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About Wildangel7

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  1. i added final fantasy music to my game and suddenly wondered: is it possible to add a victory screen to the game? like.. you finish off all attacking enemies, then a script calls a victory screen showing you the exp (with that one exp mod where you can use exp you got on ex. 1 handed skill), the money you got and items you can choose to take (adding them to the screen from the loot-corpses) it would 1. make it better for the FF game players, also it would be faster to loot things around you if it was 1 screen instead of 1 for each corpse also would show that you killed the enemies around you, gives sort of a victorious feeling xD is that possible somehow?
  2. i fixed already as i said in the previous comment, SFO was missing, which it didnt say in the requirements but in the comments somewhere
  3. FOUND IT!! i had no flora overhaul "purple pasta tubes" xD haha http://i.imgur.com/ytQuJCx.png aaand yes its directly from monster hunter ;)
  4. does anyone know which mod adds those trees? i tried to install 'better tree texture mods' and it didnt fix the problem theeen i thought it might be from the festive christmas mod, i uninstalled it and the trees are still there its probably just 1 type of tree (looks like a pine to me) since i see other trees having actual texture sooo does anyone have a clue which mod the trees are from? http://i.imgur.com/M6lZDxh.jpg
  5. sooo hii again i enjoy making 3D models, BUT i cant do the rest so if one would enjoy fixing models and giving it an UV map and texturing it then i could just concentrate on creating weird forms as weapons lolol http://i.imgur.com/0o61XLm.jpg would be a big 2 hand axe (shhhh never said im gooood at it lol just enjoying it)
  6. that one looks better than the one i got o.o will try it out :D i dont care about performance issues xD i probably got the best pc possible for a while now, i use all graphic mods possible and i never ever seen the slightest lag on any game i played but i hope it works with the weather mods i use? and fog mods? ill check this out :D thanks xD
  7. sorry to be posting so much in a few days, i try to get my game to perfection so i want it to be as winterly as possible, its awesome and perfect BUT is there an ENB which makes it prettier? but it has to be one which doesnt reduce the fog last time i tried to get an ENB, i had no fog anymore and the game got weird and i had to reinstall it
  8. so i got my game nearly to perfection snow everywhere, awesome armors and weapons BUT! i think one of the mods i installed, added grass everywhere o.O (showing on screenshot) does anyone know which mod it could be? or if it would be possible to remove the grass somehow? also still havent managed to make it snow permanently, but its foggy at least
  9. ohhh xD that was an unexpectedly quick reply :D thanks
  10. so i tried to add as many mods which add snowy elements snow on ground (climates of tamriel), pretty snow textures, more weather, more snowfall, christmas-lights in towns, more fog, morning fog quite a few mods like that but what happened? 3 in game days and there is no snowfall at all!!! and the ground is barely snowy and i see no fog >_> i think i did something very terribly wrong can you help me fix it? or if needed i could reinstall the game and start over with mods someone tells me to get it has to be as christmassy as possible! been trying that a few months ago already and it had a much better effect, but since the game crashed every 5 mins i had to reinstall and now i cant get the snow right anymore~ also wouldnt mind good non-skimpy armor mods which fit to a cute snow elf with blue hair
  11. kinda on every zelda they come from behind the camera, so its not possible to see them spawn but on hyrule warriors its like this http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2014/09/17/this-is-what-happens-when-you-attack-a-cucco-in-hyrule-warriors.aspx so yes kinda magically xD but it was funny how people on youtube attacked chickens on zelda ocarina of time ^_^
  12. you know how in zelda games when you attack chickens, suddenly 1000 angry chickens start attacking you? xD i think there should be a mod like that haha hope someone can make it
  13. the jill thingies are in a BSA, thought i can only get them out with the CK
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