. 1. Calador - Given by Conor the Demon Hunter when giving him quartz, I think it comes in one of the reward packages he gives you. (Requires you to be in the Demon Hunter Faction. I'm unsure if other factions offer it as a reward as I've only played the Demon Hunter faction so far.) 2. Kila - Up on the little u shaped ledge in Chani's hut (Chapter 3 area, cheat to there anytime before hand). 3. Fog Island - up in the ruins, it's just sitting there waiting to be picked up anytime. You can guess the one I'll go for huh? Option 3 (since I start the game getting Freddies Shackle's and I'm already at Fog Island) :smile: Fog Island Bone Saw Location: As you heading into the ruins on your right there is a Spider Cave, just after the spider cave there is a jutting out bit of ruins with a small walkway. On the walkway there is a dilapidated shelf with the bone saw and some other goodies. Easiest way up there is Parrot Flight. (Can also be gotten to on foot with a hop skip and jump when approached from the correct angle, or use a monkey to do the same) Kila Bone Saw Location: Head to Chani's hut using Parrot Flight and land on the little u shaped ledge in her roof Filthy Immersion Breaking Bug which affects the Enhanced Edition x64 of the game (Still unfixed over a year plus later): Muskets and Shotguns will crash the game when fired directly at certain types of water (eg: Missed the target in the water and you directly shoot the water). So when around waterfalls, springs, canals, streams, ponds and rivers always avoid targeting creatures by directly firing at water. When in water always fire at creatures above the water line and away from the water. Best advice save regularly when battling near water with Muskets and Shotguns.
  23. Recomend not spending another cent on the laptop you've got if your intention is to play Skyrim or other 3D games with graphics mods. In all honesty the laptop you have will not run the game the way your describing you want, regardless of harddrive and memory you have or add. Instead consider selling that laptop and purchase something with a low/mid end dedicated graphics chip. (low/mid end obviously due to cost would be an issue if your after Mid to high end graphics chips, gaming laptop) I recently went down the same path. The cheapest and best low end graphics I could find with an i7 4510U CPU / HD 4400 graphics and an Nvidia GT840M graphics with a dedicated 2GB of video memory for $600 (Australian dollars). The Nvidia video chip is weak, but still lets me use 1024x1024 Textures, at 1366x768 High and Medium settings (customise eg: Good view distance High detail textures, but knock back shadows, med decals, 4 xAA etc). I sit between 45 ~ 60 fps constantly indoors, outdoors and in combat (capped at 60 FPS intentionally). If I swap over to the HD 4400 graphics leaving game settings the same, then the game is almost unplayable anytime any action happens on screen. I struggle to get 40FPS and it dips below 10FPS regularly averages around 18 ~ 24FPS most the rest of the time. For $600 AU it's the best laptop I've owned in the past 8 years (apart from the crappy Win 8.1 it came with...pooo). Prior I've had 5 different Dell laptops and was happy with them all.. But really they don't offer much in dedicated low/mid end graphics for a cheap price. Also all of my dell laptops have run damn hot while gaming (I live in a tropical climate which doesn't help). Throttling if I persisted playing.. This cheap ass laptop I currently purchased runs cool and never breaks a sweat or thottles after hours of playing. And I do mean hours eg: 23 hours straight I did playing Risen 3 just the other day. I often do 9 ~ 10 gaming seasons in Skyrim as well. Not once has the cheapo laptop throttled and I can actually sit it on my lap without it becoming hot and unbearable.. Something I was never able to do with any of my Dells with dedicated low end video chips. Also 8GB of memory in Win 8 ~ Win 10 is not pleasurable at all. You'll often find playing games that chew 1.6GB of memory while playing and the OS will whine that it needs to close apps to keep stability.. Even when you have 5GB of free available memory displaying in Task Manager and you have no other apps open... Screwing with OS settings can null this rubbish, but as I said 8GB is just not so plug and play friendly tbh in Win 8 ~ Win 10. Mainly due to it's OS cache crap, which is spose to speed things up, but usually causes user frustration instead due to the OS reserving more free memory then it needs and not allocating the memory to the app that actually needs more.
  24. Beyond the gate (Kila): At the far right hand side of the gate wall (just near heros crown plant) just between the cave and the wall. Point yourself into the corner and turn to your left slightly (roughly 45 degrees, you'll be facing the wall and a low rock with a small palm frong plantI it's about the corner of the rock and jump around a little (Diagonal strafe jumping usually clips you through quickest). It'll look like it's going nowhere, then you'll see your in the wall and through it (it's almost like a an invisible slit you jump through). Head Mage Skull Cave (Taranis): 1. Topmost Norththeast corner of the map there is a crevice that runs from the water in under the Skull Cave. 2. Using a Parrot Flight you can approach the the crevice from the east side of the island. Approach getting the highest line you can without using the Parrot lift key. (You will need all the whole lift bar when you enter the the crevice to reach the ledge at the end). 3. Once you've entered the crevice as high as you can, hit the parrot lift key and fly all the way to the end of the crevice. You will land on a small ledge in the very end of the crevice. Turn around and face the way you came and look up to your right and you'll see a small foot brigde. 4. Use another parrot flight and use the lift key and head straight up to the side of the foot bridge (the side closest to the crevice entrance). You will only just make it, just aim straight there flat out lift key the whole way. You will now be inside the Skull Cave where you can access the other half of the Kraken Sword, wander out of the cave and grab the Shadow Fire plant and head up to the mage quarters and grab the Sun Crystal and loot to your hearts content.
  25. East Side of the Lava (Calador) Continued : 3. After hitting the north peak follow it east towards the big mountain peak (that is partially glowing orange of a night). 4. When near the big mountain peak, head south following a south bound jagged ridge below that meets a big rock. The mountain rock has no collision and you will pass straight through it and the south bound jagged edge disappears. 5. As you pass through the rocks heading south you will see an orange dot on the ground below to your right and the a trickling lava mountain peak will be on your left. 6. Head in the direction the orange glowing dot on the ground you will start to see the lava canal on your right, follow along it. From here you can now start seeing the ruined buildings and the light house in the far distance etc. Keep in mind you are miles up in the air so it takes a while to glide down towards the land or buildings. Myself I land in the ruins where the the other half of the Calador sword is, as there's a parrot flight to pick up as well (which will help get to the next spot on the map). (Top tier of the tower has some goodies and a parrot flight, next tier underneath has some more goodies, next tier underneath is the other part of the Calador Sword and another parrot flight). If you have the Monkey Trainer skill, drop a monkey while here and use him to run around the map and get the Crankshaft, various permanent skill plants, the Sphere Torn blade and any other loot without being hindered by hostiles. Where you land and what you do is your choice :smile: Continue to next post for the next access to Kila beyond the gate....
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