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About donker316

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  1. I'm not using SkyRe and Requiem together lol! Not that noobish at modding. Yeah I think it has to be VRAM overload. Just curious why it gets worse in the later levels. I use boss and a batched patch. I even read most mods and fix my load order to there said postions. I don't use to many texture mods just SiMM and Official texture pack. I do use unreal ENB which i was thinking could maybe be the reason im Crippling my hardware. Well thank you for your reponse. Think i lower some specs in the display option menu like distances etc... and see if that helps.
  2. I have used SkyRe , Reqiuem, and a few other mods to help improve gameplay. No matter what overhaul I use i start getting CTD after lvl 12-15 every 15-30 min. Happens a lot when im outside. I tried cutting down some of my heavly scripted mods like Frostfall, Hunterborn, CoT extra. Still after lvl 12ish or 300 + saves i crash constantley. Any advice would be great. I have a Lenovo 510 Nvidia 750m 2g intel i7 2.4ghz 8 gb Ram 1 TB harddrive
  3. I was wondering if anyone can make this dwarf skeleton compatible with dual Sheath Redux? If not maybe someone could use one of the already compatible skeletons and make it look like this one. Anyone want to help/try? Thank you Dwarf Race (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19253//?) I want to make a Dwarf Paladin but it just won't feel right without the shield on Back like my Blood Elf Paladin. Thank you again
  4. Thank you for the info Halendia. I will make a questline for a key once everything is working properly. I am still in the concept/Alpha development stage. I have the Heightmap for DEADWIND PASS made just gotta shape the mountains and make it feel a little more believable. The fun parts will be trying to see what I can do with Boss Fights to make them fun. Everyone or a lot of people make a quest or mod and never put a lot of focus on the NPC/Bosses you will fight. I hope to make some bosses that will be a challenge and fun to fight but time will tell.
  5. If your talking about Landscape editor then use Soften Verticals. That should fix any cell seams you get while using the heightmap editor. If it's Navmesh your talking about I have know idea sorry.
  6. Yeah I here you on that. I will take that a run with it :) It is still in early development so changes are better made now then 2-3 months done the road. I did realize that Karazhan in WoW was very unbalanced as far as exterior / interior size. I will see how big I can make the building without running into Texture Glitches from over scaling. As far as the ground I will add some changes it won't be flat in the final version, I just haven't gone over the whole area with the Landscape editor yet. I still need to add the path leading to Karazhan, plus all encounters along the way. Slowly but surely I will crank this out. I haven't Made LOD's before so maybe you can explain how I can do that...? I watched a video from the Author of Falskar and it seemed a little complicated. Something about using Oscape and extracting Meshes and Textures using the FOMM. Complicated but do-able, but if you know an easier way I would love to know how. Thanks again for your input and you seem like a good modder to bad your not doing this, it would prob be a lot better lol!
  7. Thank you for the script! That will be very handy. Yeah I am good at making Navmesh, well I was been awhile since I last did some lol. I made the Entire Landmass of DeadWind Pass, but Not sure if I should finish the whole Land first or focus on Karazhan and make DeadWind Merely a background illusion. What do you think should I make the whole zone including Ogre Camp (The VICE) and DeadMan's Crossing? Like I said earlier I suck at exterior work lol! I noticed last night watching some Kara videos on youtube that I didn't add the right slope coming down into Karazhan, so today if I can I will try and fix that. Here is what I got done last night (First real day of modding)http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/2023028-1370170845.jpg
  8. I made the Height map for DeadWind Pass today. I even got the River through it to look pretty good. No LOD yet but I gotta finish Cluttering the Land First. Just gunna use Mountains and Road Blocks to Block the entrance to the rest of Azeroth. The Exterior of Karazhan is Already in place just got to add the Ground textures and trees, the destroyed and burn down house are already there to. I might even add the Tombs behind the Building :) So far so good I must say. I did use Someone else Building design for Karazhan but I already sent a permission / Notice that I wanted to use it. They are Vanilla Building but it's always nice to let them know. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/2023028-1370158297.jpg
  9. Thanks I actually already have the Exterior done Kinda. its in its own interior test space, but gotta see if I can get it into the Soul Cairn were it won't make problems for Vanilla Dawnguard. The scripting will be one of the hardest bits for me I think. My lack of experience will be the factor there. The community is very helpful though and if I get the exterior and interiors looking playble i'm sure I can get a script wizard to join me later on. When people see your serious about completing a project they are more willing to help because your not wasting their time. I say this project will take anywhere from 3-6 months just to enter alpha/Beta stage, if not a little longer then that. It's all a matter of how much I can get working, looking good, and outside modder help. If it's a success I will move on to another Raid.
  10. OK so i have looked into it and have Decided to make Karazhan. I will be making it just like the WoW version except changing the Boss and creature names to make it a lore-Friendly version. I won't be able to get much done until I get my new laptop, so I be learning more about Dungeon building and Scripting in the mean time. Should have my new laptop in 2-3 weeks depending on how much over time at work I can get :smile: I watched a few videos of basic scripting seems straight forward enough, but gotta learn how to use the script extender as well prob. So here are my ideas for the Dungeon as of now. 1. Make the exterior and find a suitable location in Skyrim or Maybe even the Soul Cairn :smile: Seems like a Lore-Friendly Spot for a Raid. 2. Look for modders resources to Build the Guest Rooms and Ballroom Area and add a clothed version of a Draugr for Moroes (name will be changed for release) 3. Try and script the Opera scene to randomly give Big Bad Wolf, Romulo & Julianne, Wizard of Oz 4. Script the Chess match scene, and find suitable boss models for all bosses (From SkymoMod, Skyrim immersive creatures, etc....if I get permission of course) 5. Get modder and player input on how to make each boss extremely difficult and fun at the same time. UFO will most likely be needed for these boss fight. 6. Add an option to change from regular to Heroic difficulty by press and stone outside Karazhan or maybe a SkyUI MCM option if Stone option is not possible. 7. Make each Fight unique and with similar attacks from the WoW raid, with unique and useful epic Loot that trumps Daedric/Dragon but not game breakingly overpowered.
  11. Thank you for the Boss and enemy list. I asked the Author of WoW Armors if I could use his Karazhan Exterior building just waiting on a reply. Gunna just go over some layouts and see what can and can't be done before I start. 1. Layout 2. Interiors 3. Lighting - Nevmesh 4. Boss - skyrim creature matching 5. First Boss encounter (Attumen & Midnight) 6. Go from there So that wil be my gameplan to start this mod. With work it might take me a while, Plus I wanna get permission to use custom Armor from other authors...not just recycled vanilla gear. We will see what happens :)
  12. Yeah I loved Kara too. I think someone on here has made a Karazhan exterior already. I'll Contact the Author and see If i could use his building. Would save me a lot of time on exterior and because I also suck at them. I think the raid bosses could be done as well, but i'll have to take a look at SkymoMod and Immersive Creatures and see if I could use a model out of there for bosses(With permission of course:) If I do start this Raid it will take me a while because I want to script the boss fights so we will see what happens. I am getting my new laptop after my next paycheck so I can work on the mod while i'm away for work.
  13. Wouldn't some WoW or MMORPG style dungeons and Epic Loot be fun? I have been thinking about making one, but just can't decide which one to do. Some ideas for great Dungeons (Skyrim Lore-Friendly) 1. Scarlet Monastery - aka Vigilant of Stendar Monastery 2. Deadmines 3. Kara 4. Black Temple 5. Grulls Lair - Great one because it's not very big 6. Sunwell/ Tempest Keep 7. Nax 8. ? If anyone is interested in any of these let me know, and I'll start an attempt to recreate them in a Skyrim lore-Friendly way. I would or Could use some assistance in creating Exterior Buildings because that is my weak spot in modding. If anyone else wishes to make one of these or another dungeon from WoW I would love to see it.
  14. I was thinking wouldn't it be great to have a total conversion of Dark Souls on the Skyrim Engine? I think it would be possible to add the estus flasks and souls to the game. Use the souls collected to buy skill points kinda like Sky XP (If you played that mod you would know what i mean) The hardest part would be building the environment/Landscape. Some of the Armors have already been made plus you could use the Credo Armors as i believe they are open resourses now(Don't quote me on that). Well just something i would love to see. Having mobs respawn when u die or rest at a bonfire would be great too.
  15. I havent tried Duel yet maybe that would be a good alternative to skyre-combat. Well anyway Skyrim Floral Overhaul has a summer edition that would brighten up your gloomy days. Or you could get CoT and use the winter edition if you want a cold snowy overhaul. Snow in whiterun, riften, solitude. Death id highly over rated is a good mod if you want that dark souls feel again, if you die you lose all your stuff and have to retive it from your dead body and if you die again your stuff is gone(Except quest items :)) Immersives creatures is a great mod to use if you want new creatures not as far fetched as Skyrim monster mod, and also has a lore-friendly add-on as well. Well there you go just some thoughts for ya.
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